After all, after the end of the next week, he and Thaksa would be sent to the grassroots level.

But in the morning, Jiang Chao contacted Luo Xiaofeng.

Since he had a lot of free time on Saturday, Jiang Chao decided to take the opportunity to take a look at Tian Xin.

"Sis Feng, I would like to see Tian Xin in the morning. Where are you staying now?" Before Jiang Chao got on the car, he made a call.

"We have already moved back to Tian Xin's home. Jiang Chao, it is enough for you to come over immediately." Luo Xiaofeng replied from the phone.

Right now, Guo Zhaoyun was wanted by the police, the media who used to speak ill of him were nothing more than fence-sitters.

The media started using 'Divine Reversal' one after another, 'So the real culprit behind the murder was her!?' These words had reported about Guo Zhaoyun's matter.

Since the case had already been decided, and Guo Zhaoyun had absconded out of fear of his crimes, Tian Xin had naturally recovered his identity as the legal successor of Tian Wenhui's inheritance. Furthermore, Tian Xin had entrusted lawyers Jiang to purge all scum like Xiao Yong from the company.

Now that Tian Xin had returned, it was no different from a purge to Run Feng Estate.

"Then I'll go right now." Jiang Chao ended his call with Luo Xiaofeng.

When Jiang Chao drove the car to the supermarket outside of the small district, and bought some canned fruit or something, he directly drove in the direction of Tian Family Villa.

's state of mind had already changed. He came here before to resolve the case and now, he came here to visit his friends.

After pressing the doorbell, Luo Xiaofeng's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Sis Feng, it's me!" Jiang Chao smiled towards the monitoring system at the door.

"The door has already been opened. Forensic Pathologist Jiang, come in quickly." Jiang Chao was Tian Xin's savior, so Luo Xiaofeng did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly opened the door.

Jiang Chao passed through the courtyard, and when he arrived at the entrance of the villa, Luo Xiaofeng and Tian Xin came out to greet him.

"Jiang Chao, you're finally here." Tian Xin laughed.

It had been a while since Tian Xin came out of the mental hospital, but she still looked very pale.

"There have been a lot of cases in the past few days and I've been busy. I'll come over to check on you when I'm resting today." Jiang Chao also laughed.

"Did Jiang Chao eat breakfast? "If you haven't eaten, I'll get the nanny to cook it for you." Tian Xin said.

"There's no need to trouble yourself. I've already eaten." Jiang Chao did not come here today only to see Tian Xin, but he also had something that he wanted to ask Tian Xin and the others for their help.

Jiang Chao brought out the canned fruit and other things to his Tian Family Villa.

Jiang Chao was still shocked when he saw the villa again. It was great to be rich.

"Jiang Chao, take a seat. If you don't come, I would like to go look for you. I have some things that I want to tell you too." Tian Xin laughed.

"What is it, Tian Xin, tell me. I can help to the best of my abilities." Jiang Chao noticed that Tian Xin's hands and legs were still twitching from time to time.

Initially, Jiang Chao had wanted to trouble Hu Xueying to take a look, but now that something had happened to Hu Xueying, he could only delay the matter.

Tian Xin opened her mouth to say something but her face turned red.

The things she wanted to say seemed to embarrass her.

Seeing that, Luo Xiaofeng was amused: "Forensic Pathologist Jiang, you haven't talked about the target yet right?"

"No, it's not easy to find someone as busy as me." Jiang Chao said awkwardly.

"Do you have any girls you like?" Luo Xiaofeng tried again.

"There isn't any for now …" Jiang Chao laughed dryly, but when he answered this question, what he was thinking about in his heart was actually Hu Xueying's extremely beautiful face.

"So are you going to talk about one now?" Luo Xiaofeng looked at Tian Xin, and said something in her words.

Tian Xin's face was getting redder and redder.

His IQ is not equal to his EQ, Jiang Chao laughed: "You don't have a single character, leave it to fate."

"Sis Feng, let's talk about other things. I'm very pressured for you to investigate the household registration like this." Jiang Chao added with an embarrassed smile.

Hearing Jiang Chao's words, Luo Xiaofeng's expression became serious.

When the Chairman Tian and the young miss's mother were alive, her biggest wish was to see her become a family. I have discussed this with the young miss and we all thought that you were pretty good.

The meaning behind Luo Xiaofeng's words was very obvious.

Jiang Chao, you promised this, you will be Tian Xin's fiancé from now on!

Luo Xiaofeng pointed at the veil and said the clear words, while Jiang Chao's expression was immediately petrified!

What was this supposed to be! He was not prepared for this at all.

Tian Xin waited for Jiang Chao to reply. In this half awkward and half awkward atmosphere, she laughed dryly: "Sis Feng, you and Tian Xin couldn't be joking with me, right?"

"Of course not, but if you don't agree, then we won't force you." Luo Xiaofeng said.

Tian Xin had already returned. If Jiang Chao was on good terms with him, he would have gotten nothing but good value for free. Once Lawyer Jiang completed the procedures and Tian Xin had completely inherited Tian Wenhui's inheritance, Jiang Chao would be able to rise through the ranks from an ordinary forensic doctor.

"This... "Let me think again. It's too sudden." Jiang Chao said awkwardly.

Jiang Chao did not refuse nor agree, but of course, Jiang Chao helped Tian Xin out when he saw injustice.

In terms of relationship, she was probably not as deep as Thaksa.

Jiang Chao did not immediately reject Tian Xin because he was afraid of drying up the atmosphere. Furthermore, he came here today with a request.

"That's fine. You need to get used to your emotions as well." Luo Xiaofeng understood.

