"Plant man?" Jiang Chao was shocked.

Jiang Chao carefully examined the girl, her beautiful figure didn't seem to be wrong, this girl should be a vegetable.

"Also, she might have been abandoned by her family. Look at her fingernails, they must have been cut not long ago." The beautiful figure continued.

Jiang Chao looked around, and other than the fingernails, he also realized that the ear wax in the girl's ears had also been cleaned cleanly.

Moreover, the way this girl looked when she became a vegetable was not a day or two.

Without a sense of autonomy, you can't walk on your own, and you even need professional care to maintain your body's functions.

There was no way this girl ran away from home.

There was a high chance of being abandoned by their families.

"However, the quality of this body is not bad. It can perfectly contain this ancestor's soul essence." The beautiful figure pondered.

"According to our previous agreement, you won't object, right?" The beautiful woman asked for Jiang Chao's opinion.

After Jiang Chao heard this, he hesitated for a moment.

Possessing the bodies of others was an injustice.

However, this girl was a vegetable. Even if someone took care of her, she wouldn't be able to maintain her body's functions for long.

Furthermore, at that time when she was such a beauty, he had asked her to help him find the host. The young girl in front of him was a perfect candidate.

"I have no objection." Jiang Chao asked after hesitating for a while.

There was a limit to how long Liu Yan could give them to examine it. Since the beautiful woman wanted to possess his body, Jiang Chao had to make a decision immediately.

And after the beautiful woman heard Jiang Chao's words, Jiang Chao felt something jump out of his chest.

The next moment, a chilling aura spread out, revealing the beautiful figure of that woman.

Although she had been replenished with jades for the past two days, the symptoms of her beauty weakening weren't much better.

After the beautiful figure appeared, the ghost-like soul body suddenly emitted a white brilliance.

This white brilliance was very dazzling, and when Jiang Chao opened his eyes again, his peerless beauty seemed to have vanished into thin air.

When Jiang Chao looked at the girl that looked very similar to Liu Yi Fei, he realized that the girl's expression was not any different from before.

"Has Possession succeeded?" Jiang Chao asked suspiciously.

But the beautiful figure did not answer.

"Jiang Chao, how is the situation over here?" After around 10 minutes, Liu Yan and the rest entered the door.

"This girl is a vegetable, and she should be a local from Ha City." Jiang Chao said.

"Plant man?" After Hai Dafu heard this, he went forward and personally examined it.

As for the leader of the rescue team, he explained to them: "Section Chief Hai, this girl is indeed a vegetable, and she was directly sent to the entrance of the rescue team. This is the first time we have seen such a situation, we don't have enough personnel, and we also want to contact her family members as soon as possible."

"A vegetable wouldn't leave on their own, it's probably because they were abandoned by their loved ones. After hearing what the relief station leader said, Hai Dafu immediately revealed the crux of the matter.

"But with her situation, it's not hard to find her family. We just need to check the registration records of the major hospitals in the city and we will be able to find them." Hai Dafu said.

"And if her family doesn't want her?" The relief station leader was confused.

"Then we can go through the legal process. Isn't there a crime of abandonment in law?" Hai Dafu said as he nodded his head.

When Hai Dafu was communicating with the station head, the girl's eyes suddenly blinked, and his gaze became clear.

The stupefied expression on his face returned to normal.

"Who are you? "Where am I?" The girl said weakly.

When the girl spoke, other than Jiang Chao, everyone else was shocked.

Jiang Chao, on the other hand, looked at the young girl with suspicion.

Hai Dafu hurriedly asked the young girl, "Little Girl, what is your name?"

"Hu Xueying." The young girl said.

"Do you remember where your house is?"

"Temporarily... "I can't remember." Hu Xueying seemed to have a headache.

"Then how many people are there in your family? Their looks, names and contact details …" Hai Dafu asked in great detail.

But other than his own name, Hu Xueying seemed to be unable to remember everything else clearly.

"Let her stay at the help station for a few days first. I'll report the situation to Deputy Chief Song later and see if we can find her family members from the information she provided." Hai Dafu said.

"I'll be troubling you, Section Chief Hai." Hu Xueying was originally a vegetable and had little hope of waking up. But now that the situation had improved, the relief station leader would definitely be happy to see it happen.

But in this assessment, Jiang Chao had a good grade.

When Jiang Chao followed Liu Yan and the others out of the dorm, the beautiful voice once again rang beside his ears.

"I'll come find you tonight." Hu Xueying transmitted his voice into the secret passage.

Jiang Chao turned around and glanced at Hu Xueying; his expression was somewhat complicated.

From the looks of it, she seemed to have succeeded in possession of her body. However, her current appearance looked a bit strange.

This time, Chen Cong got first place in the evaluation, and his evaluation was outstanding.

And Thaksa's grade was the worst, she passed.

However, although her results were passed, Thaksa was not discouraged.

"This damned Chen Cong, in the next evaluation, I will definitely surpass him!" Thaksa said angrily.

"When you go to the Public Security University tomorrow, work hard. If it's the male instructor, maybe he'll take special care of you and give you an outstanding evaluation." Jiang Chao comforted and joked.

