The one who had managed the SWAT team outside was the captain of the SWAT team, Feng Guixiang.

After Feng Guixiang shouted, he picked up his walkie-talkie and said, "Is the number one and two already in place?"

"Number 1 is already in position, the kidnappers can be seen!"

"Number 2 is already in position!"

"According to the battle plan, the kidnappers in the workshop should be on alert at 1 o'clock. The target of point 2 is at the entrance of the workshop. Don't shoot until I give the order." Feng Gui Xiang said.

"Received at 1 o'clock!"

"Received by the second point!"

Feng Gui Xiang put down the walkie-talkie, while Shi Shubing who was standing beside him looked at the entrance of the workshop with a serious expression.

Having worked in the city police station for a few years, Shi Shubing had definitely experienced such a scene before.

However, every time he encountered a kidnapping case, Shi Shubing's brain would become extremely tense.

Kidnapping was easy to do, and the kidnappers were desperate and vicious.

"Captain Feng, how confident are you to save the hostages?" Shi Shubing said worriedly.

"That's hard to say. We've also encountered situations where kidnappers tore off votes before. In this situation, we can only ensure that we're as cautious as we can, so as to ensure the safety of the hostages." Feng Gui Xiang said.

"Call captain at number 1!" It has been observed that there are two hostages, a woman and a child in the workshop. "

"Keep an eye on the kidnappers."

"Got it."

Shi Shubing looked at the entrance of the workshop and said: "Captain Feng, thank you for your hard work."

"Captain Shi, you're too polite." Feng Gui Xiang said.

After the SWAT team's work was all set up, they were separated by more than ten minutes when they heard a gunshot coming from the workshop!

"Call captain at number 1, the kidnapper killed that woman!"

After the sniper at point one reported the situation through the walkie-talkie, the other special police officers immediately turned to Feng Gui Xiang and asked, "Captain, are we going to break out now?"

"Don't move yet. Everyone stay put and wait!" Feng Gui Xiang's expression immediately darkened.

He didn't think that the kidnapper would actually dare to kill someone.

Not long after, a young man dragged the woman's body out.

There was an additional red dot on the body of the social youth. The social youth was clearly a little afraid, but after he tremblingly raised his hands, he shouted towards Feng Gui Xiang and Shi Shubing who were not far away, "Our Boss said … Present... Now get us a car and let us go, and... The rest of the hostages will be given to you when you are safe, but if you don't cooperate with the police, then five minutes later, I … We will kill this hostage! " The youth stuttered because he was afraid to speak.

The reason Maddie killed the woman first was to set an example for the police to avoid shooting at them.

Furthermore, Maddie was indeed a very arrogant person, he only gave the police five minutes to think things over.

But suddenly!

The youth who had spoken half knelt on the ground. Then, his face twitched as he hugged his knee and wailed in pain!

Feng Gui Xiang and Shi Shubing communicated with each other, Shi Shubing's expression was a little ugly, but she still nodded.

As for Feng Gui Xiang, he called a few special police officers and dragged the body of the young man and woman to this side.

Lifting up the microphone again, Feng Gui Xiang's tone was still as tough as before.

"Listen up, I'll give you a minute to let go of the hostages. If you dare to hurt the hostages again, we, the police, will not show mercy!"

"Everyone get ready. Begin breaking out of the encirclement in a minute!" If anyone inside dares to resist, they can be killed immediately! "

"Roger that!"

"Yes sir!"

The SWAT team was ready.

However, the special forces did not compromise, which allowed the pressure to return back to Maddie's side.

Maddie never thought that he would meet such a tough opponent.

Since Maddie was able to become the subordinate of B Major, and had won the spotlight in the recent years, he naturally knew that it was possible for the police.

Maddie lit a cigarette.

"Brother Maddie, what do we do?" The timid one couldn't help but ask.

This time, Maddie did not speak.

Maddie knew that if he took the next step, they would most likely die.

However, Maddie knew what would happen if he did not complete what the big boss had told him.

His face was dark, and all his men in the shop were looking at him.

The hearts of everyone in the workshop hung at their throats. Maddie's next sentence could even decide their fate.

"Let him go." Maddie had only smoked half of the cigarette, and he flicked the cigarette butt onto the ground.

Maddie also understood that if he surrendered now, there might be a way out, but if he resisted stubbornly, then there would only be a dead end.

When a minute had passed, Maddie and the others raised their hands, and walked out of the workshop one by one.

Maddie and the rest had killed Tan Huanxi's wife, which surprised both Shi Shubing and Feng Gui Xiang. Feng Gui Xiang changed his strategy, and intentionally fought with Maddie and the others, but it seemed like he had succeeded in his trump card.

The SWAT team immediately captured these people alive.

And Tan Huanxi's son had also been rescued.

When Maddie and the rest were brought to the police car, Jiang Chao and the rest went to the workshop to investigate.

Jiang Chao squatted beside the dead body. Like what Qiu Ning had taught his, the penetrating wound on the side of his head wasn't big, but the other side of the wound was as big as a goose egg.

