Luo Xiaofeng handed the envelope over to Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao looked at the letter and saw a few words written on it: To my beloved daughter, Tian Xin.

The signature was Tian Wenhui's.

When Tian Wenhui was alive, he should have been more interested in calligraphy. His calligraphy style was very charming, with one tick after another, it was especially powerful. It seemed like he had worked hard before.

"Could this be a will?" Thaksa who was beside Jiang Chao asked curiously.

She noticed that there was no stamp on the manila envelope.

"This is a will." Luo Xiaofeng confirmed what Thaksa was thinking.

"This will was entrusted to Lawyer Jiang at the law firm of Jia Ming by the Chairman Tian during his lifetime. After contacting Lawyer Jiang, she passed it on to us." Luo Xiaofeng explained the sequence of events.

As Luo Xiaofeng spoke, Jiang Chao had already taken Tian Wenhui's will out from the envelope.

Jiang Chao carefully read the six to seven hundred words on the will.

In the will, Tian Wenhui apologized to Tian Xin. He admitted that he did not protect Tian Xin well, nor did he protect her mother well.

Tian Wenhui had also revealed the truth in his will. There were some things that he had no choice but to do, and was controlled by him using medicine, so as long as Guo Zhaoyun did not give him any, he would definitely suffer a fate worse than death.

However, Tian Wenhui also held on to the bottom line. From start to finish, Tian Wenhui had never transferred the shares of the Run Feng Estate to Guo Zhaoyun.

"Could it be that Guo Zhaoyun is controlled by drugs?" Jiang Chao guessed in his heart, but looking at Tian Wenhui's monologue on the will, it seemed to be somewhat different.

The last part of the testament was that he hoped that Tian Xin could take care of the illness. If anything happened to Tian Wenhui, her shares and inheritance would be inherited by him, and if Tian Xin was unable to bear the burden for the time being, then it would be under the trust of the Foundation.

Furthermore, the will had stated clearly that this will had already been made public before Tian Wenhui died, it had legal benefits.

"Although this letter can be considered a will and can prove that Tian Xin is the legal successor of Run Feng Estate, there is still a lack of proof that Guo Zhaoyun is a criminal suspect." Jiang Chao folded the will and stuffed it back into the leather envelope.

What Jiang Chao said was the truth, and this will had a huge impact on his inheritance. However, to Tian Xin, this case could only prove that there was a conflict between Guo Zhaoyun and him when he was still alive.

"Then Forensic Pathologist Jiang, take a look at these two things."

Hearing this, Luo Xiaofeng placed a glass bottle the size of a oral liquid and a book in front of him.

Jiang Chao took the bottle and looked, only to see that there was half a bottle of transparent liquid inside.

The book that Luo Xiaofeng brought over was a scripture book. This book looked like it was newly printed and the ink had just dried.

"Fifty-two scriptures? Is that what Guo Zhaoyun wanted before? " Jiang Chao exclaimed as he read the contents of the book.

"Yes, this is the item. A while ago, the President Guo, as the successor, took away the counterfeit that was entrusted to him by the bank, and the scripture is actually a set of perfectly preserved wood carving boards from the Song Dynasty." Luo Xiaofeng explained.

"But the 52 scriptures, exactly what is their value? Even when the Chairman Tian was still alive, he did not reveal it to lawyer Jiang." Luo Xiaofeng said again.

"What about the liquid in this oral liquid?" Jiang Chao said.

"This liquid is the medicine that the President Guo gave to the Chairman Tian. We tested it previously and found that the liquid contains morphine as well as a prohibited addictive analgesic." Luo Xiaofeng said.

"Furthermore, President Guo's fingerprints have been extracted on it. Lawyer Jiang also has a surveillance video of President Guo forcing Chairman Tian to drink this medicine. These should be enough to convict President Guo."

Luo Xiaofeng had consulted a lawyer, of course she was confident.

Jiang Chao also nodded upon hearing this.

"Then what can I do to help the Sis Feng?" She wouldn't visit the Three Treasures Palace for no reason. Luo Xiaofeng and Tian Xin had something to ask for since they took the risk to come out.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, it's like this … I'll have to trouble you to help us deliver this evidence to the city police station. It is not convenient for us to travel now, the people of President Guo have always been keeping an eye on us. " Luo Xiaofeng didn't care, but she was afraid that Tian Xin would be implicated too.

And Jiang Chao, who had personally experienced the insanity of Guo Zhaoyun's people, had agreed with a tone of understanding: "Alright, I will send all of these evidence to the city police."

's consideration was not wrong, handing over the evidence to Shi Shubing and the others was also the safest.

After discussing the situation over here, Jiang Chao and the others drank a little.

Then the four of them left the Roman holidays.

Originally, Luo Xiaofeng wanted to settle the bill, but she never expected that Jiang Chao had already done so.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, we will be leaving first. We will be troubling you this time." Luo Xiaofeng said her goodbyes.

"It's not troublesome, it's all natural. Sis Feng Tian Xin, let's contact each other later." Jiang Chao said.

When they parted ways, Tian Xin looked at Jiang Chao and wanted to say something, but due to Thaksa's presence, she did not say anything.

Jiang Chao and Thaksa went to the parking lot.

Luo Xiaofeng and Tian Xin, on the other hand, were walking in a hurry towards a different direction. Luo Xiaofeng had brought Tian Xin here, but did not drive her own car.

And the reason why Tian Xin came here together with Luo Xiaofeng today was because the three pieces of evidence that Luo Xiaofeng had obtained were of utmost importance to her future life.

Furthermore, Tian Xin also wanted to personally thank Jiang Chao. Last time, Tian Xin didn't lie, and if Jiang Chao could help her clear her name, she would really keep his promise.

