Shi Silei said so bluntly, that made Jiang Chao extremely embarrassed.

However, Shi Silei really did bring the phone in front of Jiang Chao. She showed the function of searching for contacts in the vicinity to Jiang Chao through WeChat.

Since Shi Silei had already done this, it would be a little difficult for him not to WeChat her anymore.

Jiang Chao hesitated, but still took out his phone.

"I've applied to add you." Shi Silei said as if she was a cat catching a mouse.

"Yes." Jiang Chao tapped accept the application.

"Then, Jiang Chao, in another two days, I'll make an appointment with you. You better not come out." Shi Silei said with an expression as if he had caught a fish.

"We'll see when the time comes. Lei Lei, I have other things to do, so I'll be leaving first." Shi Silei was a troublesome person, so she did not want to get entangled with her.

"Take it slow, Forensic Pathologist Jiang." Shi Silei looked at Jiang Chao with a beaming smile.

After that, Shi Silei glanced at Jiang Chao's Moments.

Jiang Chao did not frequently send messages to his friends circle, but Shi Silei saw that Jiang Chao's friends circle was trying to grasp Jiang Chao's habits.

The man was chasing after the woman, the woman was chasing after the man, and the woman was chasing after the woman.

He also felt that it was strange that Jiang Chao had opened his own Bmw X5.

The Ha City was so huge, why did he meet someone like Shi Silei at the Medicinal Herbs Market?

Could it be that Shi Silei's home was near the Medicinal Herbs Market, or was she working there?

Jiang Chao thought about the few herbs that Shi Silei had in her hands. The latter was more likely.

But Shi Silei didn't have Jiang Chao's number on his phone right now. Jiang Chao was so busy at the Criminal Investigation Technology Section right now, so he wouldn't have time to play around with Shi Silei. If Shi Silei asked him out, he might as well be thick-skinned and refuse to return.

Jiang Chao took the Three Leather Grass that Old Master Bao gave him and returned home.

At the back door of the National Academy Theatre, a black business car stopped.

The people in the black business car were very strange. When there were few people around, the people in the black business car got off.

Maddie was also on the carriage.

After the people in the carriage got out, Maddie looked around and said to his subordinates, "Bring them to Brother B's office."

"Yes, Brother Maddie."

Maddie's subordinates brought out two knitting bags from the trunk.

He didn't know what was inside the two woven bags, but the items inside were struggling very hard.

"F * ck you, if you move again, I'll beat you to death!" As Maddie saw this, he kicked one of the bags, which released a female scream.

Maddie watched from the outside, and a few of his subordinates quickly brought the two knitting bags over to Chief B's office.

It wasn't too far from the Ha City, so it wouldn't take long for him to drive the car at high speed.

Since he was on the streets, Tan Huanxi couldn't possibly do it without leaving a trace.

Since Tan Huanxi had grasped the boss' weakness, the boss had allowed Maddie to find Tan Huanxi's family.

But Big Boss B was really ruthless with this move. If Tan Huanxi wanted to play, Big Boss B would accompany him to the end.

In Chief B's office, the women and children in the woven bags were released, but they were now kneeling on the floor.

Big B lit a cigar.

He looked at them leisurely.

"If I remember correctly, your name is Qin Pei, right?" I've done things in the past in a happy setting. " Chief B pointed to the young woman.

"Brother B, please let my child go …" The child is too young and he is innocent. " The young woman seemed to know who was sitting in front of her as she begged.

"If you all are to let me go, I will naturally let you all go. However, it would seem that you all are going to oppose me." The big boss B said coldly.

"But joy really surprises me. Eight years ago, I remembered that he was released from bail for two months. I didn't think that this guy would actually have a relationship with you and have a child."

"But now that you have a child, when you come out to muddle through society, a child's greatest weakness is that child." Chief B sneered.

Then, the big boss B took a puff of smoke and said to Maddie: "Maddie cut off one of her fingers and sent it over to Joy. Since he wants to be an ungrateful bastard, we have to give him a big gift."

"Yes, Brother B." Maddie ordered his subordinates to control the young lady.

In less than 15 minutes, an extremely miserable scream came out from the Big B's office.

After Jiang Chao returned home, he placed the Foundation Building Pill s' ingredients properly, and then sat cross-legged on the bed.

In the few days that Hu Xueying wasn't around, Jiang Chao was a bit uncomfortable.

But at least Hu Xueying was still alive.

Jiang Chao absorbed all the energy in his body and did not wake up until it was time for dinner.

He personally cooked for Dongdong, and during the meal, Dongdong could not help but say to Jiang Chao: "Uncle …. When will I see my father? "

Jiang Chao had told Shi Shubing that he wanted to see his father, but Shi Shubing's intention was for the father and son pair to make a phone call. After all, Dongdong was still so old.

"Wait a little longer, uncle will try to contact your father." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

Actually, allowing the father and son pair to communicate through the phone, was not a difficult thing to do. It was just that Shi Shubing had been busy for the past two weeks, and could not spare any time.

"I miss dad." Dongdong said with moist small eyes.

"Don't worry Dongdong, just these few days uncle will at least let you contact your father, okay?" Jiang Chao hurriedly tried to persuade his.

"Alright." Dongdong nodded.

"Uncle, you have to keep your word this time." Dongdong said worriedly.

