"Don't you have complete confidence?" Guo Zhaoyun's face became ugly.

"Yes, and after the explosion, the probability of collapse is eighty percent."

"Then how about this, you guys fill the hole with soil. Once we've thought of a good idea, we'll begin!" "This tomb is said to be the treasure of the Anarchic Chaos."

When the Anshi chaos arose, the Tang Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline. An Lushan and Si Ming plundered an uncountable amount of property from all over the world, while Si Ming placed some of it in an ancient tomb.

Historically, there have been many versions of his life, and there have been even more versions of his death.

There were rumors that Shi Siming was killed by his son, and there were also rumors that Shi Siming faked his death and went to the temple to become a monk.

And because of an unexpected clue, Guo Zhaoyun discovered the secret of the 52 scriptures, and because of that, she went to great lengths to look for Tian Wenhui. After a few years of painstaking efforts, he plundered everything just to uncover the ancient tomb.

The underground palace was hard to open, so in order to not ruin what was inside, Guo Zhaoyun temporarily stopped all attempts.

And under the Tian Family Villa, under the argument between Tian Xin and Jiang Chao, both sides chose to compromise in the end.

Jiang Chao was willing to be Tian Xin's private doctor, but Jiang Chao only needed fifty thousand gold every month.

Tian Xin also retreated a step and agreed to Jiang Chao's conditions.

"However, in the next two months, I will be working at the basic level. I hope that you can understand why I have to come to see you, Tian Xin." Jiang Chao said.

"That's alright, as long as you can come over and take a look every month, Jiang Chao." Tian Xin said.

Back then, when she escaped, she was also being 'hunted' by Doctor Wang and a group of white robed men. If not for the fact that she coincidentally met Jiang Chao, she would not have been alive today.

Furthermore, Tian Xin also remembered the matter of him 'forcefully kissing' Jiang Chao that day. When she thought about that matter now, Tian Xin's face still blushed a little.

But at that time, there was really no other way.

"Oh right, Jiang Chao, there's something I want you to take a look at." Tian Xin said.

"What is it?" Jiang Chao was puzzled.

This time, Luo Xiaofeng did not follow along Tian Xin and the others. Instead, she brought Jiang Chao down to the underground storage room.

Tian Xin and the others had contacted a security company, and the fingerprint and iris scans of the underground storage room were all reset to zero.

After entering the underground storage room, Tian Xin showed Jiang Chao something.

"Master Zhang's body? Where did you get it? " Jiang Chao said in shock.

"It was when I sealed up that bitch Guo Zhaoyun's family. That bitch's real estate and property are all classified under the company's name now, I don't know when she got this Master Zhang image back." Tian Xin explained.

"Jiang Chao, can you see the secret behind it? "My dad's death had something to do with this thing." Tian Xin had always wanted to find out the secret of the 52 scriptures.

"Let me see." Jiang Chao carefully examined it.

Jiang Chao remembered that on Tian Wenhui's phone's storage card, there was an X-ray scan of the Master Zhang.

"How about we do a four-dimensional color Doppler testing of this thing? If there's any secret inside, then we'll use the current technology to check it and it'll come out." Jiang Chao thought for a while and said.

"Alright, I'll get the Sis Feng to contact the person." Tian Xin said.

"No need, our Criminal Investigation Technology Section has this kind of equipment."

"At that time, I will have the people from Technical Room come over to take a look." Jiang Chao said.

Jiang Chao could be at ease with Sun Shanwu's standards, he could just find Sun Shanwu and have a look.

There were still unanswered questions about Tian Wenhui's case, but Jiang Chao's purpose in coming to Tian Xin's side today was already accomplished.

After leaving the Tian Family Villa, Tian Xin and Luo Xiaofeng saw Jiang Chao to the door.

Luo Xiaofeng's speed was fast enough, the fifty thousand from being Tian Xin's private doctor's first month was already lying peacefully on Jiang Chao's bank card.

"Tian Xin, you can go back Sis Feng first. We'll contact you another day." Jiang Chao laughed.

"Jiang Chao, slow down on your way." Tian Xin looked at Jiang Chao and said.

Honestly speaking, now that she had experienced it, Tian Xin was no longer the young miss who was carefree in the past. Jiang Chao practically knew all of Tian Xin's secrets, and Tian Xin herself didn't know whether Jiang Chao would accept him like this or not.

Jiang Chao nodded, then drove out of the high-end villa that Tian Family Villa was in.

When they arrived outside the small district, Jiang Chao was prepared to give Qiu Ning a call, to tell him that Zhou Cui's job was already settled.

However, before he could make a call, an unfamiliar number called.

Jiang Chao hesitated for a moment before answering the call. A somewhat familiar voice came from inside: "Is this Jiang Chao, Mister Jiang?"

"Yes, you are?" Jiang Chao asked doubtfully.

"My surname is Bao, the steward of Tzu Chi Hall."

"So it's old Mr. Bao. Sorry, I haven't remembered your number yet." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

"Mr. Jiang, the order you ordered last time arrived. Come and pick it up at my store when you have time." Old Mr. Bao said.

"Alright, I'll go over now then." Jiang Chao thought for a while and said.

Old Master Bao purposely informed Jiang Chao that the things had arrived. After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chao headed directly towards the direction of the Ha City and medicinal herbs market.

