The Criminal Investigation Technology Section wasn't limited to just Hai Dafu, Liu Yan and the other two in charge of the internal medical examination.

If there were only two or three coroners in a large city with a population of over ten million, it would be strange if Hai Dafu and the others didn't tire themselves to death.

In addition, other than the forensics expert, there were also other technical personnel within the department.

Liu Yan brought Tang Long to the Technical Room first.

There were only two people in the Technical Room. One of them was Niu Lanfang, who was in her fifties.

The other one was a short young man, who was a little older than them, called Sun Shanwu.

Liu Yan introduced the others to Jiang Chao, saying, "Director Niu is mainly responsible for checking the DNA, fingerprints, and blood samples. Little Sun's job is to help Director Niu. The Technical Room that Director Niu is leading can be said to be the core strength of our Criminal Investigation Technology Section. "

When Liu Yan introduced them, Niu Lanfang looked at the three of them happily.

Especially Jiang Chao, he could be considered famous even in Criminal Investigation Technology Section.

An intern who could solve cases where there were very few clues like the Hargon's Great Dismemberment did indeed have the ability to stand out.

"In the future, all of you are welcome to be our guests. In addition, if you have any evidence that requires technical verification, you can send them to me directly." Lan Fang said.

"Then we'll come visit you more in the future, Director Niu." Thaksa boldly joked.

Actually, Thaksa also wanted to come into more contact with the people from the Technical Room.

He still needed to analyze the few pieces of evidence that Thaksa's mother had left behind when she had died, but he had never had the chance to do so before.

Jiang Chao and Chen Cong also agreed.

However, Jiang Chao's sharp senses had noticed that Sun Shanwu, who was only a few years older than them, was staring straight at his face.

As a man, Sun Shanwu's expression immediately showed what he was thinking about Thaksa.

"If I'm not here, you guys can look for Little Sun. Little Sun used to be a graduate from the military academy, so he's quite outstanding in the field of fingerprints and blood sample testing." Niu Lanfang said again.

"Welcome back often." Sun Shanwu continued.

When Jiang Chao and the others came out of their Technical Room, Jiang Chao said to Thaksa: "Thaksa, that Sun Shanwu seems to be a little interested in you. His gaze towards you is a little abnormal."

Thaksa was overjoyed upon hearing this, "Jiang Chao, you're the one that's abnormal."

"I'm not normal. Why?"

Jiang Chao was confused.

"Think about the other men. They're all staring at me and trying to find a way to get my phone number. But you, beauty wants to ask you out for a cup of coffee, you have to run away." Thaksa joked.

"..." "Actually, I do have a lot of things to do tonight." Jiang Chao blushed when he heard his.

In fact, who wouldn't like a mixed blood beauty like Thaksa?

When Jiang Chao had just reached puberty before, he couldn't wait to lie on the bed and find a long-legged white girl or a beautiful mixed blood beauty to be his wife.

However, he was currently cultivating the Nine Yang True Arts, and before he reached the Golden Core Stage, he did not dare to touch a woman.

Secondly, he had no experience in dating and other things to begin with. Adding to that, other than having a limited amount of time to work, he was also lacking in money and was too embarrassed to ask Thaksa to keep him entertained, so he didn't accompany Thaksa too much.

When Thaksa heard this, she smiled: "When we rest again, there will be a car show where I can work as a part-time model. When that time comes, Jiang Chao, you must accompany me there.

"Car exhibition? Jiang Chao was surprised to hear that.

"Yeah, when I was in school, didn't I do part-time jobs? The most I did was go to the auto show to work as a model, and I haven't attended there for a long time. However, I'm a bit short on money recently, so I'm going to earn some pocket money." Thaksa asked without hiding anything from Jiang Chao.

"How much money do you make a day as a model?" Jiang Chao was curious, his heart also started to beat faster.

He had never seen Thaksa's proud and delicate body, especially her legs.

"Stand for five hours and 2,600 yuan." Thaksa said.

"Five hours for 2,600?" Jiang Chao was jealous, it was easy to earn money with his looks.

2600 was Jiang Chao's living expenses for more than two months.

Liu Yan brought Jiang Chao and the others to meet with a few members of the Criminal Investigation Technology Section.

These people would come in handy in the future. In order to communicate more easily, Liu Yan brought Jiang Chao and the others to get to know each other.

"Our Criminal Investigation Technology Section, as well as a few other medical examiners, have been arranged to the neighboring cities. When they come to the city police station, you will all meet them. In these three months, it is possible that you all can go down to train." Liu Yan said.

"Sister Liu, about how many murders does our Ha City have every year?" Jiang Chao suddenly asked.

The increase in the number of cases he killed or the decrease in the number of cases were related to the floating population, the employment situation and the quality and cultivation of the people. When I first came to the city's police station five years ago, there were more than a hundred cases of murder in the city center of Ha City that year.

"Of course, this does not include the seven counties under Ha City.

Hearing Liu Yan's words, Jiang Chao and Thaksa heaved a sigh of relief.

When they didn't know the situation, Jiang Chao and Thaksa both thought that in a large city with a population of ten million like Ha City, there would be thousands of murders in a year.

Only Chen Cong didn't seem to agree with the stats given by Liu Yan.

