The familiar face looked back at him.

"Jiang Chao, why is it you!" A very thin girl said in surprise.

Jiang Chao also recognized the other party in a single glance.

This girl with a very thin figure was the girl Shi Silei that was called over at the Feng Xiang Villa the other day.

The Ha City seemed to be quite big, but it also seemed to be quite small.

When Jiang Chao saw Shi Silei, he had a headache.

When he thought back to the day when Shi Silei had fought with her sister and the tattooed woman in the Rose Bath at the Feng Xiang Villa, Jiang Chao felt a headache.

"I'm here for a walk. Lei Lei, what are you doing here?" Jiang Chao asked.

Jiang Chao, how many calls are you making? I don't care about Soong Kun, Soong Kun said that he doesn't know your phone number either. " Jiang Chao was Shi Silei's favorite dish, and it seemed quite exciting to have a forensic boyfriend.

"This... My phone card has been shut down recently, wait until I get a new number, then I will have Soong Kun tell you about it. " Jiang Chao laughed.

Seeing Jiang Chao say this, Shi Silei knew that Jiang Chao did not want to give him her phone number.

However, this kind of girl, Shi Silei, not only had a fiery personality, she also liked to pester him non-stop, and would not rest until she reached her goal.

"Jiang Chao, this is?" Before launching his attack, Shi Silei glanced at Thaksa.

Previously, Thaksa had asked Jiang Chao to pretend to be her boyfriend, but now, he had no choice but to use Thaksa as her shield.

Jiang Chao hesitated for a bit, and his face was a little hot. If he said that she was his girlfriend without communicating with Thaksa, what would Thaksa think?

However, since Thaksa owed Jiang Chao a favor before, today was an opportunity.

Jiang Chao's mouth slightly opened, and was about to speak, but Thaksa took the initiative and said, "I'm his girlfriend."

Jiang Chao's eyes widened, he never thought that Thaksa would actually take the initiative to help him out.

"Jiang Chao, your girlfriend is very pretty, how about this, when you get a new account with me, let's talk, I'll remember to call you later." Shi Silei did not come out with her sisters today, so there was another reason why Shi Silei came to the wholesale market with the ingredients.

Shi Silei looked as if she understood the difficulties and retreated, but in her heart, she heaved a sigh of relief.

"Alright, I'll be leaving first, Lei Lei." Jiang Chao said.

Jiang Chao brought Thaksa onto the carriage, while Shi Silei took out her mobile phone, and tapped on WeChat.

When Shi Silei clicked on the people around him, she found Jiang Chao's WeChat.

To say that Jiang Chao was really capable, he actually used his WeChat profile pic to look like a real person.

"Jiang Chao, you won't be able to escape." Shi Silei was like a cat who caught a mouse, she clicked and added them as a friend.

After Jiang Chao drove away from the medicine wholesale market, he said to Thaksa: "Thaksa really thanked you for what you did just now."

"What are you thanking me for? It's just a spear. We're friends." Thaksa said happily.

"How did you figure it out just now, Thaksa? I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend." Jiang Chao asked curiously.

"Do you even need to ask? I'm a forensic doctor." Thaksa laughed.

To say that I'm a medical examiner seems to make the answer self-evident.

"Jiang Chao, where are we going now?" Thaksa said.

"Go …" Jiang Chao originally wanted to say that he would go and take a look at the pavilion.

After all, if Jiang Chao wanted to take over the Mom, he didn't want to continue renting other people's houses.

But before he could finish saying the word "go", his phone rang.

Jiang Chao took out his phone to see, only to see that it was a number he remembered.

Jiang Chao did not provide any comments on the number, and hesitated for a moment to answer. Instead, it was Luo Xiaofeng's voice that came over.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, where are you now?" Luo Xiaofeng said.

"What's going on outside?" Jiang Chao asked.

"I am afraid there is no hope for the matter that you entrusted to me last time. Tian Xin's family's basement is extremely safe, Tian Xin and I do not have any good methods, but … I found a new piece of evidence, with this evidence, it is enough to convict President Guo, Forensic Pathologist Jiang, do you want us to meet again? "

Saying all these things on the phone was extremely inconvenient, so Luo Xiaofeng wanted to make an appointment with Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao parked the car on the side of the road, and looked at the time he got on the car to navigate.

It was not yet ten o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Chao looked at Thaksa, who was also looking at him.

Jiang Chao started to hesitate. Now that he was with Thaksa, should he let Thaksa come into contact with him too?

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, what do you think?" Seeing that Jiang Chao did not speak, Luo Xiaofeng immediately asked.

"Fine, Sis Feng, where do you think we'll meet?" Jiang Chao thought about it for a while. Since he had promised Thaksa that there would be 'good news', then Jiang Chao should fulfill his promise if he brought her along.

Furthermore, it was not a disgraceful thing to see the witness taking evidence.

"Go to the Roman Holiday, at the Plaza of the Church of St Sophia." Luo Xiaofeng said after hesitating for a moment.

"Alright, then let's have the Roman Holiday." Jiang Chao hung up the phone.

"Roman holiday? I remember this café is in the church square of the St Sophia. " Thaksa was a shopping maniac, a street changing party.

The coffee shop was a place that girls liked to visit, of course Thaksa knew about it.

"Is Roman Holiday a café?" Jiang Chao had never been to such a place before.