"Jiang Chao, look at what you're saying, I'm not a vase." Thaksa rolled her eyes at Jiang Chao and said.

At noon, the leader of the rescue station was having lunch with Jiang Chao and the other people from the Municipal Bureau.

The place to eat was in the cafeteria at the rescue station.

When it came to the work of the relief station, there was a lot of pressure from its leaders. After all, when patients went to the hospital, they would first register to see a doctor, and the support station was a welfare station.

Jiang Chao and the others who were listening at the side indeed admired the people from the support station.

Compared to the rescue station, however, forensic work was much more difficult.

The medical examiner was a mental labourer, and his mental endurance had to be [A +]. Otherwise, if he were to come into contact with a bloody and cruel, perverted case, he might have to see a psychiatrist.

"You must be Little Ginger, the Hargon's Great Dismemberment is doing pretty well, keep up the good work." After they finished their lunch buffet, Deputy Chief Song received Jiang Chao alone.

Ha City was a big city known throughout the country, an important place in the three northeastern provinces.

To be able to become the assistant in the Ha City City Bureau, Song Duo had a lot of potential.

Deputy Chief Song looked at Jiang Chao up and down. This was the first time he had talked to Jiang Chao face to face.

Maybe it was because Jiang Chao had helped the city police solve a difficult problem, and even helped them with the suggestion to not take credit for it, it made Deputy Chief Song have a good impression of this handsome young man.

Jiang Chao was overwhelmed by the favor. He laughed dryly: "Director Song, you are flattering me. As a medical examiner, this is something that I and everyone else should do."

"Work hard, young lad. You have a good start. If you continue to perform well in the next assessment period, I will suggest that you get it right." Deputy Chief Song encouraged him.

"Thank you, Chief Song." Jiang Chao's face did not change when he heard it, but he was secretly delighted.

Jiang Chao would definitely not fish in the sun every day. After all, to be able to work in a unit like the Municipal Public Security Bureau was even more honorable than being a graduate student in 211 University.

Furthermore, since young, Jiang Chao has always been looked down upon by others. If he could be righted, Jiang Chao would also want to return home and give Mom a surprise.

During the day, when they returned from the help station, Hai Dafu had given them a break at around 4 PM.

Hai Dafu told them to take a good rest, they would be reporting to the Public Security University tomorrow.

In the evening, Jiang Chao even made an appointment with the Pauli Auction House's manager, Mr Molson.

Jiang Chao went back to eat early, and even prepared the items that he needed. This time, Jiang Chao didn't use his basket to store the two ancient items.

This time, he had swapped his school bag for the bookbag. Now that everyone was being so snobbish, the basket was simply too eye-catching.

When it was almost half past six, Jiang Chao hesitated to write a note to Hu Xueying. The reason he wrote this was because he was afraid that Hu Xueying would not be able to find his own people when he returned.

However, just as Jiang Chao was about to start writing, a knock came from the door.

"Who is it?"

It's me." "As soon as she said 'Cao Cao Cao Cao', a beautiful voice rang out.

Jiang Chao opened the door and saw Hu Xueying at the door of the rented room.

At this time, Hu Xueying was wearing a nurse's uniform, with a pair of high heels.

Her hair was tied up, and Hu Xueying's face had already started to turn red.

"Where did you get these clothes?" Jiang Chao said with a surprised expression.

"I'll directly switch them with you in the next room. Didn't you go to discuss those two antiques tonight? I'll accompany you." Hu Xueying said.

"This …" Jiang Chao hesitated.

"Okay... Let's go together. "

With Hu Xueying here, Jiang Chao felt slightly more at ease. After all, he had seen Hu Xueying's abilities many times before.

Before leaving, Hu Xueying said: "Even though this ancestor has already found a body, this ancestor will still stay with you for the time being. If you have anything you don't understand about cultivation, you can ask this ancestor."

Hu Xueying had just reincarnated and there was indeed no better place for him to land.

But Jiang Chao was honest to begin with, which made Hu Xueying a little worried.

And the most important part was that the Nine Suns True Spell that Hu Xueying had passed on to his and the Nine Yin Heart Scripture she had cultivated were cultivation methods that gave the same origin token, which divided yin and yang.

If Jiang Chao could cultivate to a high and deep realm, the combined power of the nine yin and nine yang could stimulate the Infinite Power of Mo Ke.

And if Jiang Chao succeeded in obtaining the Yang Body, then under the effect of the confluence of the air currents, it would be of great help to the recovery of Hu Xueying's body.

But all these, Hu Xueying did not explain to Jiang Chao.

The two of them left the rented room together. When they arrived at the Pauli Auction House, it was already 7: 30 in the evening.

With a single look, it was clear that the Pauli auction house was not a place that ordinary citizens could come to. The door of the Pauli auction house was decorated extremely extravagantly.

Inside, it was a dazzling scene of gold and jade. The luxurious decorations of the western Chinese wall and the soft carpet all displayed the position of this famous auction house in the area of collection.

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