"Liu laoshi, is the city police going to carry out a policy of not solving cases and not filing cases as before?" Chen Cong who rarely spoke suddenly said.

"I wasn't too clear about it in the past, but now, the murder case is certain to be solved." Chen Cong tapped Liu Yan's finger, and when Liu Yan spoke, he looked at Chen Cong with a somewhat complex expression.

Chen Cong nodded, and did not continue this topic.

There were no cases on Monday, and the agency's job seemed to be to conduct both the investigation and the meeting.

Jiang Chao and the other two were interns, so they did not have the qualifications to follow Liu Yan and the others. When it came to the end of the day, Hai Dafu went to find Jiang Chao and the other two.

"I will bring the three of you to the rescue station for your sympathies tomorrow. This time, our sympathies will be coordinated with the media, which will be led by our superiors. All of you should go back early and come to the city police station on time tomorrow." Hai Dafu explained.

In addition, regarding the rescue station, we also hope that our Criminal Investigation Technology Section can help them confirm the identity of the homeless. Tomorrow, Forensic Liu, Director Niu and I will personally process the rescue station. Hai Dafu said.

Last week, when Hai Dafu appointed Jiang Chao to be the leader of Intern Forensic Pathologist's team, he mentioned it.

Now she repeated herself again, to let Jiang Chao and the other two face this matter seriously.

"And tomorrow, after your condolences, I'll arrange for you to train at the University of Public Security for two weeks. You will study with the police officers who are about to enter the public security system, and the completion of the public security university will directly affect the evaluation. I hope you will work hard." Hai Dafu said.

"Then, Section Chief, are you still resting during the Double Day break?" Thaksa could not help but ask.

Thaksa still had to go to the car exhibition on Saturday to work as a part-time car-model. If she couldn't go due to training, then she could only bear with it and quit this part-time job.

"Double day rest." Hai Dafu gave Thaksa a tranquil pill.

Originally, Hai Dafu's plan had been to directly let Jiang Chao and the others have access to the case.

However, Deputy Chief Song, who was in charge of criminal investigation, did not approve of this method.

Deputy Director Song came over from Armed Police Force, so he thought that they should follow the normal procedures to let Jiang Chao and the others participate in the internship. The results of the training were on one hand, and more importantly, it should be done to communicate and coordinate with the other police forces in the public security system.

After all, the agency did not seem like a private enterprise.

Among Jiang Chao's group, there would definitely be people who could become the backbone of the system in the future.

Tian Xin's case was not over yet, but Hai Dafu said that he was going to train her.

Jiang Chao had wanted to ask Hai Dafu if he could come back during the night after the training.

However, he didn't say it out loud.

After work, Jiang Chao first found a place to cultivate for a while before returning to his room.

After entering the rental house, Jiang Chao found that the beautiful woman was still sitting cross-legged meditating.

Jiang Chao did not disturb his beauty and took out the other two items from his basket.

Lend Qiu Ning twenty thousand, Luo Xiaofeng two thousand.

Jiang Chao was a person who kept his word. Since he had asked to borrow money, he would definitely have to repay these two debts.

He carefully examined the two items in the basket.

Of these two items, one was a gilded Buddha statue and the other was an iron saddle.

To put it bluntly, this gilded Buddha statue was a bronze Buddha statue. Because of its age, it was hard to tell whether this statue was gilded or not.

Jiang Chao observed that the gilded Buddha statue should be a Bodhisattva statue.

This gilded Buddha statue had three heads and six arms, and each hand held an object.

These six items had sharp blades, leaves, and ingots.

Furthermore, his casting skills were quite good. It could be said to be a masterpiece.

But this iron saddle made Jiang Chao puzzled.

This iron saddle is a bit weird, but it's made of iron. If the ancient people rode a horse far away, would they be able to bear it?

In the center of the iron saddle, there was something that looked like a metal pestle.

It was about the size of three thumbs and about twenty centimeters long.

What exactly was this thing used for?

Jiang Chao was puzzled.

However, Jiang Chao was not an appraiser after all, so this kind of thing, he could not really tell what it was.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Chao found Elder Feng's postcard.

Jiang Chao was currently in need of money, these two things, since his beautiful figure had already determined that they were from the ancient times, then if he were to lend them to Qiu Ning and Luo Xiaofeng, Jiang Chao would not have to worry.

Other than the Elder Feng, Jiang Chao did not know anyone else.

Jiang Chao nervously called Elder Feng.

When the call connected, Elder Feng's voice sounded: "Who is it?"

"Elder Feng, it's me, Jiang Chao." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

"Jiang Chao?" Jiang Chao's name seemed to be rather unfamiliar with the Elder Feng.

"I'm the one who sold you the porcelain bowls at the jade market for one hundred and fifty thousand yuan a few days ago." Jiang Chao hurriedly explained.

"Oh, Little Jiang, what's the matter? You called me today?" Elder Feng suddenly asked.

"Elder Feng, I still have two things here. If you are interested, please arrange a place for me to take a look." This was the first time Jiang Chao shamelessly called someone he wasn't familiar with.

But there was nothing he could do. If he owed someone money, he would have to find a way to pay it back as soon as possible.

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