crawled onto the balcony of his room.

The Tian Xin now looked even more beautiful than before, and her hair was naturally curled.

Her hair was loose at her waist, Tian Xin did not put on any makeup, but her clear eyes still shone upon the silhouette of her near perfect ratio, causing others to look sideways at him.

Although Guo Zhaoyun's crime was already set, he got back the inheritance that she deserved.

But Tian Xin felt that she had lost everything.

The gentle and considerate mother of the past was no longer around.

The father who loved people but always bickered with him was also gone. Tian Xin stared into the distance, dazed.

Her eyes turned hazy. She remembered that their family of three didn't live in a house like this before.

He remembered when he was young, when his father was still poor, they lived in the factory and working room where his mother worked.

However, the dormitory, which was less than fifteen square meters in size and had to be prepared in the hallway, had become the warmest time that she could remember.

She would rather not have her father's inheritance. She would rather not have this enviable villa and let her become an ordinary girl. She wanted to return to that warm time and enjoy life together with her father, Mom.

And now she was alone.

Even though she had Luo Xiaofeng accompanying her, she knew that it was impossible for Luo Xiaofeng to accompany her for her entire life, and Luo Xiaofeng was also unable to make up for the deficiency in her heart.

One person was truly very lonely. One person was shopping, one person was watching the scenery, and one person was eating alone.

Ever since the death of Mom, Tian Wenhui had rarely accompanied her on business matters.

Tian Xin had never gotten used to slowly accepting loneliness as her friend.

After her complaining father left, Tian Xin really wanted to cry, but this thought of hers could be realized every night when it was deep in the night.

Gradually, Tian Xin became numb to loneliness, she really hoped to find someone to accompany her properly.

Jiang Chao was the choice she made in her heart.

But in her heart, she was not confident. She did not know if Jiang Chao would be able to accept her.

Jiang Chao did not know that Tian Xin had become infatuated with women.

Jiang Chao and Thaksa had already reached the funeral parlor.

The infant's corpse that he found in Maddie's house was in the morgue.

After placing the baby's corpse on the operation table, Jiang Chao and Thaksa put on all their protective gear.

Looking at the infant, Jiang Chao frowned.

The baby had been dead for at least several months, and its skin was not only shriveled but also blackened.

But the baby's body didn't stink. It smelled of formalin mixed with other chemicals.

It was obvious that the baby's body had been artificially embalmed.

"Jiang Chao, look at this child's forehead." To be able to follow this case, besides being grateful to Jiang Chao, Thaksa's attitude was also extremely serious.

When Thaksa looked at the facial features of the baby's corpse, she realized this problem.

However, this needle was not eye-catching, Jiang Chao only noticed it when he was carefully observing it.

Jiang Chao carefully looked at the baby's neck. Because the baby's eyeballs were already deeply caved in, Jiang Chao reckoned that a large portion of the baby's eyeballs had already rotted away before they were treated with antiseptic.

Therefore, even if he examined the eyeball, he wouldn't be able to discover anything. Jiang Chao carefully checked the baby's neck and face.

"It should be strangled." Jiang Chao said.

"strangled?" Thaksa did not expect Jiang Chao to answer so quickly.

"Look at the face of the dead man, Thaksa. Before the dead man died, her face should have been covered in a large amount of blood, or else the swelling wouldn't be so severe. And look at his neck, the scratches are pretty obvious. " Jiang Chao said.

Thaksa looked carefully, when Jiang Chao was at the unit, he mentioned the case where Ah Jiu Liu was killed.

Jiang Chao shared some of his experience with Thaksa.

Thaksa looked at the child's corpse, and after searching through it, she did not refute Jiang Chao's deduction.

However, Thaksa's pair of charming eyes still held a hint of doubt.

"Jiang Chao, then why do you think the suspect had to dress the little boy in a girl's clothes, and also why did he need to do an embalming treatment on his body. Also, Jiang Chao, take note here, on the back of this little boy, there are tattoo-like words, it doesn't look like they are Chinese characters." Thaksa pointed to the little boy's back.

When Jiang Chao heard this, he was surprised.

This was the first time he had seen this type.

It looks a bit like a combination of English, French, and Arabic, but there is a considerable difference in the format of the strokes, and it looks hard to write.

Writing is used to Chinese characters, writing this kind of looped font will be very unaccustomed.

"I'll take a photo and let Section Chief take a look." Since he could not understand, Jiang Chao could only say this.

"Jiang Chao, you don't need to call Section Chief, my phone has a character recognition function, I'll try." Thaksa's phone number could be said to be the best amongst the three people in Intern Forensic Pathologist.

Thaksa took the latest version of the Plus apple, and took a picture of the back of the baby's corpse.