Last time, Jiang Chao bet forty thousand dollars in the Tzu Chi Hall, and of the five Foundation Building Pill materials that Old Master Bao promised him, he had already given him three. Jiang Chao didn't know which one Old Master Bao would give this time either.

But one thing was for sure, just the five unrelated ingredients alone would require Jiang Chao to spend tens of thousands of yuan.

As for one of the main ingredients, the Love Barbarian Flower, I heard from old mister Bao that it is even harder to buy it with money.

On the way, Jiang Chao told Qiu Ning about finding a job. Jiang Chao's efficiency had once again refreshed Qiu Ning's impression of him.

And Qiu Ning had said that today, Zhou Cui would go to the Criminal Investigation Branch to identify the criminal suspect Lu Jianxiang.

As for finding a job for Zhou Cui, Qiu Ning suggested that Jiang Chao communicate with him. That way, it would be able to stabilize Zhou Cui's heart.

When he arrived at the Ha City medicine market, Jiang Chao had already communicated with Zhou Cui.

When Zhou Cui heard that Jiang Chao was going to report it to the Run Feng Estate on Monday, and that there was a monthly salary of five thousand, she was a little confused.

Zhou Cui felt that what Jiang Chao said was false, but she was already in the Criminal Investigation Squadron, it was too late even if he regretted it.

Jiang Chao went to the Tzu Chi Hall.

As for Zhou Cui, she was waiting in the control room. Shi Shubing pointed at the surveillance camera and asked: "Is it him?"

Lu Jianxiang looked to be in his thirties or forties. He had a crew cut, a plain face, and a somewhat unnatural lower lip.

If you didn't know he was a criminal suspect, you would more or less treat him like an ordinary person.

However, Zhou Cui could see clearly how Lu Jianxiang had threatened Wu Na in the factory.

Zhou Cui was obviously afraid, she had only taken one look at the surveillance device and recognized Lu Jianxiang.

"That's him …" It was he who killed Sister Wu Na. "

"Why did he push her?" The case was still unclear, Shi Shubing asked with concern.

"He went to the female worker's dormitory to have sex with Sister Wu Na. Sister Wu Na happened to be sick and didn't leave work that day to take a rest. She had an argument with this person and this person said that he wanted to kill Sister Wu Na, so she pushed Sister Wu Na off." Zhou Cui recalled the events of that day and felt a bit of lingering fear.

"Then how did you see the whole thing?" Shi Shubing asked in a serious tone, in her hands there were basically no wrong and wrong cases.

"I was going to bring food to Sis Wu Na. I saw it at the door." Zhou Cui said honestly.

"Then why didn't you stop Lu Jianxiang at that time? Also, does Lu Jianxiang know that you are a witness? "

"I'm afraid, and I can't beat him."

"He didn't see me. When he pushed Sis Wu Na, I ran back to the dormitory." Zhou Cui said.

Zhou Cui was too timid, if she had stepped in to stop him, Wu Na might not have died.

However, she didn't. This was also the reason why her conscience wasn't at ease.

Shi Shubing glanced at Zhou Cui and said: "Then I hope you can persevere on. Being a witness is somewhat dangerous, but we, the police, will do our best to protect your safety."

Zhou Cui being able to identify Lu Jianxiang meant that the murder of Wu Na had already been decided.

And Jiang Chao had already arrived at the Tzu Chi Hall.

Old Master Bao held out a bag of herbs to Jiang Chao.

"Here's the Yellow Leather Grass. Young man, take it."

"How much is this package of Yellow Leather Grass?" Jiang Chao asked.

"You don't need to pay anymore. Young man, you bet 40,000 last time. Here's 30,000 taels of Yellow Leather Grass." Old Mr. Bao said with a smile.

F * ck, one million and ten thousand!

Gold was expensive. Yellow Leather Grass was not that far off from gold!

"Then I want the last material. If you get it from Elder Bao, inform me at any time." Jiang Chao said.

"Alright, that's right. Young man, I'm still helping you find the other ingredients on your pill formula. If there's any news, I'll inform you." Old Mr. Bao said.

"Thank you, Elder Bao." Jiang Chao nodded politely.

Jiang Chao left the Tzu Chi Hall.

However, before he could get very far, someone called out to him.

"Jiang Chao, why are you here again?" Jiang Chao turned his head towards the voice, only to discover that the person who called him back was the person he least wanted to see.

This man was the Shi Silei who had pestered him multiple times.

The last time he saw Shi Silei was also near the Medicinal Herbs Market.

Jiang Chao was startled, and laughed dryly: "I have something to do here."

"Jiang Chao, you're not too kind. Why didn't you add me the last time I added you as WeChat?" Shi Silei said with a bit of resentment.

Last time, Thaksa took the initiative to be Jiang Chao's shield.

But Shi Silei was not an ordinary girl, the more she had a girlfriend, the more it piqued her interest.

Furthermore, the colder Jiang Chao was to her, the more energetic she got.

She had to take Jiang Chao down.

Shi Silei asked Jiang Chao, and Jiang Chao suddenly thought of the matter of Shi Silei adding her own WeChat signal.

Jiang Chao didn't know how Shi Silei obtained his WeChat number, but Jiang Chao pretended not to see it and neglected this matter.

"I don't use WeChat much. Sorry, Lei Lei." Jiang Chao laughed dryly.

"Now add it, don't say you don't have a cell phone, I've already searched for you in the vicinity." Shi Silei was unrelenting.

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