Relying on Ancient Gear Golem to hold the entangled scarecrow a bit, Lin Ze left with Tempest, and hurried forward.

Lan Bai has already been fighting the mobile castle. Although Lin Ze is quite confident in her strength, if you have the opportunity to help, you can’t miss it.

pā pā.

Between the wings, the vision in front of Lin Ze quickly retreated. Soon, the huge silhouette of the moving castle appeared clearly in front of it. It was shaking violently under the strikes of a blue light beam, and shattering over ten scraps of iron on his body. But its overall speed is not at all slowed down.

It can be seen that the defense points of this mobile castle are very strong, and even with the destructive power of Lan Bai, it cannot be easily destroyed.

After the moving castle gradually stabilized in the shaking, I don’t know if it was an illusion. Lin Ze felt that the other person’s gaze stayed on him for a moment.

This feeling is very delicate. After all, it is really difficult to tell whether the mobile castle has eyes, or whether its eyes depend on which piece of scrap iron or electrical appliances?

It is impossible to make such a judgment, but one thing that can be confirmed is that the mobile castle does not seem to intend to escape, and its actions just now may not be just escape.

Lin Ze still has time to speculate on its intentions, but Lan Bai didn’t mean to give the other party a little bit of breathing. At this moment, her body was floating off the ground against a blue-white rays of light against several stars, and Point one palm at the moving castle in front.

In terms of body shape, Lan Bai is like a blue cat standing in front of an elephant in front of a moving castle, but in terms of momentum, Lan Bai has completely suppressed each other.

Blue-white rays of light surged in the center of her palm. Those rays of light quickly gathered into a blue light shot with a diameter of more than five meters. The light shot was released suddenly. The speed of the start was not outstanding, but After one second, it was like a motor vehicle with the accelerator pedal to the bottom, and growled and rushed out.

There are many advantages to being large, but there are also many disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that it is easy to be beaten.

The target is too large. With Lan Bai’s attack method, that is the ending.

But at this moment, the moving castle suddenly sank. The original height of 10 meters was reduced by at least about three meters, and different types of scrap iron and electrical appliances flew out to form a huge iron hand. This iron Hold your hand forward, and actually plan to squeeze the Lan Bai light shot!


Lan Bai light shot burst suddenly, scraps of scrap iron spattered around, that huge iron hand collapsed without any resistance.

The moving castle is sinking again, and various iron blocks appear again. It seems that it is intended to repeat the trick.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Before waiting for the moving castle to make a complete action, Lan Bai’s slightly separated five fingers were in front of him. Hundreds of tiny blue light shots formed a huge barrage like a bullet rain, covering the moving castle.

After a blast of bombardment, the huge body of the mobile castle showed a heavily damaged appearance, with numerous and small bullet holes.

However, the mobile castle still hasn’t fallen down, and it looks quite strong. Lin Ze bet this product is in the rank of B-Rank Super Source Beast. The limit points of light theory are definitely the most Peak type.

As for the destructive power, we can’t see much depth for the time being. After all, the mobile castle is being beaten by Lan Bai from beginning to end, which is similar to the meaning of the invincible scarecrow.

But the invincible Scarecrow is really extreme. With a special effect, it can be called a perfect sandbag, but it does not have the ability to fight directly.


Lin Ze was still thinking, but the little fellow suddenly issued a warning, and he signaled Lin Ze to look down.

According to his warning, Lin Ze looked down from moving towards and noticed something quickly.

Above the ruins below, several broken iron blocks are wriggling like fat worms, as if the internal structure has changed, which makes them so flexible.

“Those iron blocks …”

Lin Ze couldn’t figure out what kind of threat the broken iron blocks can bring, but this picture can’t be ignored. Those iron blocks are obviously still active and may become some kind of lethal factor.

With this in mind, Lin Ze immediately asked Tempest to launch a feather blade in an attempt to destroy the remaining iron blocks.

The Wind Element is brewing, wrapped in the cutting force of the wind, and the strengthened feather blade shoots out like flowers, and those slowly moving iron blocks are quickly covered.

The cutting force of the Storm Blade is not weak, but the remaining iron blocks do not seem to be affected much, but the speed of the creep is slightly weakened, and then it continues as usual.

“It doesn’t seem to be enough.”

Lin Ze is no surprise. At the current combat level, the formidable power of the normal Tempest is really a bit behind, and it needs to give some strong increases.

Magic Power operate, the brown card flips one after another, Lin Ze will activate Wildheart and Rocket Warrior, and then Special Equip Card United We Stand.

Wildheart and Rocket Warrior dropped directly from mid-air after they appeared, but after contributing the unit energy required by United We Stand, Lin Ze harvested them.

Lan Bai + little fellow + Tempest + Wildheart and Rocket Warrior, five units reached the upper limit of United We Stand.

To trigger such an effect, Lin Ze needs to pay the price of 1500 Magic Power, but this level of Magic Power is completely within the scope of him.

Incidentally, the Ancient Gear Golem giant failed to provide energy, not because it was too far away, as long as it was within the sensing range, United We Stand could successfully extract the required energy.

Failed to draw the power of Ancient Gear Golem, simply because Lin Ze had taken it back.

The queen’s mission was successfully completed, and Lin Ze’s focus has come to the main battlefield here.

At this moment, United We Stand provided enough power to Tempest. Scarlet-red lightning glow flashed around him. His attack points and defense points reached 6800.

At this time, Tempest released the gale again. The gale quickly swept away and covered up the strong iron blocks. The surface of the creeping iron blocks showed cutting marks all at once, and the offensive finally worked.

In fact, in terms of overall battle strength, this strength of Tempest is not as good as the Ancient Gear Golem after Source Body Release, but there is a benefit in that Tempest’s mobility is more in line with Lin Ze’s current needs.

As for combat missions, Lan Bai was absolutely reliable.

The best proof is that I do n’t know when it was bombarded with energy again. The overall figure has shrunk to less than 30 meters of mobile castle, and more iron blocks and electrical parts have been scattered on the ground.

What is strange is that these iron blocks and parts are just like before. Incarnation is a stubborn iron worm that grows in number.


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