Jiang Chao received a call from Luo Xiaofeng the next morning.

Luo Xiaofeng said to Jiang Chao with a trembling voice, "Forensic Pathologist Jiang, First Miss is in trouble."

"Something has happened? "What's going on?" If not for Luo Xiaofeng's call, Jiang Chao would have spent most of today cultivating and cultivating.

Last night's cultivation was a little strong, so Jiang Chao had to use this time to replenish his depleted spirit energy.

"The young miss has been captured by the President Guo and is now being brought to the Five Academies." Luo Xiaofeng could only seek help from Jiang Chao.

Luo Xiaofeng did not dare call the police, she was mentally ill to begin with and had broken the rules and escaped from the hospital.

"When did it happen?" Jiang Chao's face became gloomy as he asked.

"Just yesterday, shortly after our holiday in Rome." Luo Xiaofeng said.

"Then where are you, Sis Feng? I'll go find you. " Jiang Chao realised that the situation was bad and immediately stood up.

"I'm on the other side of the bridge." Luo Xiaofeng said.

"Wait for me there. I'll be there in twenty-five minutes at the latest." Jiang Chao immediately donned the clothes.

Hu Xueying was still recuperating from his injuries, but he did not disturb her and left the rented room.

Down the stairs, Jiang Chao immediately drove to the big stone bridge.

When Jiang Chao was together with Thaksa yesterday, he had discovered that Guo Zhaoyun's men were following them.

But yesterday, after they met in Rome on holiday, after they had just separated, something had happened to Luo Xiaofeng and Luo Xiaofeng.

Jiang Chao was a medical examiner. As a medical examiner, Jiang Chao would never believe that it was a coincidence.

Thinking back now, Guo Zhaoyun's people must have followed this line of thinking and tried to find the whereabouts of Tian Xin.

When he saw Luo Xiaofeng on the large stone bridge, Luo Xiaofeng's hair was a little messy, and there were some bruises on the corner of her mouth.

"Sis Feng." Jiang Chao opened the car window.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, Eldest Miss, she …" Luo Xiaofeng's mind was in a mess, she was at a loss on what to do.

"Let's get in the car and talk." Jiang Chao opened the car door for Luo Xiaofeng.

Luo Xiaofeng sat on the first seat and took a deep breath.

Yesterday was like a nightmare for her and Tian Xin.

Xiao Yong brought people to stop her and Tian Xin. Originally, Luo Xiaofeng wanted to protect Tian Xin, but not only did Xiao Yong have a lot of people, she even called for medical personnel from the mental hospital.

As Luo Xiaofeng and Xiao Yong were arguing, they even got beaten.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, Tian Xin has already been sent to the Five Great Academies. This time, if she wants to come out of the Five Great Academies again, it will be very difficult." Luo Xiaofeng said worriedly.

"Sis Feng, don't worry, Tian Xin is just depressed, she can take care of herself. Sis Feng, you can apply for a new spiritual appraisal for Tian Xin. The medical examiners here will definitely not favor either side, and the result will be the most realistic and fair. " Jiang Chao suggested.

"But I'm not Tian Xin's guardian, I can't apply to the city police." Luo Xiaofeng was confused.

"Then how did you go to the's Bureau to represent Tian Xin and reopen a case for investigation in the past?" Jiang Chao did not understand.

"In the past, there was Tian Xin's power of attorney, but now that Tian Xin has been sent to the Fifth Court, this power of attorney cannot be produced anymore." Luo Xiaofeng was worried.

Just as Luo Xiaofeng finished speaking, a voice came from outside the carriage door.

"Manager Luo, I was just about to call you, I didn't expect you to be in the car." A woman with shoulder-length hair and a black business suit said.

This woman looked like she was in her forties, but her skin was in good condition and she must have been a beauty when she was young.

"Lawyer Jiang, this is the Forensic Pathologist Jiang from the Municipal Public Security Bureau. He came to help as well." When Luo Xiaofeng saw this woman dressed in a black work attire, she hurriedly opened the car door.

Jiang Chao did not expect Luo Xiaofeng to call for a third person.

"You don't need to come down. Let's talk inside the car." The woman dressed in black was the lawyer Jiang Yingrong, who kept the wills and evidence for Tian Wenhui.

And Jiang Yingrong was quite a famous lawyer in Ha City.

He was not only famous because of the number of cases that Jiang Yingrong had won in the trial, the most important reason was that Jiang Yingrong was a very righteous lawyer.

She didn't even have a lawyer's fee for the vulnerable groups, and no matter how attractive the rich could be, they might not be able to get her out.

Jiang Yingrong took the initiative to sit in the back row.

And Luo Xiaofeng told Jiang Yingrong about Jiang Chao's suggestion.

"This is indeed a way, you don't have to worry about me doing the spiritual appraisal again. I am the only appointed personal representative in Chairman Tian, I can apply to the Public Security Bureau or the judicial department with this identity." Jiang Yingrong guaranteed.

Jiang Yingrong immediately solved a difficult problem. With a grateful expression on her face, Luo Xiaofeng said, "Lawyer Jiang, I'll be troubling you."

"No trouble. That's what I should do. However, I want to make one thing clear, Forensic Pathologist Jiang, you cannot participate in Tian Xin's forensic spiritual appraisal. " Luo Xiaofeng had just briefly introduced her relationship with her.