"Uncle's words must be true." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

After finishing his meal, Jiang Chao finished washing up, but his phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Chao opened it and looked, only to see Cao Cao Cao Cao there, it was Shi Shubing.

"Jiang Chao, come to the entrance of the city police station now, there's a case again." Shi Shubing said with a tense expression.

"Alright, I'll go right now." As for the matter regarding Dongdong's father, Jiang Chao wanted to mention it to Shi Shubing.

Jiang Chao gave some instructions to Dongdong and then went downstairs.

When he arrived at the entrance of the city police station, Jiang Chao saw Shi Shubing.

After getting in the car, Jiang Chao turned to Shi Shubing and asked, "Captain Shi, are there any other forensic doctors who came out this time?"

"This matter is rather urgent, so I called you over."

"What case?"

"Tan Huanxi received a woman's finger, Tan Huanxi said it belonged to her wife." Shi Shubing said.

"Her wife's fingers?" Jiang Chao was surprised to hear it.

"Hmm, I'm not too sure about the details. Let's go take a look first." Shi Shubing didn't really like Tan Huanxi.

Originally, Bao Tou had already given her a confession, but he didn't know what method Tan Huanxi used to do it.

In addition, Tan Huanxi's lawyer had used a few methods. Shi Shubing and the others had very passively released Tan Huanxi.

But this time, Tan Huanxi was the one who called the police, so Shi Shubing had to go.

But Shi Shubing also wanted to see the truth, so she brought Jiang Chao along.

When they arrived at the cloudy sky above the blue sea, Bao Ya Yun himself was waiting for them at the door.

"Captain Shi, this is?" Bao Ya Yun welcomed Jiang Chao with a smile.

"This is the medical examiner for our city's Criminal Investigation Technology Section, Jiang Chao." Shi Shubing did not have a good impression of Bao Ya.

A lawyer should have his own principles, but Bao Yanming chose to serve for a gangster like Tan Huanxi. This was not what an upright lawyer should do.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, I have heard a lot about you!"

"The incident of the dismembering of the flower and poisoning at Ha Gong University was quite sensational. I heard that you contributed a lot to Forensic Pathologist Jiang." Bao Ya Yun smiled as he stretched out his hand.

Although he did not hit the smiling person, Jiang Chao felt very puzzled. It was obviously the first time he had met Bao Ya Zu, how did Bao Ya ZIu know about it so well?

However, after staying in the city police station for a long time, Jiang Chao had understood the principle of the person's way of life.

Jiang Chao shook hands with Bao Yanming.

Bao Ya Yun then turned to Jiang Chao and Shi Shubing and said, "Captain Shi, Forensic Pathologist Jiang, Brother Xiao is currently in the office."

"What about the evidence?" Shi Shubing grabbed the key and asked.

"Also in the office." Bao Ya replied.

Under Bao Ya Yun's lead, Jiang Chao and Shi Shubing arrived at Tan Huanxi's office.

Tan Huanxi's face was a little ugly right now.

The trademark smile wasn't on his face today.

"Brother Happy, Captain Shi and the rest have arrived." Bao Ya replied.

"Captain Shi, take a seat." Tan Huanxi arranged it with a stiff smile.

"Tan Huanxi, tell me the sequence of events." Shi Shubing did not bother getting straight to the point.

Although Tan Huanxi had a dark background and had fought with the police multiple times, according to the laws and regulations, Tan Huanxi could still enjoy the basic rights and privileges of a citizen.

They cut off my wife's fingers and brought it over to me. Furthermore, they threatened me, saying that if I do not listen to Hongyi, then not only my wife and my son will be killed, they will also do the same. "Feng Xue" Tan Huanxi said with an ugly expression.

"Did your wife and son get kidnapped by boss B.?" Shi Shubing seized the key point and asked.

"Yes, they're in A. B. 's hands now." Tan Huanxi said.

The reason why Tan Huanxi decided to report this matter to the police was because he had his own considerations. He had materials that could cause the death of Chief B, who then kidnapped his wife and children.

Tan Huanxi didn't care about his wife's life. After all, he married that young girl to get a child.

Tan Huanxi was most worried about his son. In order to prevent his son from being found by the enemy, he had even sent the two of them to the sea palace.

Now that the boss was so ruthless, he wanted to fight to the death.

Tan Huanxi understood Big Boss B's character very well. First, he wanted Big Boss B to kidnap the hostages and second, he wanted Big Boss B to not dare to act rashly under the surveillance of the police.

"Then what evidence do you have to prove that Big B's man did it?" Shi Shubing knew that Tan Huanxi was an old cunning fox and asked worriedly.

"The evidence is right here, and the boss's subordinate, Maddie, has already come to my place. If Officer Shi doesn't believe me, I can call for the cameras to monitor you." Tan Huanxi said.

"Jiang Chao, look at that severed finger."

"Tan Huanxi, bring out the monitoring system for me to see. If what you said is the truth, I will arrange for people to go to the boss B." Shi Shubing was obviously very cautious.

"This is my wife's finger that was cut off. Little bag, show the surveillance to Officer Shi."

"Alright." Bao Ya Yun seemed to be prepared for this. He took out his laptop from his laptop bag and opened a video window.

"Captain Shi, this is the big boss's younger brother, Maddie. Take note, he has a box with this broken finger."

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