Zhou Cui told her the thing she was most afraid of.

After Qiu Ning heard this, he pondered for a while and said, "But you and Wu Na are from the same hometown. Don't you think that if the culprit got away scot-free like this, as a witness, you would not be able to sleep well?"

Qiu Ning was also betting, betting on Zhou Cui's conscience.

But when Zhou Cui heard this, she clenched her teeth and said: "Sister Qiu, Forensic Pathologist Jiang, my family's condition is very difficult, my father is paralyzed on the bed, if I lose my job, my father won't even have the money to treat my sickness."

Zhou Cui was also in a dilemma. She did not lie, her family was indeed in a difficult position, and she was the only financial support for her family.

Qiu Ning had asked her to be her witness, and her work was recommended by Wu Na. Wu Na usually treated her well at the factory, if she did not help Wu Na, her heart would definitely be a little uneasy.

But for her family, Zhou Cui really didn't know what to do.

And with Zhou Cui saying this, Qiu Ning became silent.

When she was facing Zhou Cui, she always made him think of her first time persuading others to be her witness.

That experience was deeply engraved in her heart, and even now, it was difficult to forget.

Seeing that his thoughts had gone astray, Qiu Ning thought that it was a little too far. When she came back to her senses, Jiang Chao opened her mouth and said: "Miss Zhou, how about this, we'll help you find a new job. If you find one, we'll inform you immediately."

"But I get over 4,000 yuan a month working in the factory. I don't know if I can get out. Zhou Cui was still hesitant.

This time, Qiu Ning said: "Little Zhou, how about this. First, act as a witness to identify the culprit.

"If I can't personally compensate you with 100,000 yuan, what do you think?" Qiu Ning had already said this much.

"Compensation is not required... I don't have a high requirement for work, as long as I have a guaranteed salary of around 1500 yuan and a decent performance commission. " Zhou Cui bit her lips and said.

The reason why Zhou Cui could get more than four thousand yuan a month was because she worked from day to night, and even finished her work later than others.

Qiu Ning had thought that Zhou Cui's demands were high, but hearing Zhou Cui's words, Qiu Ning heaved a sigh of relief: "Alright, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will handle it well for you."

This meal was rather effective as Zhou Cui promised to be the witness.

After Jiang Chao and Qiu Ning sent Zhou Cui back, on the way, Jiang Chao said: "Sister Qiu, why don't you let me help Miss Zhou with her work. We can settle her down as soon as possible."

"Sure, I was busy with graduate internships these few days. I would like to ask the employing unit if they need people who don't have a bachelor's degree but are willing to do so." Qiu Ning said.

Jiang Chao seemed to have thought of something. "Oh right, Sister Qiu, you said that you have similar experience in the past. What kind of case is that?"

Jiang Chao was very curious, and he didn't want to miss any of the cases.

"It's been too long. I can't remember clearly either. It seems to be a serious injury case." Qiu Ning said ambiguously.

In fact, Qiu Ning still remembered that case vividly.

And it was because of that case that she chose to become a medical examiner.

When Jiang Chao asked about this case, it made Qiu Ning recall the situation back then.

That year, her fiancé, who was the 'he' who looked very similar to Jiang Chao, was accused of taking revenge in the process of investigating a case. He was slashed a dozen times in an alley and had three fatal wounds on him.

That was originally a case of disguised suicide, but with Qiu Ning's fiancé's meticulous method of investigation, the situation turned around and through hard work, she found the culprit.

The murderer had been sentenced to death, and his family had vented all their resentment on her fiancé. She had really broken down when she saw him lying like that in the mortuary freezer that day.

In order to find the culprit, Qiu Ning gave up on her great job and became the external medical examiner for Criminal Investigation Technology Section. It took him over a year to find the clue and witness.

At that time, in order to convince her to testify, Qiu Ning had used all of her powers. To the Qiu Ning at that time, as long as she was willing to testify, she would not refuse even if it cost her everything.

And in the end, the witness was moved by Qiu Ning, who eventually gave her confession in court.

"Sister Qiu, there's a car in front!"

A crunching sound was heard! If it wasn't for Jiang Chao's loud warning, Qiu Ning would have probably crashed into the Dodge.

"What the heck? He doesn't have eyes!" The owner of the Dodge was also shocked and cursed.

Qiu Ning was also a little shaken and unsettled.

"Sister Qiu, are you alright?" Jiang Chao also broke out in a cold sweat.

Qiu Ning seemed to be absent-minded just now.

"It's fine. I haven't rested well these few days. My mental state isn't good." Qiu Ning hurriedly found an excuse.

"Why don't I drive you back to Sister Qiu?" Jiang Chao said worriedly.

"No, no." Qiu Ning waved her hand.

When the two of them reached the city police station, Jiang Chao was still a little worried. "Sister Qiu, are you really alright?"

"It's fine, I'll rest in the car for a while, Jiang Chao, you can go back first." Qiu Ning said.

"It's really fine?" Jiang Chao looked at Qiu Ning.

"It's really nothing, I'll be fine after a short rest." Qiu Ning said.

