pu chi

The bodies of many one-eyed monsters have exploded in succession, and the black liquid has flowed out and disappeared quickly.

It can be clearly seen that the strength of these one-eyed monsters is quite limited, just the level of ordinary Super Source Beast. Precisely speaking, it is about the third or fourth gear Super Source Beast, but they all face Super Source. A good player at Level.

Although the cost of Special Spell Card and Trap Card has been unknown, as the Card Master, the strength of the Battle Card is often the most important. The Super Source Level present here is a very powerful Battle Card to rely on.

However, although the situation looks good, no one is blindly optimistic because of this. Anyone knows that these bloated one-eyed Super Source Beasts are at best only the first cannon fodder.

Judging from the mysterious degree of this place, there is bound to be an extremely powerful Divine Source beast oversee. Whether or not the Divine Source beasts can successfully block the offensive pace of this is a crucial issue.


The Ancient Gear Golem, who is at the forefront of the fifth row, easily blasted a one-eyed Super Source Beast with a punch, and the black liquid flew freely.

“Well, Lin Ze, with your this card, my existence seems redundant to the fifth sequence?”

The folding fan man shook the folding fan in his hand. One of the cards he summon is in the first row of the fifth row, which is the last position. According to common sense, those Super Source Beasts are difficult to break in front of them.

However, this card he summoned is a long-range specialization. He holds a black golden zeal in his hand, which is quite heavy and has a bold bow and arrow. He can shoot the arrow in his hand across several squares. Into the enemy’s within the body.

In fact, he chose to do so only as a test to see if a card with a remote take action section could work here, and the results were pleasing.

The offensive output of the long-range output card can not only penetrate the obstacles of several squares during the period, but also ignore the existence of the friendly card and hit the enemy really.

If the various rules that existed before were not good for them, then this rule is a good help.

Based on this rule, they will also be able to activate their own cards and do their best to complete the attack and defense battle.

“Senior is polite.”

Lin Ze is only laughed. The fan man’s words are indeed correct. Although his card has a long-range attack, the ballistic speed of the long-range attack is relatively slow in this square. To hit the opponent across the entire distance, it probably takes Five seconds.

In contrast, the Ancient Gear Golem, as a close combat, was able to activate the attack immediately. From punching to implementing to the enemy, the entire process took less than one second.

As a result, the card attack of the folding fan man often fails.

The one-eyed monster’s offensive is still continuing. Since the first batch of one-eyed monsters appeared, the second and third batches of one-eyed monsters have appeared at a faster pace.

However, because the strength of the one-eyed monster itself is limited, and the quantity is not too widespread, it is impossible to talk about the quantity becoming qualitative.

When the last one-eyed monster scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, the cards of the seven Lin Zes remained unbroken and maintained a good fighting state. The courtyard returned to peace, but the night became deeper and darker. The moonlight, at this time, was completely caught in the embrace of dark clouds.

“Something is wrong, guys, do you also feel it? The Super Source Beast that appeared just now does not seem to have substantial Super Source Aura, so killing them, we have not drawn any energy for this. ? “

Long face looked uncertainly at the people around him, and finally fixed his eyes on Fang Zhibing.

“You feel right. Although we as Super Source Level and Super Source Power owned by Super Source Beast have no gain for us, the feeling of energy extraction will not be lost because of this, but it will become extremely weak. But just now, that faint sense of energy drain is gone. “

Fang Zhibing nodded, endorsed the idea of ​​a long face.

“It’s true that those Super Source Beasts are like empty and powerful puppets, as if this is really just a game, and monsters are miscellaneous soldiers who can be created at will.”

Gloomy face, obviously annoying.

“Exactly, this is a game that we have to taste. Even if there are endless threats in the game, even if the process of the game is similar to chewing wax, even if we can’t get any benefit from it, but there is no way, I tried using Special Field Card To crack this Secret Realm, but my attempt failed to make a half splash here. “

Super Source Old Senior Wang Chao regrets shook the head.

“I think this game is quite good. At least not at all before, I have tried such a form of combat. Today, it is an eye-opener. Moreover, it is too early to say whether it can benefit from it.”

The folding fan man smiled peacefully, it seems that he has several points of joy.

“Since they can’t resist, they can only enjoy it. They are here.”

Fang Zhibing was also laughed, but at the end, his gaze suddenly flickered, and he dropped again at the gate of the courtyard.

Seeing his response, the rest also stopped discussing and martial law again.

Under the moonlight, reckless footsteps came, and there was a faint shout.

“Smash, smash!”

Footsteps approached and shouts became clearer. Lin Ze et al. Soon saw that an old man with dark blue skin appeared in his eyes, and an old man with a mustache appeared in the field of vision.

The old man’s body was extraordinarily strong. The developed biceps was full of balloon-sized feet. He held an iron-colored long sword in his hands and kept screaming in his mouth.

The strong old man appears in the third row, and as he moves from the gate to the square, more and more strong old men appear. These are obviously the same type of Source Card.

It is worth noting that this time, among about five or six strong old people, there is also a type of float in midair with a pot-shaped body, and the top of the body is a layer of raised rings. At least a dozen red one-eyed eyes were densely packed, and these one-eyed eyes circled and filled the raised ring.


The strong man walking in the third row expanded his arm muscles once more, and the iron-colored long sword waved in his hand was heavy, as if he could easily break all obstacles.


Falling in the first row of the third row, the “light-blade mantis” from the long-faced Card Master waved a shining silver laser, like a blade-like forelimb.

The forelegs collided with the long sword, and the long sword suddenly shattered, but the old man didn’t move backwards at all, but the side sword unloaded force, and then used the shattering long sword fiercely to add a sword. Only his forelegs parry.

Successive shocks overwhelmed the long sword, shattered on the spot.

The strong old man who had lost his powerful weapon was cut into several pieces by the light-bladed mantis with his tenacious laser forelimbs and turned into a flying shard.

“It gets trickier.”

Although the enemy was still successfully won, the long face of Card Master was slightly dull.

It is just a second type of enemy, but its battle strength is as different as heaven and earth from the previous one-eyed giant beast.


The long-faced Card Master’s eyes suddenly fell on the pot-shaped monster at the rear, and those monsters made him uneasy.

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