Chapter 653

In the extremely quiet and quiet float in midair, the wild fire pouring is temporarily stopped. In front of the palace, the stumps of Super Source Beast and Divine Source beasts are piled up in a place, These beasts were almost wiped out.

Alive, there are only five extraordinary Divine Source beasts. After these Divine Source beasts have mutated, they have surpassed the ordinary Divine Source beast realm, reaching infinitely close to A-Rank, or that is, The weakest A-Rank strength, the two together are enough to fight the current Amu.

But now, the five Divine Source beasts so powerful did not take action, but just stood still. Amu and Xie You suddenly closed their hands at the same time, and their eyes fell on the same one. direction.

Li Guichuan is also the same, his expression is a little dignified, even a little sweat stains on his forehead.

This large and small scene has experienced countless, the Chief Investigator of the Dignified China Card Master Alliance, which rarely produces tension.

At the focal point of everyone ’s sights, the magnificent palace is being shrouded by a thick blackish-purple aura at this moment. Layers of air are constantly being put out, with unimaginable terrifying. Oppression.

Under that kind of pressure, the nerves of the five extraordinary Divine Source beasts were completely tightened, and they even lost all their ability to think, just as a small sense of despair and powerlessness appeared in front of the monstrous waves.

“Why …”

Xie You muttered, he couldn’t believe that this terrifying aura and oppression came from Emperor Dragon, even if the other party is Dark League BOSS behind the scenes, but this overwhelming power still made him feel a sense of unrealism.

Only feeling this aura, Xie You can even judge that this is far beyond the ordinary A-Rank’s power, and almost incomparable.

Even the powerhouses like Li Guichuan and Li Zixiang standing on the top of the A-Rank Pyramid, there is absolutely no way they can do this.

Xie You even has a pessimistic idea. Even if China’s reinforcements arrive, it is still unknown whether the current events can be calmed down. Once the strength of the reinforcements is lacking, the ending will only lead to a bigger one. Tragedy.

According to the current situation, the actual reinforcement standards that need to be achieved have far exceeded the reinforcement standards they had previously expected. In this way, the probability of tragedy will be very high.

bang! bang!

blackish-purple The air waves are spreading layer by layer, causing a burst of sounds. In the shock of the turbulent air waves, a loud roar sounded. The large palace disappeared in vain without any omen, countless fine pieces The building shards flew, and quickly evolved into one after another alternative dust storm under the gust of wind.

In the huge blackish-purple array, the huangyuan stone engraved with the “Ancestor” vein pattern is slightly suspended, and the sound of footsteps is heard. The Emperor Dragon slowly steps forward, extending above his body to extend his feet. There are five necks, each with its own head, which corresponds to the ground, water, inflammation, wind, and darkness.

“Kill everyone, I will only give you one hour.”

A sound of indifference sounded. This sound is mixed with five channels, and the mixing effect is superb.

“Yes, Sir Emperor Dragon!”

Five extraordinary Divine Source beasts took hold for a moment, followed by a rush of response. Before, they seemed to be arrogant and even casual in battle. They paddled, but now seemed trembling with fear, they knew that Emperor Dragon was not kidding.

The extraordinary Divine Source beast disappeared quickly, Li Guichuan not at all stopped it, it was meaningless, now the biggest trouble and the most dangerous guy are in front of him.

While Emperor Dragon has not yet taken action, Li Guichuan quietly disclosed the situation here to Fang Zhibing. Their Investigation Department has a reliable information transmission method. As long as zombie, they can successfully establish a connection.

After this is done, Li Guichuan took a deep breath. What I have to do now is to try my best for time. The glory pointer has been successfully used. China ’s reinforcements are already on the road. The number and personnel are unknown. But it must be trustworthy.

No matter what the outcome is, at this moment, Li Guichuan knows what he should do. Even if he died here today, he will burn the last drop of blood.

“Wrong decision.”

Emperor Dragon seems to see the meaning in Li Guichuan’s eyes. The azure element is surging. He rises to the sky under the support of the wind, and is located in the center of the fire head Gao Yang, the fireworks emerged in the mouth, and when it was spit out, a huge Fireball with a diameter of 15 meters or more was formed.

The heat wave rolls on the surface of the Fireball, but inside this Fireball, a diamond-shaped azure gem is playing a role, which is built by Wind Element, the two elements form a perfect fusion.

gruhu ~

Fireball advances at a speed that cannot be captured by naked eye, Li Guichuan quickly flips a gold card in front of him.

『Detective Umbrella』

A large umbrella engraved with a complex and gorgeous pattern and full of a little futuristic appearance appears similar in size to a parasol.

An umbrella like this looks insignificant in front of a huge Fireball, but the moment the Fireball approaches the big umbrella, a large barrier spreads out from the top of the big umbrella. The barrier is translucent and has a metallic feel. Stitched by countless honeycomb-shaped energy grids.

The central part of the big umbrella, the number on the gray-white display changes rapidly, and finally freezes at the level of 77777. This is the energy test effect. The upper limit value of A-Rank is 99799.

From the test results, the Emperor Dragon is just a fireball that is sprayed out of the mouth, and the strength has exceeded the limit of the ordinary A-Rank Card Master’s full take action.

Even if it is Li Guichuan ’s extreme seclusion, the most terrifying round of outbreak is just barely breaking through 90,000 points.

“A meaningless struggle.”

Emperor Dragon’s voice is still indifferent. He raises five heads at the same time, five elements appear at the same time, and the light and shadow blend together.

‘Five Emperors? Elemental waves! ‘

The blend of elements, a fan-shaped light wave mixed with five elements burst out, and at the same time, nearly a hundred eerie blue air pillars rose, and all the bullet mouths and light cannons on the pole were ready. Disruption mode is activated and is a more powerful disintegration mode.

The innumerable eerie blue shock light shots, artillery shell hiding the sky and covering the earth are flooding into that light wave.


The fierce roar sounded, and Xie You, who was constantly watching the situation, froze suddenly.

The bright blue-white rays of light are gone, and the last trace of energy is smoothly integrated into Lan Bai within the body. The appearance of Lan Bai does not change, Sensually, even aura is not at all stronger.

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