
On a hillside, Li Guichuan stood quietly in the heavy rain and allowed the wind to cut his skin. In front of him, dozens of “information? source cards” flashing cyber rays of light were in order. In line, he has revealed the bad status to everyone through these source cards.

“Your determination is bigger than I expected.”

Li Guichuan whispered to himself, although his voice was soft, but his face was suppressing infinite anger and killing intent. In his hand, he was holding a record pointer.

The quality of this record pointer is good, but just now, Li Guichuan tried to enable this thing, but it failed.

A special force is to prevent the internal transmission of the record pointer. Not only that, from the strength of this force, even if someone from the outside wants to enter the “death”, it can never be achieved in the short term. thing.

Either China or Li Guichuan have thought about it, Dark Source Ancestral World may set a trap for this China’s integration exploration, so as to achieve the effect of disturbing and disgusting China.

Based on this, China not only selected Li Guichuan as the leader of the exploration of Super-Risk Level Isolated Territory, but also prepared for reinforcements at any time. Once the situation is abnormal, it will be able to reach the fastest speed. .

apart from this, there is another person who is secretly lurking in the “sign of death”. After the crisis was born, he has immediately started to operate.

However, judging by the movements caused by the other party, the determination made by Dark Source Ancestral World is even beyond China ’s imagination. This is to take this opportunity to convey to China a strong attitude of “full declaration of war”!

Along with the anger, Li Guichuan’s smile gradually appeared on his face. This was something he had been waiting for a long time ago. He had such an impulse and thought long ago.

“You must fight for time.”

Li Guichuan refocused on many source cards. Through these source cards, he was able to know the current status of the Card Masters and activated support in time.

As for the other man lurking in his death, he has secretly gone somewhere based on the information he has learned.

Suddenly, one of the dozens of neatly arranged source cards floats forward, the cyber rays of light turns into yellow waves, and the data on the source cards changes.

【Fang Zhibing】

Vital signs: good

Combat status: Coming into battle

hong long!

The thunder roars, the flash of lightning illuminates the whole mountain forest, dozens of Super Source Beasts showing pain are constantly wailing pain, and even have to suppress the pain with pain, and have to start rolling in place. And it was hitting the surrounding trees frantically.


A big tree can’t withstand the impact of again and again. Layers of nest-like cracks appear on the thick trunk and then fall to the ground.

“That’s … the element source?”

Fang Zhibing, standing a few meters away, kept an eye on the status of the Super Source Beasts.


The painful cry shouted through, a strong Super Source Beast belly suddenly cracked, like a large piece cut by a sharp knife. The blood and organs were not seen in the imagination, and a few strands were mixed with blackish -purple azure material is scattered with a translucent texture.

The azure material merges by itself after floating in the air, and finally forms a “flying wing” azure inscription, which is the condensed form of Wind Element source.

The eyes of Super Source Beast who lost the element source have been dimmed. The dead ca n’t die anymore. Soon, such a scene broke out sharply. In just five minutes, dozens of Super Source Beasts were almost killed.

Three winged azure inscriptions, five mountain-like brown inscriptions, a burning flame inscription, two rippled pale blue inscriptions, and a pure black inscription emerged, and then all swarmed into the dark sky.

The inscription is so fast that it quickly exceeds the vision of Fang Zhibing. The Dark Element in the sky isolates everything, including Fang Zhibing’s ability to perceive.

Fang Zhibing quickly turned his eyes and looked at the two Super Source Beasts that were 10 meters away. The two Super Source Beasts seemed to successfully resist the swallowing of that unknown force. No, it should be said that The unknown forces chose them playfully.

Ice ceremony quickly prints, and the cold air permeates the whole body. He is not trying to fight. This is a way of his perception. The ring-shaped ice-blue pattern is born soon, and the ice-blue vein pattern swims. Countless ice-blue thin lines are criss-crossed, and finally they form a wonderful pair of ice-blue pupils.

These pupils are the strongest ability of ice ceremony-the ice pupil of truth!

Fang Zhibing’s pupils are filled with fine ice-blue, and the ability of ice ceremony is shared with him.

“so that’s how it is.”

From the perspective of Fang Zhibing, the two Super Source Beast not at all attacks that stopped struggling are immediately activated. Their current state can be said to be alive, or even dead.

The brain and body of these two Super Source Beasts are filled with a weird five-color element. The five elements blend together perfectly. This element easily deprives them of their original will and Life Strength, and begin to loosen within them without the body.

The five-color elements under control are stronger than the previous ones. This is still in the case of not fully adapting to the body. The dissociation of the five-color elements is a process of adaptation. If it is completely completed, the original level is six or seventh grade. Super Source Beast, they will hit the strength of the Divine Source beast in one fell swoop.

Fang Zhibing sees more than this. The more important thing is that the five-color element is filled with a hidden but powerful Dark Source Energy. He can be sure that he must not be the master of this power. opponent.

“It’s a terrible thing.”

Fang Zhibing has a heavy face. He did not choose to fight. He also received the message from Li Guichuan. It is clear that fighting is not a wise choice, and he understands why.

The master behind the five-color element chooses to control these Super Source Beasts. The purpose is not just for fun. Fang Zhibing understands that their Super Source Rank Card Master has become the target of the other party, even Li Guichuan is no exception.

Ice ceremony left hand is pressed on the right hand’s wrist, half-squat with one knee, and the right palm is pressed on the ground. The cold air comes out repeatedly, and a small ice-blue pattern appears.

Fang Zhibing stood on the ice-blue formations, a crystal of ice-blue rays of light shrouded him, and the ground beneath his feet actually condensed into ice.

嗖 ~

Fang Zhibing left quickly, figure actually slipped out of 100 meters away in a hurry, and the speed is getting faster and faster, wherever he goes, leaving a large ice road.

These strong ice channels radiate a strong cold, with a high amount of deceleration. Even if you don’t step on it, ordinary goods will be hard to come by.

Patter, patter ~

Lin Ze ran at high speed in the open fields, mud and rain splashed Old Gao, Super Source Power, the abnormally sharp wind did not affect him. In front of his field of vision, he could see To large brown-red trees, these maple-like existences make up a jungle.

These maple trees are not as simple as ordinary trees. A few hundred meters away, Lin Ze has a faint smell, but it has a strange and charming aroma.

Certainly, Lin Ze chose to hold his breath, and intended to bypass the maple grove, and on the other side was a towering mountain.

Compared to this piece of weirdness, which may hide the troublesome maple forest, climbing can’t be considered any hard work.

Lin Ze immediately reversed his direction and rushed towards the mountain that was relatively far away.


On the way to the little fellow’s perception, Lin Ze heard it first. In this maple forest, painful roars are coming out vaguely, mostly from Super Source Beast or Divine Source beasts.

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