But because of Thaksa, Tian Xin did not have the face to speak.

Tian Xin had been paying attention to her surroundings the entire time. When she arrived at the side of the road, Luo Xiaofeng reached out her hand to stop the carriage, but just at this moment, a Honda CRV stopped right in front of Luo Xiaofeng and Tian Xin.

"Manager Luo, long time no see!" Xiao Yong walked out of the car with a sinister smile on his face.

After squatting there for such a long time, he was finally able to see the results.

And upon seeing Xiao Yong, Luo Xiaofeng's face immediately became deathly pale.

"Tian Xin, it's someone from the President Guo. Quickly leave!" Luo Xiaofeng quickly pushed Tian Xin away.

A fat guy ran out of the car and blocked Tian Xin's way.

"Can you run?" The fat on the fat man's face straightened as he smiled sinisterly.

Luo Xiaofeng and Tian Xin were unaware of what was happening.

Jiang Chao brought Thaksa onto the carriage, and because he had the proof, Jiang Chao did not delay any further and rushed to the city police station.

After reaching the city police station, Jiang Chao saw her in Shi Shubing's office.

To Shi Shubing, working overtime had already become normal. In the shooting case last night, she had set up her Task Team.

Shi Shubing did not expect that things would turn out like this. The moment Shang Kun was stabbed to death, the killer A San was immediately shot to death.

Shi Shubing took a sip of the tea to refresh her spirit, but when Jiang Chao was on his way here, he had already contacted Shi Shubing, so he placed the proof Luo Xiaofeng gave him in front of Shi Shubing's desk.

"Captain Shi, this is the new evidence that Tian Xin gave us." Jiang Chao said.

"Let me see." Shi Shubing put on the white gloves and examined Tian Wenhui's will.

Jiang Chao then explained in detail the origins of these three pieces of evidence.

"We're now waiting for the blood sample to be investigated. If the blood sample is investigated and the most crucial piece of evidence in the hands of Lawyer Jiang, then this case can definitely be solved." Jiang Chao said.

"Jiang Chao has troubled you all, I will first hand over all of this evidence to the Physical Evidence Management Center." Although Shi Shubing was a little tired, she had never been careless when it came to cases.

"Alright." Jiang Chao nodded.

After Jiang Chao and bid farewell to Shi Shubing, they left the city police station.

Shi Shubing then turned over the evidence in Tian Wenhui's case to the Physical Evidence Management Center.

Physical evidence management center, the security precautions are quite strict, has never had physical evidence stolen phenomenon.

When Shi Shubing returned to the Criminal Investigation Squad, Zhao walked over quickly.

"Vice-captain Shi, Captain has returned." Zhao hurriedly said.

"Where is he now?" Shi Shubing's face congealed.

"Right in the captain's office."

Shi Shubing went to the Criminal Investigation Squadron Captain's office.

A police officer wearing a police uniform was looking out of the window with his back facing Shi Shubing.

"Captain, the Task Team personnel have been arranged." Shi Shubing said.

The open rivalry between the 13th and the Hongyi Society had already led to two murders. Before the situation turned even more serious, the Municipal Bureau would prepare to launch a heavy strike against the two gangs involved in the Black Group of the Hongyi Association and the 13th.

Looking at the straight back, Shi Shubing seemed to have thought of something.

Yue Peng was originally training at the Party School, but he was called back here in a hurry.

Yue Peng slowly turned around.

Yue Peng looked to be in his early forties, and he put on his police hat.

"Let's go, let me personally meet these scum." Yue Peng's face was sharp and angular, and his eyes were as sharp as swords that pierced the heart.

After exiting the city, Jiang Chao called Hu Xueying, asking if he should bring food for him.

And Hu Xueying said that Dongdong had already eaten it.

And Hu Xueying went to buy the rice for Dongdong.

Hu Xueying usually looked cold, but Jiang Chao never thought that Hu Xueying would have such a warm side to him.

"What's Jiang Chao doing in the afternoon?" Jiang Chao asked Hu Xueying whether he could return or not as he invited him out for lunch.

"I want to see the house." Jiang Chao looked at his watch. It was only half past one in the afternoon.

"Look at the house, Jiang Chao, are you prepared to buy a house at Ha City?" Thaksa said in surprise.

"I have this thought, but I can only pay the down payment. I can't afford to pay the full amount." Jiang Chao handing over the payment in full was also a very casual thing, but in order to not make Thaksa too surprised, Jiang Chao said it in a very low-key manner.

Jiang Chao, if you want to see him, I'll introduce him to you. I have his number on my WeChat, and a few days ago I saw him saying that buying a house would give me a 30% discount. " Thaksa said.

Jiang Chao said that he wanted to look at the house, which surprised Thaksa, she remembered that Jiang Chao's family situation was not that good.

"Sure, where are the locations of their buildings?" Jiang Chao asked.

"That building seems to be near the Wang Mansion's main street. Its location is pretty good, but its average price is slightly higher than other places." Thaksa said.

"Near the street of the manor …" Jiang Chao almost spit out the noodles.

Wang Mansion Street was the same as St Sophia Church Square; it was a landmark in Ha City's commercial street area.

The streets of the Duke Palaces were even more busy than the plaza of the St Sophia Church.

It was first built in 1898, and was formerly known as the Main Street of the Beller Residence. In 1925, it was renamed the Main Street of the King's Manor, and this name has been used ever since.

Wang Mansion Main Street could be said to be the most bustling and bustling area of Ha City, although the price of Ha City was not comparable to the three great cities of Grand Dragon City.

However, the average price for the houses on the street would at least go up fifteen thousand.

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