The men of the northeast were all in a fiery temper, just like the knives burning in the middle of a hot month.

On the other hand, after being in the Criminal Investigation Division for so long, Yue Peng felt that Yue Peng was like a pot of hot air, filled with hatred for evil.

If there was reliable evidence, Yue Peng would definitely exterminate all these gangs in the society.

For example, if Tan Huanxi and the others did not cause some trouble, they would not be able to cause any waves.

Several former members of Number 13 were escorted to the city's police station.

On the other hand, Jiang Chao and Thaksa were led by Li Xiaozui to the sales office.

Li Xiaojiao is a beautiful woman, Li Xiaojiao's figure is also very good.

However, all women were dressed in three parts looks and seven parts attire. Li Xiaojiu's outfit had greatly reduced her allure.

"This account type, 180 square meters, 22 floors, after each square meter discount, around 10 thousand four, it's already fully packed." This account type, 180 square meters, 22 floors, after each square meter discount, Li Xiaojiao introduced.

And Jiang Chao was calculating in his heart, how much one million eight hundred square meters would cost per square meter.

After doing some mental calculations, he took advantage of the fact that Li Xiaojiao, Thaksa and the others were not paying attention and checked it out with the calculator on his phone.

But after obtaining the accurate result, Jiang Chao's hands started to tremble.

He originally thought that since he sold the donkey torture instruments at Pawley, he would earn a net worth of over 2 million. He wasn't lacking in money anymore, but buying this account for Jiang Shan Huai required 2.52 million!

Li Xiaojiao showed them to the bedroom.

"Thaksa, look at this balcony. If I were a man, I would definitely give my wife this kind of house." There was a hidden meaning in Li Xiaojiao's words.

Thaksa also knew that the average price of this house was too high.

Thaksa laughed, "Of course it's good that you can do this. Actually, I feel that if we really get married and live together, it would be fine as long as we have a place to stay."

Although Thaksa liked to shop and buy famous brands, it did not mean that she was a gold digger.

Maybe it was because the matter of her parents caused her so much pain, Thaksa felt that it was better to find a companion to be with her.

"I can't let myself live too poorly either. Having a child in the future is very important." It's also convenient to go to school here. " Li Xiaojiao said.

Li Xiaojiao seemed to have said it intentionally to Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao's face turned awkward.

Finding the chance, Jiang Chao pulled Thaksa to the side.

"Thaksa, the houses here are too expensive. We can't afford it, let's go back." Jiang Chao wanted to wipe the oil off his face.

"That's fine too." Thaksa also felt that this River Mountain Huai side was too expensive.

Thaksa went over to Li Xiaoqiao and explained the situation to her.

"Fine, I'm fine, but if Thaksa wants to buy a bridal chamber, she still has to choose one. If she lives in a bad place, it will be bad for her body in every aspect." Li Xiaojiao said.

"Sure, I'll discuss it with my boyfriend a bit more." Thaksa nodded in agreement.

When they arrived outside, they saw that Jiang Chao was driving a Bmw X5. Li Xiaojiao curled her lips, she felt that since Jiang Chao could afford the Bmw X5, his family's conditions should be good, why does he look like a poor ghost.

Jiang Chao quickly brought Thaksa and left the place.

If he knew that it was a gathering of mountains and rivers, Jiang Chao would really not come.

With a house of 2.52 million, Jiang Chao still had to purchase the materials for the Foundation Building Pill, and next month he would still have to take some time to attend the discussion on the famous artifact in Loongquan.

If he were to lose money here, the Foundation Building Pill and the sword crafting material would not be able to go through with it.

After sending Thaksa home, Jiang Chao thanked him quite a bit. After all, Thaksa had accompanied him for an entire day.

When he returned to the rented apartment, Jiang Chao found that he was practicing his sword skills in the attic.

Hu Xueying had only just merged with this idiot girl's body. Honestly speaking, if she did not train her body, she would not be able to unleash her full strength.

After performing a few sword techniques, Hu Xueying felt his arm becoming numb.

Her body could not bear the excessive burden, which was why she could not fight with Sword Demon for long periods of time.

Hu Xueying only needed to rest before he continued using the sword technique that liberated the spirit energy and increased his sword speed.

Hu Xueying threw out a rock shard, and with a swing of his sword, the rock shard immediately disintegrated amidst the wave-like sword images.

"Jiang Chao, you're back?" Hu Xueying did not look behind his, but she knew it was Jiang Chao.

"Xueying, this sword skill of yours seems pretty amazing." Jiang Chao was impressed.

"I can't say it's powerful, but its accuracy is far worse." Hu Xueying said humbly.

Hu Xueying put down the Littleleaf Rhododendron Herb in her hands. Hu Xueying seemed to have thought of something and said to Jiang Chao: "Jiang Chao, come with me."

Hu Xueying seemed to want to show Jiang Chao something else. Jiang Chao was puzzled, but he still followed Hu Xueying.

Hu Xueying brought Jiang Chao into the living room.

There was an old ceiling fan in the living room.

However, Jiang Chao had tried it before, and this fan could still be used.

Hu Xueying turned on the ceiling fan. She had only turned it on one time.

The first stage was the slowest. As the leaves rotated, it brought a cool breeze.

"Jiang Chao, can you keep up with the speed of the leaf?" Hu Xueying said.