"This bunch of people are really crazy." Jiang Chao frowned.

"Indeed, we should really capture all of these gangs." Sun Shanwu measured the length and diameter of the wound on the woman's body with a soft ruler.

"Now that the evidence is conclusive, they won't be able to escape even if they wanted to." Jiang Chao said.

When Shi Shubing and the others left, Jiang Chao and the others took another hour to gather evidence before leaving.

As for the matter of Dongdong wanting to talk to his father, Jiang Chao had already mentioned it to him. Shi Shubing said that he would arrange it for Dongdong at the latest next Friday.

After sending the evidence to the city police station, Jiang Chao did not see Shi Shubing again. By this time, Shi Shubing should have already begun interrogating Maddie and the others in the interrogation room.

Returning back to the rented room, Jiang Chao practiced the Great Brahma Palm and the Nine Yang Sword Technique on the balcony on the top floor.

It was as if consuming the spiritual energy in his body every day and then absorbing it to cultivate would allow him to cultivate faster, and this method of cultivation would also help him to tap into his body's potential.

After finishing his cultivation on the balcony on the top floor, Jiang Chao took a bath.

Jiang Chao thought about that boy he met at the National Academy Theatre called Abu.

Thinking of him, Jiang Chao started to have doubts in his heart.

Was that boy also a semi-sage cultivator like him?

That young boy had reached such a level at such a young age. His future achievements would be limitless.

But if he had the ability, why would he be willing to stay by the side of the boss?

There were a lot of questions, but all of these depended on whether Shi Shubing and the others could find any clues related to the boy's background.

At night, he continued to meditate and meditate.

On Sunday morning, Jiang Chao was called to the city police station.

Shi Shubing had just sent the big boss B, Maddie and the others to the detention center.

In order to share the responsibility, Maddie had given out his boss.

Of course, the kidnapping of Tan Huanxi's wife and children was not a small matter.

If Maddie did not recognize the culprit, no matter how good a lawyer was, in a country like Hua Xia where the law was strict, he would still be sentenced to death.

If that was the case, it would be a bit of a loss for Maddie to help the big boss.

"Captain Shi, why did you call me here?" Jiang Chao asked curiously after entering Shi Shubing's office.

"I just went to the detention center. Next week, the case of Dongdong's father will be heard by the court, and this might be their last chance to meet. I will arrange for them to meet once before the trial." Shi Shubing originally wanted them to contact each other on the phone.

But it just so happened that Dongdong's father was about to be formally sentenced to trial, which created an opportunity for them to meet each other.

"Captain Shi, will Dongdong's father be sentenced to death?" Jiang Chao asked.

Although the law was based on human nature, the law itself was not affected by human nature.

It's hard to say. He intentionally killed people, but his attitude towards admitting his wrongs was better later on, coupled with Dongdong's age being too young and having to consider everything, we decided to settle the matter at our discretion when we communicated with him. The best outcome would be a fifteen year prison sentence, and the worst possible outcome would be an interminable or even a suspended death sentence. Shi Shubing was also very concerned about this issue.

But she was also not a part of the court, so Shi Shubing couldn't make the decision.

"Then after the court hearing, will Dongdong still have a chance to meet his father?" Jiang Chao sighed.

Jiang Chao did not regret his choice back then, he only pitied Dongdong, and lost his parents' company at such a young age.

"That's rather difficult. The detention centre is part of the public security system, but the prison is part of the judicial system. After the trial, it would be very difficult for Dongdong to meet his father. Of course, if he was older, he could have gone to see his father with the help of his guardian. " Shi Shubing said.

Jiang Chao nodded.

Since Shi Shubing had made such arrangements, when Jiang Chao returned, he would tell Dongdong about this matter.

Jiang Chao was about to leave, but Zhao walked into the office with hurried steps.

"Captain Shi, we just went to Maddie's residence."

"How is it, have you found any restricted tools or prohibited firearms?"

"No guns were found, but six control knives were found, and we found a baby's body." Zhao said.

"Body of the baby? It looks like this isn't the first time these guys have killed someone. " Shi Shubing frowned and said.

"Jiang Chao, looks like I'll have to trouble you today." Shi Shubing said.

"It's no trouble, this is something our Criminal Investigation Technology Section should do." Jiang Chao wasn't like Shi Shubing, he was full of energy now, and on Sunday he would be fine.

"This is another case. According to tradition, two medical examiners have to be present at the same time, Jiang Chao, who do you want to go with?" Shi Shubing asked for Jiang Chao's opinion.

"Thaksa and I will go together." Jiang Chao thought for a while and said.

"Alright, I'll tell Section Chief Hai." Shi Shubing called Hai Dafu.

Actually, according to the rules, when a murder case was committed, at least one of the two forensic experts present had to be Professional Forensic Pathologist.

But Hai Dafu seemed to be very much at ease with Jiang Chao, as he agreed to Jiang Chao's suggestion.

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