"It's like this, Little Jiang. I'm currently recording a treasure-collecting program in Su Hang, so I might have to stay here for a period of time. If you're in a hurry, I'll introduce you to other ways, do you think?" Elder Feng did not reject Jiang Chao, and instead pointed him in another direction.

"Sure, but it's a pity that I can't meet with you, Elder Feng." Jiang Chao said with regret.

The impression this Elder Feng left on Jiang Chao was pretty good.

"What else do you have on your side, Little Jiang, we can still get in touch with each other. And don't worry, the people I'll introduce you to are all well-known in the industry. They won't make you lose out." Elder Feng promised.

"You should now take down a number. The number is..." Elder Feng asked Jiang Chao to pick up the number of the note, but Jiang Chao listened to it once and remembered it.

"Have you memorized it?" Elder Feng asked.

"Yes." Jiang Chao replied.

"This is the number of the manager of the Ha City Pauper Auction House, Mr Molson. Xiao Jiang, you can go over to Mr Molson first, as long as the value of the real item has reached the standard, you can either sell it or auction it."

"And if you go, I will greet Mr Molson in advance." Elder Feng said.

"Then I'll go tomorrow night. Can you make an appointment for me, Elder Feng?" Jiang Chao also wanted to quickly make a move on these two things.

"Then let me communicate with him. If Mr Molson has time, I'll send you a short message." Elder Feng said.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chao did not immediately start cultivating. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the ground and waited for news from the Elder Feng.

After waiting for over half an hour, Elder Feng finally sent a message.

However, after reading the message, Jiang Chao's face lit up. Elder Feng said that Mr Molson was free from 7 to 9 tomorrow night, so he could choose to look for him at this time.

"Seems like I have to properly pay a visit to this Molson tomorrow."

Jiang Chao gave up thinking about it, but picked up the small piece of jade seed, and started to cultivate.

Having a piece of jade and not having any jade seemed to be two entirely different concepts.

Without the cultivation of jade, it was like walking.

Now that he had this seed material, compared to before, it was like Jiang Chao was riding on a big sun as he ran.

Tuesday, the day to go to the relief station, with leaders and the media, so it seems particularly important.

Jiang Chao went to the unit and changed into a white coat.

Looking at the white coat on his body, Jiang Chao was a little sad.

However, the medical examiner was the one who spoke up for the corpse. It was more appropriate to describe it as the Corpse Speaker.

Thaksa and Chen Cong had also arrived early.

They all seemed to be secretly competing in order to get the big guy right.

And at around eight-thirty in the morning, Hai Dafu personally led the team, and they sat in Criminal Investigation Technology Section's on-site investigation vehicle to the rescue station.

It was Jiang Chao's first time going to a place like a rescue station.

As the name implies, a rescue station is a shelter for homeless beggars without financial means and living conditions.

After arriving at the rescue station, there was a specialized rescue station leader who welcomed them.

Vice Chief Song, on behalf of the Section Chief Hai, welcomed them with sympathy. On the other hand, Jiang Chao felt that they were just soy sauce for him, following behind him, in order to leave a good impression on the Leader, the normally talkative Thaksa also became more reserved.

Jiang Chao noticed that many of the people who were rescued were doing morning exercises outside.

However, a woman gently told the rescued workers what to do.

Although the women were patient, a large portion of the rescued people were retarded or disabled, and they had both male and female, young and old.

The difference between the two was too great. It would not be an easy task to coordinate all of them together.

As for the leader of the relief station, he accompanied Deputy Chief Song and the Section Chief Hai, as they watched from the side.

"These people are really pitiful." Thaksa and Jiang Chao stood at the back, and while no one was looking, Thaksa expressed her sympathy.

"If they weren't pitiful, they wouldn't have entered the relief station. The society should give these people more warmth." Jiang Chao also agreed.

But when Chen Cong, who was not far from the two of them heard this, he started to sing in reverse, "What you guys have seen are only superficial phenomena. Poor people must have their own hateful aspects, this society is survival of the fittest, who cares about these people, it is a waste of the taxpayer's money."

Once Chen Cong said this, both Jiang Chao and Thaksa's expression became ugly.

Especially Jiang Chao, he immediately frowned.

Jiang Chao had lived in the lowest levels of society since he was young, so he could understand and sympathize with these people who had suffered.

"Chen Cong, what you said is not right. Who would like to become a disabled person, a wanderer? If you don't understand their experiences, please don't speak carelessly. " Jiang Chao restrained himself from speaking any further.

After all, he was the leader of the three-man team. If not for this hat, Jiang Chao's tone of voice would not have been so restrained.

Hearing this, Chen Cong let out a cold laugh, and did not speak again.

