“Lin Ze, be careful.”

Lan Bai said softly, her eyes looked a little cold toward the smoke monster in the sky, her arm moved, and a huge Lan Bai front swept across. Out, this front is about half a meter thick, concentrating its majestic energy.

si si ~

The blackish-purple smoke part of Lin Ze was stopped, a pin against an awl was deadlocked in mid air, and the energy inside the Lan Bai front began to gradually Devoured, but the strange thing is that the formidable power is clearly blackish-purple smoke on the Lan Bai front, and it dissipates faster.

“How can there be such formidable power.”

Hal looked puzzled, but he quickly attributed the reason to this special venue, Lin Ze was very clear, this is a This kind of energy restraint.

Lan Bai ’s energy root is, in fact, Light Source Energy, but this energy will not undergo substantial qualitative changes until her Source Rank reaches the extreme, but it will be stronger on formidable power.

Even so, Lan Bai ’s energy can still stably hold Hal with Dark Source Energy as its core. This has led to the fact that even if Lan Bai ’s tricks are inferior to formidable power, Still formed a certain suppression effect.

This is one of the reasons why Lin Ze chose to let Lan Bai fight first. The energy core of the Black Luster Soldier is still Light Source Energy, but there is not a small gap in quality.

Light Source Energy, naturally there is also a level gap. If Li Zixiang used Divinity in the Isolated Territory against Sacred Beasts, the light source quality is 7, then Black Luster Soldier is 3, now Lan Bai reached a level of 6.

The phase breakthrough of the quality of the light source is extremely difficult. If Lan Bai ’s Source Rank can reach the 7th level, it can be reached at 7, which is the Divinity quality that Li Zixiang exhibited.

You know, Li Zixiang’s Divinity originates from Zhou Zongyu, which represents the most powerful Divinity quality of China Card Master. Even Zhou Zongyu himself, it must not exceed 8.

As for Lan Bai, her Source Rank is God Level, the limit of the quality of the light source is difficult to estimate, at least, it is also 10, or even stronger.

pu chi, pu chi ~

Lan Bai ’s front has blocked some blackish-purple fumes, but more blackish-purple fumes are still spreading out. Mao’s ancient forest is now almost bare, only the last area is still intact, which is where Lin Ze is located and Lan Bai shelters.

Hal has clearly grasped Lin Ze’s current position. The offensive just blocked is not much to him. Now, it is the time to really start fighting.

While Hal raised his scepter again, in front of Lin Ze, a guy with a green head was digging wildly with a shovel against the ground, the soil was flying, and a small pothole appeared. And in this pothole, a brown card was hovering quietly.

Lin Ze reached out to take out this card and looked again towards the sky, a smile appeared on his face.

The huge brown labyrinth is full of walls. These walls are winding and complicated, which is why it is the labyrinth.

Somewhere in the labyrinth, this area is about 50 square meters, which is considered to be a relatively spacious area in this labyrinth. In this area, more than ten people are gathering. These people are probably at the age About thirty years old, relatively young, but very strong, all are Super Source Level.

Undoubtedly, they are all from China Card Master Alliance. This time, they will enter the death story experience and adventure under the leadership of Li Guichuan.

However, the accident has caused them to be in a bad situation. The message from Fang Zhibing made it clear that Li Guichuan is fighting a strong enemy for the sake of stall for time, and Alliance’s reinforcements are now On the way, it will take some time.

Before that, all they had to do was to try their best to stay alive, and until then, Card Masters did everything possible to get together as much as possible.

According to the information provided by Fang Zhibing, five monsters, which are comparable to ordinary A-Rank, have already set off with hunting missions. They have all become targets of hunting, and their approximate positions have been exposed.

If you act alone, any one of the monsters in the group can only have a dead end. Only the joint owner can have a certain amount of confrontational capital. At least, it can last longer.

As long as reinforcements arrive, this crisis will naturally subside.

Able to become Super Source Level at this age, which means that they are all genius-like characters in Alliance, and their psychological qualities have reached a certain level. Even if they face such difficulties, they can still be treated rationally.

The group of Card Masters gathered together is almost everyone who is already a sign of death, but does not include Fang Zhibing, Wang Chao and the others. These top-level Super Source powerhouses have already established a single one. Squad, the squad number is nine, and they are absorbed by three extraordinary Divine Source beasts.

The remaining two, one of them is in this maze. This maze is the strongest of the Special Field Card owned by a dozen people, and more importantly, the area of ​​the field It’s big enough. After that monster is isolated, it takes a lot of time to find them.

So, the situation here is temporarily stable. As for the last extraordinary Divine Source beast, the monster is temporarily aboutabouts unknown, but this is good news for everyone.

If they are facing two A-Rank monsters, even if they are large enough, they may still be killed in a short period of time.

They are all geniuses of Alliance, but because of this, they still have insufficient qualifications and have not gone too far on the road of Super Source. Compared with Wang Chao and their Super Source veterans, they are inferior. .

Although there is no Super Source veteran assigned to the team, these talented recruits know that the pressure that the veteran team is subjected to at this time is at least five times theirs.

“Everyone, leave, the monster should have locked us, and is approaching here by destroying the wall.”

The young Card Master named ‘Ma Feifei’ opens. This maze was created by his Special Field Card. Therefore, he is tentatively the Captain of this team, responsible for sensing the position of the enemy and designing escape routes.

No matter what, here is also a maze. Road-leading things must be given to people who are familiar with the terrain. They ca n’t rush through the way like the enemy by forcibly destroying them, that will speed up their exposure. Unless necessary, it is not necessary.

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