“It doesn’t make sense. That system is regular unless the strength of the card can break the rules, but from our current situation, the possibility of breaking the rules is infinitely close to zero.”

Fang Zhibing shook the head. He just tried to release the ice ceremony outside the summon square, but it failed. This has already explained a lot of things.

Cards can only be a rule in the summon square. Cards can only be released in those squares. It is another rule, and even Fang Zhibing cannot escape the rules.

“Then what does it mean here, Fang Zhibing, etc. Did you find anything?”

Due to the shackles of the seat, Wang Chao could not fully see the scene behind him, but he could feel that the threat of death was very close to the back of his head.

The threat was not near, but as long as he had an omission, he would be killed here, and the feeling was like holding a sharp knife in his back of the head, making him somewhat thorny in his back.

However, to this day, Wang Chao is naturally a man who has seen big scenes. Although the current situation is severe, his mentality has always remained peaceful.

When it comes to things, it’s better to be calm than to be impatient.

“We’re afraid we will be forced into an interesting game.”

Fang Zhibing slightly smiled, but his eyes are gradually condensed, and his eyes are sharp.

“Try it.”

Wang Chao was also laughing heartily, Magic Power suddenly operated, a giant gray bear wearing heavy gray black armor appeared in the square array, and the position was alongside Rocket Warrior.

“Is this also a rule?”

Wang Chao’s eyes fell strangely on his activated head. This giant bear was originally at least five meters high, but now, his head is more than halved, and only about two meters are left.

Not only is it tall, the material is also shrunk a lot, and fits perfectly in the square.

These summon squares are about one meter wide.

“The good show is opening.”

Fang Zhibing did not answer Wang Chao’s question, but smiled, his eyes became deep.


The little fellow hidden in the Lin Ze Spirit Sea also reminded him that he was also aware of the current anomaly, and something was approaching from not far away.

Da da.

The sound of heavy footsteps sounded extraordinarily infiltrating in this dark and quiet environment, as if constantly stimulating the heart’s rhythm.


Lin Ze and Fang Zhibing’s eyes changed at the same time.

In the sight of everyone, outside the courtyard, an unusually bloated one-eyed monster stepped out at a slow pace. The direction he moved was unfortunately the first line of the square array where Rocket Warrior was.


The one-eyed monster made a weird and thrilling sound, and every time he stepped forward, he was accompanied by some lacquered black liquid, and those liquids originated from his body.

The black liquid spilled on the ground, and the one-eyed monster was less than two meters away from the square where Rocket Warrior was.

“That monster, Super Source Beast?”

The Super Source Rank Card Master holding the folding fan threw the folding fan in his hand, and his interest came to him. Somehow, the scene now gave him a very familiar feeling, similar to a certain game of his son’s clock.

After struggling to think about it for a while, the folding fan man still didn’t think of a reason, but fortunately gave up thinking.

At this time, the one-eyed monster was already in direct contact with Rocket Warrior. He stretched out his swollen arms and made a hug motion, ignoring Rocket Warrior’s slash and holding him.

A painful expression emerged from Rocket Warrior’s face, almost instantly crushed into the mud by the power generated by the one-eyed monster.


The shattering sound sounded, Rocket Warrior turned into a flying shard, completely disappeared on the grid, the one-eyed monster continued to move forward, and this one-eyed monster did not seem to be subject to the kind of restrictions imposed by all Rocket Warrior, only the speed of movement Becomes extremely slow.

According to the speed of the one-eyed monster, it takes about five seconds to complete a square. After completing a line of squares, it takes XNUMX seconds. This is a relatively long time. At least Lin Ze et al. Response time.

“That monster is not that strong.”

A middle-aged Card Master lightly snorted with stable temperament engraved on his face, Magic Power suddenly operated, and soon drew from Magic Power, summon a card on the road that must be passed by the one-eyed monster.

It was a strong man with bare tops and wild red hair.

The man’s arm shone with a striking fire red rays of light, and then a sudden punch hit the belly of the one-eyed monster approaching, and its belly immediately sunken. The black liquid was pervasive, like a bloated balloon with energy dropped. .

The moment the one-eyed monster dried up completely, the shattering sound sounded. At the same time the one-eyed monster was shattered on the spot, the black liquid that had overflowed the ground also disappeared thoroughly.

However, within a few seconds of the one-eyed monster shattering, several one-eyed monsters just like him appeared at the gate of the courtyard. These monsters were in different ranks, except that the fourth row had two one-eyed monsters at the same time.

“That’s it, is this going to allow us to intercept as many monsters as possible?”

The current situation is already a bit clear, although it is not yet possible to explore why it has evolved into the current situation, but the current priority is still not to allow these monster breakthroughs.

The threat of death was not just perceived by Wang Chao alone.

“Here, there does not seem to be an option for tribute. If you want to summon the monster that involves the tribute condition, you will have to pay several times the Magic Power.”

The Scar Man dull added.

“Really? Even so, in this case, you have to release a more reliable monster.”

The big long-faced Card Master laughed, and immediately operated Magic Power, while at the same time, the others also operated Magic Power and dragged Magic Power to the corresponding square.

Lin Ze’s speed is relatively fast. He directly took the Ancient Gear Golem summon to the first cell of the Five Elements while he was unoccupied.

After doing this, Lin Ze tried the Opera Special Spell Card, but the result was that it made him feel a little bad.

It is not impossible to activate the most severe situation, but it is not optimistic.

His summoned card is The Warrior Returning Alive, but the Magic Power value consumed is more than 10 points. This value may seem insignificant, but know that for this card, it is already about ten times the Magic Power consumption.

According to this situation, the consumption of all Special Spell Cards or Trap Cards will be greatly increased. In this way, Lin Ze is okay. The remaining six players will have their overall combat power reduced by at least 30%. !!

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