When they finished watching the rescued ones do their morning exercises, although the ranks of the rescued ones were in a mess, and their movements were crooked.

But Jiang Chao still gave his warmest applause.

This round of applause contained some encouragement. Jiang Chao hoped that after these people left the support station, they would be able to reunite with their families.

He visited the dormitory of the rescue station.

This dormitory was clearly cleaned and looked rather clean.

Furthermore, Jiang Chao also saw an eighty year old woman eating liquid food with the help of a nurse.

The nurse was very attentive, and although the aunt could not speak clearly, with the help of the nurse, she finished her breakfast without a hitch.

"Jiang Chao, Section Chief Hai and Deputy Chief Song have communicated for awhile, why don't you guys follow us for a round and learn more about identifying people. After you guys follow us to learn for a while, we will give each of you a chance to identify people, then we will come for the assessment. If you two are similar to us in results, then you will get a higher score." Liu Yan walked over and said to Jiang Chao.

When Liu Yan said this, the atmosphere immediately became tense.

"Sure, Sister Liu. We will definitely do our best." Jiang Chao nodded and agreed.

Under the lead of the Section Chief Hai, Jiang Chao and the others, Jiang Chao entered a dorm.

The bed at the aid station seemed tense.

There are eight beds in this room.

And according to the leader's introduction, the Ha City Rescue Station averaged more than fifty people being rescued every day. Last Thursday, they even reached their peak value and received ninety-eight people in a single day.

If they could only go in, then even if the dormitory was ten stories or eight stories high, a few hundred beds wouldn't be enough.

The old man who had just eaten breakfast and could not speak clearly was led into this dormitory.

"Old lady, where are you from?" Hai Dafu personally went up to battle.

he asked the old lady in a loud voice.

The old lady was over eighty years old, with a wrinkled face and thinning hair.

As for the elderly with longevity, they all had one characteristic: their eyebrows are thicker, and according to the Nine Suns True Spell's Superclass.

Unless a person practiced a strange cultivation technique or deliberately cut off his or her eyebrows, a normal person would reveal the appearance of five withering effects if they lost all their eyebrows.

However, the appearance of the Five Deaths phase was not too far away from death.

Hai Dafu asked loudly a few times before the old lady finally said something.

"From the sound of his voice, he should be someone from Shuangcheng. This old lady also has a pair of silver bracelets on his wrist, and it even says' Zhu Ji Silver-grade '. You can go to Shuangcheng and find some clues." Hai Dafu only needed to use his appearance and accent to narrow the range of his search to a hundred and ten kilometers.

"Also, this old lady's waist and legs are not that good. Her hands are constantly rubbing them, it looks like she has rheumatism. If we inform the Shuangcheng County Public Security Bureau about this, if there is an old man missing at home, we should be able to find him soon." Hai Dafu said.

Hai Dafu was personally in charge of the two rescued people.

Hai Dafu, on the other hand, only had to ask and observe to find out where the person who was rescued lived.

Jiang Chao and the others who were watching could not help but admire him.

Forensic medicine was a profession that required a large amount of experience to be accumulated, and for Intern Forensic Pathologist like Jiang Chao, what they lacked the most was experience.

After seeing Hai Dafu's display, Liu Yan called Jiang Chao and the other two out of the door.

They were assigned to a separate dormitory, each with a rescued person who did not know his or her own family name and home address.

The reason they separated Jiang Chao and the others was to prevent them from affecting each other.

This would also increase the fairness of the assessment.

"Jiang Chao, this is the person you are in charge of. I'll give you twenty-five minutes. Liu Yan said.

When Jiang Chao walked into this dorm, he couldn't help but be startled.

On a bed in this dormitory lay an 18-19 year old girl.

This young girl was in her prime.

Her looks could be said to be of the highest quality. If Thaksa was a mixed blood beauty, this girl's elegant face that was similar to Liu Yi Fei's was even more beautiful.

But at the moment the girl's eyes were wide open as she looked at the ceiling.

There was no spirit in the girl's eyes, and she seemed to be in a daze.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Jiang Chao waved his palm in front of the girl's eyes.

However, the girl didn't seem to notice the person from the dorm. She continued to look up with a blank expression.

"What's going on?" Jiang Chao raised his voice again.

"Little girl, where are you from?"

However, the girl was like a block of wood, with no reaction at all.

Jiang Chao was prepared to continue looking at the girl's situation.

But suddenly, Jiang Chao felt a bone chilling cold, he could not help but shiver.

Not long later, a beautiful voice rang out, "There's no need to try again. She's already a dead person."

"The living dead?" Jiang Chao was startled.

"According to what you guys are saying, this is a vegetable." The beautiful figure explained.

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