Luo Xiaofeng thought that it was easy to get acquainted with him, but Jiang Yingrong had rejected the idea of Jiang Chao participating in the appraisal.

"Why is that?" Jiang Chao did not understand.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, Guo Zhaoyun is a very shrewd person, moreover she has a very professional legal affairs team, I'm afraid Guo Zhaoyun has already grasped your relationship with his, at this time, avoiding suspicion, is beneficial to you and Tian Xin. On the other hand, the other party may seize on this weakness, such as a court application for invalidity. " Jiang Yingrong explained.

Jiang Yingrong was a lawyer, she specialized in martial arts. She was only thinking for Jiang Chao's sake.

"..." "True." Jiang Chao thought back to the words Guo Zhaoyun had said to him that day at the entrance of the Public Security University.

"However, although Forensic Pathologist Jiang is not participating in the appraisal, there is one thing I have to trouble you with. The Public Security Bureau has a good reputation with only two forensic experts in the Criminal Investigation Technology Section. It would be more authoritative to entrust them with the appraisal. " Jiang Yingrong said.

"Which two?" This kind of thing was simple for Jiang Chao.

"One is Section Chief Hai Dafu from your Criminal Investigation Technology Section."

"The other one is Forensic Zhou Yimin, who specializes in the appraisal of mental diseases."

"Their appraisal results have a certain level of authority, and during the trial, it's not easy for the other side to find the loophole by representing the lawyers." Jiang Yingrong said.

"Zhou Yimin?" Jiang Chao knew that there were forensic doctors in the Criminal Investigation Technology Section, whether it was the hospital or the basic level, but he had never heard of these three words before.

"Alright, I'll do my best on this matter." But Jiang Chao still agreed to it immediately.

Jiang Yingrong's arrangement was definitely for Tian Xin's benefit.

The three of them calculated for a while, after which, Jiang Yingrong acted as their attorney and applied for Tian Xin's identity again.

Jiang Chao brought Luo Xiaofeng to the Fifth People's Hospital.

Luo Xiaofeng was too worried about Tian Xin, she was really afraid that something would happen to Tian Xin if she stayed in that abnormal place.

But by the time they reached the Fifth People's Hospital, Jiang Chao and Luo Xiaofeng had already been taken advantage of.

"This is a high-risk patient, and he is currently under observation. Our hospital has a rule that non-direct relatives are not allowed to visit during the observation period." The staff of the Five Great Academies said with a cold attitude.

"Then can we make some arrangements? Since the parents of this patient have passed away, let's have more interactions." When Luo Xiaofeng heard that Tian Xin had become a highly dangerous patient, she couldn't calm down and made a request.

"The hospital has rules and regulations, sorry." The staff did not give Luo Xiaofeng any convenience.

As for Luo Xiaofeng, who had pestered them for a long time but still failed to get any results, she and Jiang Chao could only choose to leave.

Before leaving, Jiang Chao pointed to the Inpatient Department and asked: "Sis Feng, have you been there before?"

"I've visited Tian Xin once before. It's like a prison there." Luo Xiaofeng was worried.

"Like a prison?" Jiang Chao also broke out in a cold sweat for Tian Xin.

"Yes, there is a lock at the entrance of the Inpatient Department, and there is a lock at each exit of each floor." Yes, there is a lock at the entrance of the Inpatient Department, and there is a lock at each exit. Luo Xiaofeng explained.

Jiang Chao originally wanted to quietly go in and see Tian Xin's situation, but hearing Luo Xiaofeng's words, Jiang Chao gave up on that idea.

After leaving the Five Academies, Jiang Chao and Luo Xiaofeng discussed with each other.

Luo Xiaofeng chose not to return home and instead went to look for Jiang Yingrong.

During this period of time, Tian Xin's condition had improved a little, but now that she was sent to the Fifth Courtyard, she immediately became a highly dangerous patient. This matter was strange, how could Luo Xiaofeng let it go, she had to discuss it with Jiang Yingrong for follow-up.

After sending Luo Xiaofeng to her place, Jiang Chao returned to the rented room.

The main reason for the delay in Tian Xin's case was that she kept shifting her attention from the evidence of destruction.

But the blood test will be ready soon.

Furthermore, Jiang Yingrong also had some good evidence.

Adding on the evidence from before, no matter how hard Guo Zhaoyun tried, he would still be at the end of the road.

As for the person in question, Guo Zhaoyun, he was sitting in the general manager's office with a gloomy face.

After purchasing the Master Zhang statue and unlocking the secrets about it, Guo Zhaoyun had already entrusted a geologic exploration company to carry out geological exploration.

However, the Geological Exploration Company's reply was negative. Furthermore, that address was in the downtown area of another city. If there was a secret hidden in that place, it would have been discovered long ago when the city expanded and excavated the foundation.

Guo Zhaoyun was a very smart woman. After thinking about it, she finally understood that the 52 scriptures in his hands were fake.

"Tian Wenhui, you truly are an old cunning fox. Leaving such a trump card to mislead me, but you are underestimating me, Guo Zhaoyun. The thing that I want, will definitely fall into my hands!" Guo Zhaoyun said with a gloomy face.

"Tian Wenhui, since you dare to play with me, I will make you pay the price., the person that you have always treated as my beloved, I will make her want to die, we will see!"

With that said, Guo Zhaoyun's mouth formed a cold smile.

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