Jiang Chao looked around, this was the city's police station, security was good, Jiang Chao was not afraid of anything happening to Qiu Ning here.

After hesitating for a bit, Jiang Chao said: "Then, Sister Qiu, I'll head back first."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Chao walked towards the residential area.

In fact, if Jiang Chao didn't have something even more important to do, he would definitely insist on sending him home at night.

Reaching the rented house, Jiang Chao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Dongdong: "Dongdong, how did you get back?"

"By bus." Dongdong said honestly.

"Did you have dinner tonight?" Jiang Chao would give Dongdong 20 yuan every morning for his pocket money.

"Yes." Dongdong nodded.

"Then did you see your Auntie Hu?" Jiang Chao revealed the problem he was most concerned about.

"Nope." Dongdong shook his head.

What happened last night, Dongdong was still in the valley, so he did not tell Dongdong the truth.

Hearing that, Jiang Chao sighed, and then he looked out the window with a serious expression.

Hu Xueying had never mentioned who her enemies were, but if Hu Xueying still didn't come back, Jiang Chao was prepared to go out and find her.

Flowers two apiece.

In a desolate mountain range that was over a hundred kilometers away from Ha City.

Hu Xueying climbed up the slope unsteadily.

Hu Xueying's body had several bloody wounds, and her face was extremely pale.

The fierce battle last night lasted until three or four in the morning.

Because Hu Xueying had lost his Littleleaf Rhododendron Herb, he was unable to resist against the Sword Ghost, who had the support of Redsnow's ten grips.

And after losing, Hu Xueying managed to escape from the Sword Ghost's pursuit after a few rounds.

Even though his body was injured and he was covered in dirt and grime, he still survived.

Hu Xueying did not dare return to the place where Jiang Chao was, she was afraid that it would implicate Jiang Chao, the struggle between cultivators was so cruel, there were many of them. Hu Xueying realised that there was an abandoned cave in front of his, and decided to hide there temporarily.

Climbing up the slope, Hu Xueying wiped the sweat off his face. While taking a break, she took out his phone.

After a moment of hesitation, Hu Xueying sent a text message to Jiang Chao when his phone still had a bar of electricity.

"I am safe now. I will be outside. I will come and find you after everything has calmed down." Hu Xueying immediately turned off his phone after sending Jiang Chao a short message.

The reason why Hu Xueying sent a message to Jiang Chao was to pacify his heart. Otherwise, according to Jiang Chao's personality, he would probably look for her everywhere.

This place was extremely remote and was suitable for concealment. Of course, if not for this reason, Hu Xueying would not have chosen this place.

Hu Xueying planned to recover from his injuries first, and she wanted to lay down some methods to prevent the Sword Ghost from finding his home again.

Hu Xueying was prepared to give up on the matter of collecting the sword forging materials, and if he could collect all the materials, Hu Xueying would prepare to refine a new set of Littleleaf Rhododendron Herb. If he succeeded in refining the sword, and met with a Sword Demon, she would definitely not be in such a sorry state.

When Jiang Chao was flipping through the word documents left behind by Auntie Liu's daughter, he received a message from Hu Xueying.

Jiang Chao was a little bit like an ant on a hot pan right now, but after knowing that Hu Xueying was safe, Jiang Chao calmed down and calmed down.

"It seems that I must break through to the Foundation Establishment stage as soon as possible, or else I won't even have the right to protect those close to me." The matter with Hu Xueying, left him with a sense of defeat.

He watched as the Sword Demon insulted Hu Xueying, and watched as the sharp blade in the Sword Demon's hand was about to cut Hu Xueying's throat.

Jiang Chao did not want to continue like this. He was not willing to become Hu Xueying's burden. He wanted to become the person who held up the umbrella for Hu Xueying when the storm came.

Clenching his fists, Jiang Chao placed his gaze back on the computer screen.

was still meditating during the night. On the morning of the second day, when Jiang Chao woke up, he made breakfast for him.

Jiang Chao had basically read all of the diaries of Auntie Liu's daughter.

Pain and chills were the only things that Jiang Chao could describe about this case.

Jiang Chao didn't know what the end result of Auntie Liu's daughter would be, but he clearly remembered that in the last diary, Auntie Liu's daughter wrote: "Slowly, getting used to disappointment, despair, getting used to everything else, but the most uncomfortable thing was waiting for hope in despair and disappointment …" "Sun Ying."

This last diary caused people to feel extremely depressed. After reading through these diary entries together, Jiang Chao could already understand Sun Ying's desperate and indescribable state of mind at the last moment.

Sun Ying didn't want the Auntie Liu to know that she was raped by her stepfather. She would rather go outside and put on the clothes of a bad girl than to let the Auntie Liu know the truth.

She hoped that Auntie Liu would live a happy life. Even if there was a day when she was no longer here, Auntie Liu would still be able to live a good life.

After taking in a deep breath, Jiang Chao really wanted to light a cigarette for himself. Sun Ying wrote in her diary that whenever he was raped by his stepfather and lit a cigarette afterwards, she would force himself to smile painfully under the smell of nicotine.

She could feel the smoke and the quiet burning. It was so simple that she did not have to think about it.

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