
O @ ~

Lin Ze punched off a bush with a foot high in front of him, and continued to walk up the hillside.

The situation at mountainside is obviously a little bit wrong. The large areas of vegetation here have suffered varying degrees of trauma, or burn marks, cut marks, or have been eroded by some force.

Lin Ze observed after a while and concluded that these abnormal phenomena are caused by different Elemental Forces. The burning is obviously the Fire Element and Fire Attribute, and the trace of the cut is Wind Element. This element Cutting him is no stranger, it’s Tempest’s specialty.

As for the elemental erosion, through some traces left and the perception of the little fellow, it can be determined that this is most likely caused by Dark Element.

“Is anyone fighting in this mountainside? Or is it inadvertently full of power?”

Lin Ze is thinking, if it is the latter, then the initiator of all this is undoubtedly quite strong, most likely the Divine Source beast above the fifth gear, that level of Divine Source beast will have extremely terrifying battle strength.

“kuooa ~”

The little fellow suddenly issued a warning, Lin Ze’s gaze turned immediately into a grass, and a slight noise came from the grass. Then, a black silhouette suddenly seemed to know that it was exposed, and suddenly flashed out.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh atyy at to at to atered me!)

The painful howling sounded, Lin Ze retracted his fist wrapped around the Super Source Power, looked towards the side, and kept twitching in silhouette. A little surprise appeared in his eyes.

It’s not because how strange the attacker is. On the contrary, it’s just an ordinary wild wolf. The lowest level of Source Beast, attack points will not exceed 2000.

But just such an ordinary Source Beast, it broke out at an amazing speed just now, and judging from the fierce momentum, I am afraid that even a monster with 2000 defense points will be instantly used by it. Shred.

“Become stronger for some reason.”

Lin Ze quickly thought of one thing. Instead of approaching the knife, he quietly observed the change of the wild wolf. The wild wolf that fell to the ground kept making painful wailing, and his eyes gradually became blood red. This is not the pain that Lin Ze caused.

咻 ~

Without any sign, a pillar of fire rises, a big black hole appears in the wolf’s abdomen, blood mixed with the internal organs, and the wailing stops. The wolf has lost all its sound.

“Sure enough.”

Lin Ze is not surprised by this ending. It seems that this mountainside has been eroded by some kind of force, causing Source Beast and vegetation here to have different degrees of mutation.

“little fellow, look at depth perception.”

Lin Ze immediately awakened 100% spirit. Now that he has been infected by some force, the source of all this may not have left here. He is likely to face a powerful Divine Source beast.

However, this is also in line with Lin Ze’s goal. He came here not for vacation travel, but for seizing all opportunities to climb a stronger peak.

“kuooa ~”

little fellow immediately closed his eyes and started depth perception, Lin Ze did not stop, and gradually climbed to the high side of mountainside.

After about a quarter of an hour, Lin Ze successfully climbed to the top of mountainside. From here, looking down, a large expanse of barren fields spread along the horizon, and the sun gradually burned the ground.

After turning the direction, what Lin Ze saw was a completely different scene. The red and yellow tulips crossed to fill the soil, and under the bright light, it bloomed vigorously and formed a pair. Extremely beautiful picture.

“It should be not far from here, and the unknown source is not here …”

Lin Ze frowned, just a little time ago, after a little perception of the little fellow, not at all found any suspected source of the infection, but just found a lot of Source Beasts that were infected.

These Source Beasts don’t need Lin Ze to solve at all. They will not last long, and they will die.

Unfortunately, Lin Ze does not know how long these Source Beasts persisted after being infected by the elements, otherwise they can infer the time when the source will leave.

Thinking of this, the little fellow suddenly made a scream of surprise and motioned to Lin Ze looked towards the front, which is the sea of ​​flowers made up of the tulip.

“That’s …”

Lin Ze pupil shrink, the scene that came into my eyes is really amazing. The forefront of the sea of ​​flowers suddenly looks like black pigment, hundreds of tulips in this brief moment turn into black, and then it looks like falling Snowflakes evaporating into the fire.

This is just the beginning, Lin Ze clearly sees that from the beginning of the sea of ​​flowers, the unknown Corrosion Strength begins to spread out at a very fast speed along the front.

“Let’s go.”

Lin Ze yelled suddenly without any hesitation. He just sat on Tempest’s back, his wings extended, and Tempest flew forward without hesitation.

The sea of ​​flowers is not special, it can avoid the erosion of unknown forces, but the erosion takes a certain time, and the time required will not be too long. This means one thing. Leave from the direction of the sea of ​​flowers, and did not leave for too long.

Tempest lifts off sharply, and after maintaining an absolutely safe altitude, the wings quiver quickly, breaking a white airstream in the air.

Gold and jade in glorious splendor In the palace, in the wide hall, there are several blackish-purple load-bearing columns arranged equidistantly. On the smooth ground, large singular vein patterns are engraved. These veins The patterns converge into a huge array.

“If you haven’t guessed wrong, the person at China Alliance should have noticed something. The person leading this time is said to be the Chief Investigator Li Guichuan. Even in all A-Rank, he is also the absolute top powerhouse.”

On a golden stone platform, a shorty shakes his legs leisurely and bites a black apple in his hand.

“So what.”

In the center of the array, a man in a purple suit crouches on the ground with his palms against the ground, as if sensing something.

“Also, since those people have given us such an interesting errand, don’t overturn this chessboard, but I’m sorry for this rare opportunity.”

The short man is also laughed. In words, it seems that not at all really cares too much about the existence of Li Guichuan, but from the look of his man looking towards the suit, he can see that he is not confident in his ability. .

“How much time do we have this time?”

A head looked towards shorty exposed on the side of the stone platform. This is a large, bulky head with a height of more than three meters against human, and a gray vest with an open chest revealing thick hair.

“It takes less than a day.”

shorty After serious thinking, come to a conclusion.

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