Hal holds the scepter high. The ‘Sun’ and ‘Moon’ at the top of the scepter gradually turn into blackish-purple, which is integrating into Dark Source Energy.

zi zi.

The lightning glow suddenly appeared, the blackish-purple formation mark was born at the foot of Hal, the rich blackish-purple aura erupted, and a blackish-purple air column covered Hal as a whole, and the metal mask on the face was strong Shocked, now he looks like a demon God.

Guru, Gongdong!

Hal’s heart suddenly began to beat violently, and it was not because of the tricks he was currently under. As if stained with a black film, the eyes under the mask became slightly hollow.

“This is, how …”

Hal’s arm holding the scepter trembled violently. He seemed to be fighting desperately, but only for a moment, the scepter eventually came from He fell out of his hands.

The air column disappears, and the formation mark disappears shortly after.

Hal’s eyes quickly recovered as usual. He made a false grip in front of him, and the falling scepter immediately appeared in his hands.

This level of powerhouse has almost no control over the spellcasting equipment, such as the use of arms and fingers, and the loss of equipment.

Holding the scepter again, Hal immediately swung it towards the downward direction, where a dazzling blue-white rays of light surged, engulfed by a huge energy Lan Bai bomb with a diameter of more than 15 meters Boom over.

This is not really a ‘Burst Stream of Destruction’, but a mimic version created by Lan Bai. It ’s inferior in terms of formidable power, but it wins fast enough, is stable, and consumes a lot of money.

Now that the Super Source rank is close to Rank 6 of Rank 6 and the release of signature move after incarnation Blue-Eyes White Dragon, at least 800 Super Source Power is also required, and the ancient forest, the grave robber, and the heart are successively activated. The changed Lin Ze, even if it still can barely provide the necessary killing, but the risk is too great.

Lin Ze cannot determine whether the Burst Stream of Destruction can directly kill the mortal enemy, or whether the enemy has the means to evade. In this case, it is not wise to make a bet.

By comparison, the simulative version of the Lan Bai version, ‘Burst Stream of Destruction’, consumes only 300 points of Super Source Power. It still seems to be huge, but the formidable power is definitely worthy of consumption.

Bang, bang, bang …

Several layers of gray walls are shattering one after another. This is the defense that Hal mobilized in an emergency. He has to say that The on-site response and ability to turn danger into safety is extremely strong.

Unfortunately, these responses have been shattered in less than a second under the impact of Burst Stream of Destruction.


Hal was directly impacted by the impact of Burst Stream of Destruction, and the battle skirt on his body was broken. After flying only 1000 meters, a Dark Source Energy After the explosion, he barely stabilized the figure in the air, and blood spilled from various shattering of the battle skirt.

Holding up the palm, Hal pointed the scepter directly in front of him, and a gray formation mark appeared. A thick, crack-like, dead wood-like gray gray hand drilled out. First, the three Lan Bai fronts were crushed into pieces. Dozens of Lan Bai light shots that followed immediately after the howling were also bombed.

A large number of pursuing offensives were intercepted. Gray’s hands completely cracked, liquefied, and turned into a mass of purple liquid spilled onto the ground, and the contaminated ground was dissolved, forming a pit of the size of each and everyone. hole.

“It really is a monster comparable to A-Rank.”

Lin Ze keeps a close eye on Hal’s movements. This guy is as tricky as imagined, even if the other party violates the rules many times Gu Gusen’s punishment still does not know when he will come.

What’s more troublesome is that Lin Ze knows that Hal has not fully demonstrated his power. So far, he has shown only the tip of the iceberg of all strengths. If the heart change does not work, Lin Ze is likely to face a crisis of death.

Lin Ze has no second heart change, Hal’s performance will be unhindered, Lan Bai’s offense seems to be very successful, but Hal’s current injuries can not even talk about serious injuries.

The difficulty of facing the A-Rank monster alone is manifested. Lin Ze was far less powerful than before when fighting shorty, but with the help of Wang Chao and the others, the fighting difficulty was greatly reduced.

Of course, under the control of the heart change, shorty self-harm is very important, otherwise he will not be forced into the desperate situation easily.

As of now, the time for the control of cardiac change is obviously shorter, but it will not be too different. Even if the control time is longer, Lin Ze cannot do the same thing.

Hal’s fighting method is completely different from shorty. The latter’s tomahawk is strong enough and full of lethality. On the other hand, the scepter in his hand is not much better than the rolling pin.

Hal’s power is reflected in the endless source methods. Even if he controls the opponent, Lin Ze can’t penetrate the source methods.

So, it is almost impossible to kill Hal.

even more how, judging from the current combat sense, Lin Ze believes that Hal is even stronger than shorty.

咻, 咻, xiu …

Lan Bai is still activated and constantly attacking. Although aside from signature move, these tricks are not a big threat to Hal, but She couldn’t stop, otherwise Hal might detect the anomaly of the ancient forest.

Gu Zhisen’s rules are unbreakable. Since Hal has been affected, it is only a matter of time, but if the other party knows such a deadly rule, he will inevitably activate the attack desperately, even a perish. Maybe together.

Even if Lin Ze can lift the ancient forest at a critical moment, the way the other party chooses to perish together will not be brainless, and self-termination is not unusual.

To sum up, Lin Ze’s current strategy is to drag, hard drag!

Hal waved the scepter, and the formation mark appeared again. This time, several gray hands appeared at the same time. The strength of these large hands was obviously not the same as that of the arms generated by the first death and split. They can easily set Lan Bai battle line, light wave and so on.

After the emergence of these gray masters, two were responsible for intercepting Lan Bai’s ongoing offensives, and the rest were rushing towards Lin Ze at a rapid speed.

Of course, Hal won’t know. Fighting with Card Master and insisting on solving the card is a wrong idea. Killing Card Master himself is the key to winning this battle.

铮, 铮, 铮 …

The battle strength of the Super Source Level alone against the A-Rank rivals. This kind of thing has never been seen throughout the card circle. Had.

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