
At high altitudes, the sound of breaking air keeps sounding. Due to the high speed flight, a long trail of white air is being towed out.

Tempest’s speed has been maximized, and he is searching for the source of the infection that left a clear trail in the sea of ​​flowers.

Lin Ze stared closely at the ground below. After Super Source Level, his dynamic vision and visual acuity have changed amazingly, and he will not have side effects such as dazzle and dizziness due to the current high speed.

Tempest’s flight has lasted ten minutes. The sea of ​​flowers along the way has completely turned into a black, all of which have been infected by unknown elements and are stable dark elements.

Strangely, Lin Ze still can’t find any suspicious targets, which means that the other party is likely to move at super high speed, or the delay of flower infestation in the sea is longer than expected.

Lin Ze is patient. Whether he can catch the other person is not the point. The reason why he wants to track that mysterious target is obviously not because of pure curiosity, but more to confirm the identity and strength of the other person, and then decide. Whether to fight.

If you guessed right, the opponent is probably a big fish. If it is a Divine Source beast, it should not be lower than fifth gear.

Lin Ze’s current goal is to hunt these high-intensity Divine Source beasts in order to improve Divine Source. Each time the strength of Divine Source increases, the closer he gets to the goal of A-Rank, at the same time, Lan Bai’s strength will also increase.

It can be confirmed that if you want to improve Lan Bai ’s Source Rank, relying on source power is not feasible. As a Super Source Card, she can only be promoted through the improvement of Divine Source.

With Lan Bai’s strength, each time the Source Rank increases by Rank 1, the advanced by leaps and bounds of battle strength can be predicted.

So, once Lin Ze finds a good target while tracking, he will give up the pursuit of mysterious target.

Here is the Super-Risk Level Isolated Territory. It is naturally a good thing to have a more secure hunting target. Although high-risk and high-reward Lin Ze is a favorite, but blindly so, it is not far from the funeral.

嗖 ~

The sea of ​​flowers is constantly passing by Lin Ze’s field of vision. During this time, some Source Beasts infected by Dark Element can be seen in them. These Source Beasts are no exception, and they are very disturbed.

Super-Risk Level Isolated Territory has a large number of Divine Source beasts, and there are many powerful Divine Source beasts, but it does not mean that there are no vulnerable groups, like ordinary Super Source Beast, which is actually equivalent to here Little Pathetic.

First- and second-level Super Source Beast is enough to build a side world at General-Risk Level Isolated Territory, and God-like existence at Observation Level Isolated Territory, but here, you can basically only hide in cold coldly In a remote area, quietly live their little days.

Furthermore, many Super Source Beasts have learned to report for heating, find a sufficient food, the environment is not bad, and stay away from the danger zone.

The sea of ​​flowers is such a place. The tulips here are not ordinary flowers and plants, but rich in nutrients, which can satisfy the appetite and fill the stomach.

Unfortunately, a sudden calamity directly brought these enclosures to an end to the good days of the hilarious Little Pathetics.

“kuooa ~”

The little fellow standing on Lin Ze’s shoulder waved the small claws, and a little alertness appeared in his eyes.

“Well, I feel it, it’s getting colder around me.”

Lin Ze looks forward. This seemingly endless sea of ​​flowers seems to be coming to an end, and as Tempest continues to deepen, the temperature in this area is gradually falling, for ominous reasons.

Although the situation is a bit weird, Lin Ze not at all stopped acting, but instead had a hunch, maybe he would find something.

Tempest is still flying, and it is another ten minutes. Lin Ze suddenly made Tempest slow down the flight speed and gradually reduce the altitude.

At this moment, what Lin Ze looks into is a ring-shaped iceberg. The height of these icebergs is close to 2000 meters. The ice layer of the mountain is extremely thick, but if you look closely, you will find that the frozen ice layer It seems mixed with some mottled brown.

The declining temperature experienced by Lin Ze and little fellow not long ago is obviously due to this circular iceberg.

However, strangely, this circular iceberg is 1000 meters away from the rear, and more brown mountains can be seen clearly. These mountains stand like Heaven and Earth with the same great Buddha.

This ring-shaped iceberg seems to be abruptly airborne between those mountains. The road from the ring-shaped iceberg to the brown mountain, the ice layer spreads along the way for 1000 meters before it ends.

“It seems difficult to get it done.”

Lin Ze’s eyes fell on the circular iceberg. Obviously, this so-called iceberg should have been an ordinary circular valley, but because of some existence, a thick ice layer condensed here and spread far away. s position.

No matter how you look at it, people who live in this iceberg don’t seem to be a mess.

Magic Power operate. In front of Lin Ze, the two brown cards are flipped. He not at all, because the target may be difficult to get, he abandoned the battle.

If you can hammer, then fiercely’s hammer, if not, then choose a strategic retreat.

Wind Element surging, with the blessing of two precision Wind Element, two figures appeared, namely the short swordsman holding a silver white sword heavy sword, and Gaia riding a dark warhorse under each hand.

With the help of Wind Element, the warhorse directly incarnations the Pegasus, and with Gaia’s swift and handsome posture, it instantly turns into a beautiful landscape in the air.

Silent Swordsman is the name speaks for itself. Without saying a word, carrying the heavy heavy sword moved towards the ring iceberg.

The strong danger aura emanating from the circular iceberg has no effect on Silent Swordsman’s combat status. It is his instinct to be a card player to do his best for the summon.


In the ring-shaped iceberg, there was a fierce battle, two huge ice cubes flew to the high altitude, and then shattering on the way.

That’s Gaia and Silent Swordsman frozen in ice. From the time they broke into a circular iceberg to being frozen into ice by the enemy, the whole journey took less than five seconds, and the battle process was only instantaneous.

This result is exactly what Lin Ze expected, but the purpose of his summon Gaia and Silent Swordsman is not to send them off, nor to check the strength of the opponent. At least the liberated Tempest can try to go do.

“Rest assured, I will treat you with the perfect gift.”

Lin Ze looked at the circular iceberg below, and suddenly raised his palm up, Super Source Power began to surge.

倏 ~

A pure rays of light emerged in vain. This rays of light quickly formed a light wave of light waves. At the same time, a dark rays of light also appeared, and the corresponding dark light was incarnation. ball.

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