"En, she's as famous as Dio Coffee. The Roman holidays started earlier." Thaksa said.

Jiang Chao thought for a while and said: "Thaksa, it was Tian Xin's representative who called me just now. The place she arranged to meet is on the Roman Holiday.

Thaksa knew that Jiang Chao liked to eat alone, she never thought that Jiang Chao would actually know Tian Xin's representative.

"Jiang Chao, you're not bad. If I hadn't followed you out today, you would have kicked me out again." As Thaksa was feeling shocked, she was glad that she took the initiative to ask Jiang Chao out today.

Hearing this, Jiang Chao awkwardly laughed: "Thaksa, look at what you said. Even if you didn't come out with me today, I would have still called you."

Jiang Chao brought Thaksa to the plaza of St Sophia Church.

The last time he met Luo Xiaofeng, he was also at the St Sophia Church Plaza. Although there were many people here, it was easier to escape due to the complicated terrain.

While Jiang Chao was driving, Thaksa seemed to see something through the rearview mirror.

Thaksa raised her eyebrows and said: "Jiang Chao, have you noticed? The Honda CRV behind us seems to be following us."

"Honda CRV?" Thaksa didn't say it, but Jiang Chao really didn't notice.

But after driving for a while, Jiang Chao deliberately circled around and sure enough, a Honda car was following behind him.

"Something's not right." Jiang Chao frowned.

Taking advantage of the yellow light at an intersection, Jiang Chao suddenly accelerated. In that Honda CRV, the fat guy who was wearing camouflage pants was originally going to chase up to him, but was stopped by Xiao Yong.

"No need to chase, that kid surnamed Jiang has already discovered us." Xiao Yong said.

"What do we do now?" the fat man asked.

"There's no need to worry. Didn't you install a location on the car of that kid surnamed Jiang? Just look at the location later." The older the better, the better. Xiao Yong, on the other hand, still held back.

However, when Jiang Chao saw that the CRV from earlier did not chase after them, he relaxed.

"That Honda is quite strange. I remember that I saw it on the way to the medicine market this morning." Thaksa said.

"It might be Guo Zhaoyun's people, it might be that I was too careless before." Jiang Chao said.

"Jiang Chao, the mastermind behind Tian Xin's case, could it be that it's really Guo Zhaoyun?" Thaksa said.

"It's most likely true. This still needs to wait for Technical Room's blood sample to be examined." Jiang Chao said.

They waited until they reached the plaza of the Church of St Sophia.

Jiang Chao stopped the car, and looked around. Seeing that there were no suspicious people, he then went with Thaksa to the Roman Holiday.

The Roman Holiday Inn was a very upper-class place.

The European style of decoration is very classical but also very pleasant.

Jiang Chao brought Thaksa to walk around, but did not see anyone from Luo Xiaofeng.

There was no other way, Jiang Chao could only open a scattered stage with Thaksa and wait for Luo Xiaofeng.

And in the plaza of the St Sophia Church, Xiao Yong and the others found Jiang Chao's Bmw X5.

The X5 was also considered a luxury car. With a certain location, it would not be difficult to find it.

"Director, there's no one inside the car." The fat man glanced at it.

"The three of you, split up and search. They must be nearby." Xiao Yong said with a darkened face.

"Yes, Director." The fat man and the others moved separately.

What Jiang Chao did not know was that Xiao Yong and the others were still waiting for him.

After around 10 minutes or so, Luo Xiaofeng and Tian Xin finally reached the Roman Holiday.

But when they sat in front of Jiang Chao and Thaksa, Jiang Chao almost did not recognize them.

"Sis Feng, why did you all bring a turban?" Who else would wrap themselves up like this in this sort of weather, unless they were Muslims?

And Jiang Chao did not expect that Luo Xiaofeng would actually bring Tian Xin along this time.

Luo Xiaofeng did not reply Jiang Chao immediately. She looked around and said, "Forensic Pathologist Jiang, it's not convenient to talk here. Let's go to the private room."

"That's fine too." Jiang Chao nodded.

Jiang Chao and the others switched to another room.

Before Luo Xiaofeng sat down, she very carefully closed the door.

"I seem to have seen him in the city." Luo Xiaofeng also had an impression of Thaksa.

"Sis Feng, Tian Xin, let me introduce you. This is my colleague Thaksa, she is also a physician at Criminal Investigation Technology Section." Jiang Chao said as he bridged the bridge.

When Luo Xiaofeng and Tian Xin heard that Thaksa was the medical examiner, they also calmed down.

Guo Zhaoyun's people had always been haunting them, giving them a lot of psychological pressure.

Which woman didn't like to be beautiful? To be wrapped up like this was truly a helpless action.

"Jiang Chao, I heard that you guys have been to my house?" Tian Xin asked with concern.

Tian Xin also took off her sunglasses because she hadn't slept well for a very long time.

"Yes, we found something over there." Jiang Chao explained the situation to them, and Thaksa added.

"Like I said, my dad can't just leave like that. That bitch, I'm going to skin her and pull her tendons out!" Hearing Jiang Chao's words, Tian Xin immediately gritted her teeth and said.

"Alright, Eldest Miss, you should calm down as well. Now is not the time to be emotional." Forensic Pathologist Jiang, we have discovered new evidence, and this evidence is enough to turn the situation around. " Luo Xiaofeng took out an envelope.

This envelope was made of kraft paper and appeared to be of a rather high quality.

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