And when the software was filtered, the words' Thai 'were displayed, while the translation was' Huandalatiman Temple '? "The High Monk A Zanwan was enhanced with light?"

The software translation was not necessarily accurate, but one thing was certain. The tattoo on the back of the baby's body was in Thai.

"Why is it Thai?" Jiang Chao was also surprised.

"Why don't we first write down the cause of death and Necropsy Report s, and then ask the Section Chief Hai or Professor Qiu Sister Liu and the others." Thaksa was also extremely confused.

Of course, they were medical examiners. All they had to do was write down what they had observed.

"No no no, Thaksa, wait a moment."

"Thaksa, you saw that the infant's head had a needle hole in it, and there are traces of a rod binding his hands, so the most important part is the words on the back. Thaksa, do you think there is such a possibility?"

"What possibility?" Thaksa was puzzled.

"Thaksa, do you know the current popular Thai buddhist cards and Kumantong? Do you think it's possible that this is a Kumantong? " Jiang Chao said with uncertainty.

"Kumantong?" Thaksa felt a chill behind her back when she heard these three words.

Although the Medical Examiner was used to seeing cruel and bloody scenes and corpses, Thaksa still knew a little about the Kumantong. It was a bit suspenseful, the Kumantong came from a magic item that had a hundred years of history in Southeast Asia, and was also known as' Golden Boy 'or' Buddha Boy '. It was made using a child's ashes and some sacred items from temples to look like a child.

This was something that was discussed very mysteriously on the internet.

But Thaksa had also heard of someone raising this thing and transferring it to him.

However, Thaksa had never seen a Kumantong made from a child's corpse. If what Jiang Chao said was true, then it was really too terrifying.

Thaksa used her phone to search for the production method of Kumantong s on the internet, and then compared the characteristics of the corpses she observed.

Thaksa's face turned even worse.

"Jiang Chao, it seems to really be a Kumantong, and it seems to be a Yin Tong. Thaksa explained according to what was said on the web.

Jiang Chao frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Let's write about the Necropsy Report first, when we return to the city center, let's talk to Section Chief on the phone."

"Alright." Thaksa nodded.

He could be sure about this case, but whether Maddie was the culprit or not was another story.

Before leaving, he once again placed the infant's corpse back into the freezer. Jiang Chao took another look at this corpse. This child could originally have been raised, but he didn't know who it was that had so cruelly strangled this child to death.

Reaching the city police station, Jiang Chao and Thaksa reported the situation to Shi Shubing.

Shi Shubing was exhausted, but when she heard about the situation, she immediately became alert.

"I will personally tell Section Chief Hai, Jiang Chao, you guys go back and rest first." Shi Shubing said.

"Alright, Captain Shi, don't be too tired. Health is first." Jiang Chao looked at Shi Shubing's complexion with worry.

"It's fine, I can handle it." Shi Shubing said.

In fact, it was not because Shi Shubing did not care about her health, but because after the big boss, and the rest of the Hongyi's people were taken into custody, the suspect Bao Tou suddenly changed his confession, pointing out that Tan Huanxi was the mastermind behind the assassination attempt on A San. Furthermore, from Hongyi, he obtained another piece of information, although A San was a person from Hongyi, the person who ordered A San to kill Shang Kun was none other than Tan Huanxi.

The clam fight and the fisherman was capable. The city s leaders also hoped to use this chance to catch Number 13 and the people from Hongyi in one fell swoop.

And with the Bao Tou's identification, it was more than enough to apprehend Tan Huanxi.

Jiang Chao and Thaksa left the city police station, and after Shi Shubing finished dealing with the matters with Hongyi, she began to deal with the matters with Tan Huanxi.

It was the responsibility of the police to rescue Tan Huanxi's son, but Tan Huanxi had to take responsibility for his evil deeds.

Jiang Chao invited Thaksa to his house.

This part of the case had really made Jiang Chao and Thaksa very busy.

That Kumantong from just now had even caused Thaksa to feel an indescribable chill in her heart.

"Jiang Chao, do you think it's possible that the child was deliberately strangled to death by someone? And the person who strangled him, was precisely to turn him into a Kumantong and sell it." Even she herself felt that Thaksa's deduction was a little terrifying.

"..." What you said isn't an impossibility, but if it's true, then the nature of this case is as bad as the shootings and other cases. " Jiang Chao said.

After pausing for a moment, Jiang Chao continued, "Let's wait for the Criminal Investigation Squadron to interrogate Maddie. After that, Maddie should be able to give us some useful clues."

"That's the best we can do, but I think we should go to the scene where the baby's body was found." Thaksa said.

She only did this because she wanted to catch up with Jiang Chao and Chen Cong. On the other hand, she was going to be undergraduate in a week, and at the bottom level, she would have to take charge of herself.

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