"I can't keep up with him. Even if it's just a first form, it's not something I can keep up with." Jiang Chao was even more confused. What did Hu Xueying want to say?

Hu Xueying then turned the switch of the ceiling fan on and off to second gear.

When he turned the fan into a second gear, the speed of the fan's rotation increased.

"I'm only at this level right now, and I can't hold on for too long." Hu Xueying looked at the spinning fan.

No matter how powerful Hu Xueying's sword technique was, this was the best she could achieve at his highest speed.

"This speed is already very fast." Jiang Chao was somewhat envious.

Hearing that, Hu Xueying shook his head: "Jiang Chao, you don't understand, maybe this speed is considered fast in your eyes, but among true experts, this speed is like a slow wind wheel, it's easy to find flaws."

"Therefore, even I have to improve myself."

"As for Jiang Chao, from today onwards, you will practice the sword forms on the Nine Suns True Spell. The Nine Yang Sword Style is the same as the Great Brahma Palm, it needs to be practiced step by step, persevering on the same path. Hu Xueying said.

The power of the earlier stages of the Nine Yang Sword Technique might not be obvious, but the higher the mastery level, the more powerful the sword moves of the Nine Yang Sword Technique would be.

If Jiang Chao could completely master these nine sword stances, then he would definitely be able to meet his match.

"Alright, I'll give it a try starting from today." Jiang Chao nodded.

At night, Jiang Chao started to cultivate on the balcony on the top floor.

Hu Xueying made Jiang Chao follow the original steps he had taken to cultivate. After using Great Brahma Seal to drain the spirit energy in his body, and raising his sword, Jiang Chao discovered that his hands were trembling.

The Littleleaf Rhododendron Herb, Jiang Chao, was actually unable to lift it.

This Littleleaf Rhododendron Herb weighed over thirty kilograms, and Jiang Chao felt that his body was powerless, but he gritted his teeth and slowly lifted it up.

Hu Xueying had already arranged for Dongdong to sleep, so it was really inconvenient for him to sleep at home.

But Hu Xueying could also understand Jiang Chao's painstaking efforts.

Hu Xueying also made a reasonable arrangement for Dongdong to sleep in his bedroom at night, and when she came to the attic, he would stay with Jiang Chao as he had done in the past.

"Jiang Chao, you don't have to rush to use the sword style. Just lift up the sword and stand still according to the stance of the pile." Hu Xueying advised.

"Alright." After the spirit energy in his body was used up, Jiang Chao felt his body becoming very weak.

Jiang Chao slowly lifted the Littleleaf Rhododendron Herb up and stood according to the stance.

"The first stance, 'The sun is setting in the sky'. First, I don't need to circulate the Nine Suns True Spell. I will practice it according to the sword style." Hu Xueying personally grabbed onto Jiang Chao's wrist, causing her to move very slowly, she flipped Jiang Chao's wrist and threw the sword in Jiang Chao's hand forward.

"Take one step forward. The Nine Yang Sword Technique doesn't have too many flowery movements, and it relies purely on the circulation of the Nine Suns True Spell." Hu Xueying instructed Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao took a step forward, and according to Hu Xueying's instructions, he swung the sword, but his wrist was not strong enough, with a clanging sound! However, the Littleleaf Rhododendron Herb fell to the ground.

"Don't be discouraged, start again!" Hu Xueying said.

But Hu Xueying did not pick up the sword for Jiang Chao, he picked up the Littleleaf Rhododendron Herb himself.

Jiang Chao smiled bitterly, after the spirit energy in his body was used up, his four limbs became weak, if not for him clenching his teeth and holding on, it would be hard for him to even stand for a long time.

Under Hu Xueying's supervision, Jiang Chao practiced the sword.

And at the special hospital for mental illness in the outer region of Ha City.

Psychiatric Specialty Hospital, also known as Ha City Fifth People's Hospital.

This place specializes in the treatment of mental patients.

Tian Xin was carried to a room on the fifth floor of the Inpatient Department by a few white coats.

It was a single room with simple and crude conditions. There was only a single iron bed inside.

In the general hospital, regardless of internal medicine or surgery, living in a single room was definitely the treatment for wealthy and elderly cadres.

But in a psychiatric hospital it was different. A room was a terrible word.

Only seriously ill patients are taken to a single room, and various treatments may be arranged while they are in the single room.

Tian Xin felt that her vision was a little blurry, she had been injected with an injection.

She didn't know what was being injected into her brain, but she had been feeling dizzy ever since she was shot in the head, accompanied by an indescribable pain.

Tian Xin felt that the few white gowns in front of him were like devils dressed in white. They seemed to be saying something and then laughed sinisterly together.

Meanwhile, beads of sweat the size of beans seeped out of Tian Xin's face, and her four limbs had already started twitching.

"Doctor Wang, is it because we used too much medicine? The patient's condition is unstable." A nurse said worriedly.

"She's a serious patient, so increasing the dosage isn't a big deal. Tie her to the bed." Dr. Wang said noncommittally.

A few of them tied Tian Xin's hands and feet to the bed.

After Tian Xin was tied up on the bed, she kept struggling, but her struggles seemed to be useless. In the end, her body could only lie on the cold iron bed.

"Dad, Mom, if only you had returned." Tian Xin looked at the ceiling in disarray.

After she finished murmuring, her eyes overflowed with tears.

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