After the awkward moment, Jiang Chao changed the subject and said: "Sis Feng, the reason why I'm here today is because I'm here to see Tian Xin. Secondly, I want you two to help me with something."

"Help? "What is it?"

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, just say it, we will definitely do our best if you can help." Luo Xiaofeng revealed her attitude.

If the eyewitness came out as a witness, he would probably lose his job. But if she doesn't come out as a witness, the killer might get away with it. I hope you guys can help out and see if you can arrange a job for this eyewitness.

Jiang Chao told him the whole story of how Rongda Electronic Components Factory fell, and also told him everything about Zhou Cui's conditions.

But before Jiang Chao could finish, Tian Xin interrupted him and said: "This is very simple. Let her report on Monday and come straight to work at the Run Feng Estate. I will let Sis Feng take care of the arrangements when the time comes."

After Tian Xin finished speaking, she turned to Luo Xiaofeng and said, "Sis Feng, arrange for this girl to receive a monthly salary of five thousand."

"..." Young miss, we do have a position of five thousand yuan per month, but I'm afraid that she is not up to the task. " Luo Xiaofeng hesitated when she heard this.

"Sis Feng, you can arrange it for her." Tian Xin kept to what he said.

"Alright then …" Luo Xiaofeng knew Tian Xin's temperament and could only nod her head.

Jiang Chao, on the other hand, curiously asked: "Sis Feng, you're back to work at the Run Feng Estate again?"

"Yes, I am now the Director of Personnel and Assistant to the General Manager of Run Feng Estate." Luo Xiaofeng laughed.

"Who is the general manager?" Jiang Chao asked curiously.

"Eldest Miss is now in the name of the General Manager." Luo Xiaofeng spoke the truth.

Tian Xin interrupted: "Actually I want Sis Feng to be the general manager, but Sis Feng has to say that she doesn't have enough ability, and wants to openly recruit someone who does."

Luo Xiaofeng had helped Tian Xin so much in such a short period of time, of course Tian Xin was deeply grateful to him.

After Luo Xiaofeng heard this, she smiled: "I am indeed not qualified to be the general manager, and young miss is at home by myself. I am not at ease with you working in the personnel department, and will be able to come back to see you after work."

"Then I'll be troubling you with Sis Feng, Tian Xin, and Zhou Cui's matter." Jiang Chao was really glad that he helped Tian Xin and back then.

Originally, this matter had caused him to worry, but he didn't expect it to be resolved so easily.

"It's not troublesome. Oh right, Sis Feng, give me the contract." Tian Xin seemed to have thought of something.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot about that." Luo Xiaofeng quickly got up and brought over a contract. She handed the contract and the pen over to Jiang Chao.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, First Miss wants to hire you as her personal doctor. You have to come to our place at least twice a month, and your salary will be 500 thousand yuan per month. What do you think?" Luo Xiaofeng said.

Luo Xiaofeng and Tian Xin's' attacks' came wave after wave, Jiang Chao didn't even have time to prepare mentally.

"Private doctor? But what I'm studying is a medical examiner! " Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

"Jiang Chao, the massage you gave me that day was very effective. I wouldn't be worried if you were my personal doctor. I'm scared now, so unfamiliar that even I don't dare to find you." Tian Xin said.

When Jiang Chao was giving massage to Tian Xin in the mental hospital that day, the effect was indeed very obvious. Tian Xin's old illness was acting up again, and now illusions and hallucinations appeared every day.

Tian Xin wanted Jiang Chao to come over regularly to give her pointers, and Luo Xiaofeng was also in favor of this suggestion. Since Tian Xin liked Jiang Chao a little, this was also an opportunity for the two of them to get close to each other.

"Five hundred thousand, this …" Jiang Chao hesitated as he held the black pen.

"Five hundred thousand. If you think it's too little, how about I double it for you?" Tian Xin was now really rich, of course when nothing happened, she was always so willful when spending money.

"..." Tian Xin, let's do it like this, you don't have to pay, it is purely due to my obligation to help you. " Jiang Chao said awkwardly.

Jiang Chao was indeed a little nervous at the time, but Jiang Chao was not someone who would open his eyes to money when he saw it, he appreciated Tian Xin's good intentions.

"How can we do that!?" Jiang Chao, sign the contract, I will get Sis Feng to transfer a million to your account later. " Tian Xin insisted.

During the most difficult time, Jiang Chao had helped Tian Xin to reverse the situation. After Tian Xin said this, she would definitely repay him.

Luo Xiaofeng respected Tian Xin's decision as well. "Forensic Pathologist Jiang, if you are not satisfied, I will revise the contract now and print it again."

"..." "I really don't need to …" Jiang Chao said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

It was a good thing for Tian Xin and the others, but Jiang Chao did not want to take advantage of Tian Xin.

Jiang Chao and Tian Xin had their own perseverance, it was hard for them to back down for the time being.

However, after the geologists and explorers discovered the location of the underground palace, they used their apparatus to check it and found out that this underground palace was extremely secure. If they wanted to go in without going through the main entrance, they would probably need a high yield TNT mountain explosive.

The Luoyang had a strict supervision over illegal grave robbing groups. If they were to bomb them with explosives, the police would definitely be alerted.

"Miss Wu Yu, the only way to get in is to find the entrance to the underground palace."

"And I have to find a way to open the main room." The geological explorer said.

"Can't we just enter the tomb from somewhere else?" Guo Zhaoyun frowned.

"First, the destruction of the underground palace would cause too much disturbance to the police, and second, after using explosives or other methods that would have great destructive power, the tomb's underground chamber would easily collapse." The geological explorer explained.

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