Bai Mei brought Jiang Chao to the three-mile long carriage factory.

This three kilometer fork was at the outskirts of Tonghe County County, and this place got its name from having three forks in it.

By now, all three forks of the fork had been paved with asphalt, and the factory where the explosion took place probably saw the convenient transportation conditions and chose this location.

There were several fire engines parked inside and outside the trailer factory. Due to the timely rescue, the fire had been suppressed.

After Bai Mei and Jiang Chao arrived at the scene, Bai Mei personally commanded the martial police soldiers to begin their rescue work.

Jiang Chao looked at Bai Mei and the others, his heart filled with respect.

These soldiers on the fire department were really risking their lives.

Others might have encountered danger, but in order to survive, where could they run to?

On the other hand, these armed police fire fighters were the exact opposite. They charged towards wherever there was danger.

"Little Lei, now that the fire has been suppressed, bring your team and go in to save them." Bai Mei arranged them with a solemn expression.

"Yes, Company Commander!" There was no doubt, no retraction.

Eighteen armed police soldiers were already ready for departure. The hanging truck factory's office building was only three stories high.

According to what Bai Mei had heard on the road, after this office building collapsed, there should still be seven workers and drivers for the carriage factory.

The warrior named Xiao Lei led his team towards the office building.

Bai Mei was a little nervous as she looked at the group of warriors led by Xiao Lei with a serious expression.

Usually, the more dangerous the place, the more armed police warriors could be found.

Every time she left the field, Bai Mei's heart would be on edge. At a time of danger, she did not know what would happen in the next moment, and she did not dare think about it even more.

Although this office building's collapse was a little lighter than the one that had experienced the second explosion, Jiang Chao noticed that the damage to the second floor was more serious. Although the fire had been suppressed, there were still parts that had not been completely extinguished.

While Xiao Lei and the rest of the armed police soldiers were in the middle of their rescue operation, searching for the survivors in the hanging factory building.

Suddenly, there was another intense explosion!

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, get down!" In that moment of crisis, Bai Mei spoke to Jiang Chao with an unquestionable tone.

But Jiang Chao's reaction speed, was not slower than Bai Mei's.

"Could it be that two bombs were wrapped together this time?" When Jiang Chao laid on the ground, he looked at the hanging cart factory's office.

Inside the car hanging factory's office, Jiang Chao saw that there was no gas pipe or something.

Moreover, there shouldn't be any LPG tanks in the office building. The most likely possibility was that there was a second bomb package.

When Jiang Chao was looking at the building thoughtfully, suddenly, he seemed to have realized something.

"This is bad!" Jiang Chao exclaimed.

After he blurted out those words, due to two explosions superimposing on each other, the main body of the office building was severely damaged. The entire office building started crumbling and crumbling.

Jiang Chao noticed that Xiao Lei's group of martial police soldiers were blocked on the second floor's corridor.

These soldiers were well-trained and fully equipped. They should have made an emergency response when the explosion occurred.

But if the main building collapsed, the soldiers might not survive.

Suddenly, Jiang Chao got up quickly and rushed towards the direction of the car hanging factory's office.

In the eyes of others, what he was doing was somewhat unbelievable, and rather reckless and reckless.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, what are you doing!" Bai Mei was also shocked.

Jiang Chao was a forensic technician, he had not received any special emergency training, so he did not need to participate in the rescue.

And Jiang Chao did not seem to hear Bai Mei's words, as he used the Light and Shadow Epidemic.

The collapse of the main office building was not as fast as the explosion, but in batches.

When Jiang Chao ran to the back of Xiao Lei's group of armed police soldiers, two of them were severely injured.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, what are you doing here?" Xiao Lei was currently hobbling down the stairs while carrying a heavily injured armed police soldier on his back.

Xiao Lei was also shocked to see Jiang Chao.

There were no security measures on Jiang Chao's body, and cracks could be seen everywhere on the building. Wasn't coming here for Jiang Chao was equivalent to committing suicide?

"Let me help you." Jiang Chao only said these five short words.

He picked up a military police soldier whose face was covered in blood, and who was still breathing.

After Jiang Chao carried him up, he quickly ran downstairs.

And when Jiang Chao returned, he also picked up a slightly weaker one.

The cracks in the walls of the corridor became more and more obvious. Xiao Lei could only clench his teeth and temporarily order the remaining policemen to retreat.

Right now, the main body of the office building was about to collapse, and the search and rescue would take a while. However, if he were to go looking for someone when the main body of the office building was about to collapse, then his group of comrades would most likely die for no reason.

"Help me! "Help me!" With Jiang Chao's help, Xiao Lei and the group of martial police soldiers successfully left the main building before the danger came.

Jiang Chao had originally planned to bring the injured to the safe zone, but he heard the sounds of someone calling for help from the office building.

Jiang Chao's expression turned cold, he quickly took a few steps back, and started searching for the source of the voice.

"It's a little girl!"

Jiang Chao looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a little girl who was crying and screaming in an office on the third floor towards the window.

"Leg on! A good person will go all out!"

Jiang Chao's actions were considered stupid in the eyes of others.

But Jiang Chao was not a cold person, even though his family situation was not good, and his mother was just an environmental worker that people despised.

But his mother had taught him from a young age that he should help others to make them happy, not to be mean and not to be kind and not to be mean.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, don't go over there!" This was the second time Jiang Chao had his heart in his throat.

But Jiang Chao still rushed into the office building.

After rushing in, Jiang Chao activated Light and Shadow Epidemic, quickly rushing to the second floor's stairs, and from the second floor to the third floor.


A large chunk of concrete came crashing down!

Seeing that it was about to hit Jiang Chao, Jiang Chao took a step back and barely dodged it.

Jiang Chao wasn't as calm and collected as Hu Xueying always was. Even in the face of danger, his heart would thump loudly.

Jiang Chao took a deep breath and continued heading towards the third floor.

When he arrived at the stairs on the third floor, Jiang Chao's body felt a chill down his spine, and he almost lost his footing.

A small area of the building had already collapsed, and even the concrete floor had cracks in it.

"Not much time." Jiang Chao's heart was in a panic, the little girl's cry for help was filled with despair, while Jiang Chao ran to the entrance of the office where the little girl was trapped.

The door to the office was actually locked from the inside. Jiang Chao pushed on the handle of the door and saw that it was useless.

His expression turned cold as he lifted his foot and gave a fierce kick!

With this kick, Jiang Chao gambled with all his might.

After entering the room, Jiang Chao saw a six or seven year old little girl.

Jiang Chao pulled the little girl and rushed outside.

In the process of turning back, a piece of broken brick smashed into Jiang Chao's head, but Jiang Chao was not able to cry out in pain.

When they were about to reach the first floor, Jiang Chao seemed to have found hope.

If he could run out, then he and this little girl's lives would be saved.

But just as Jiang Chao was about to drag the little girl and rush to the first floor, the main body of the office finally reached the critical point.

Broken bricks and cracked concrete bars fell off one after another.

"Uncle, I'm so scared!" The little girl was so scared that she cried.

"Don't be afraid, uncle is here." Jiang Chao stopped in his tracks, and his expression turned serious.

The main body of the trailer factory office had not completely collapsed yet. This was just the prelude.

If Jiang Chao did not take the opportunity to escape, then when the main building of the building collapsed, he and the little girl would probably die here.

"Little Girl, hold on tight to uncle's clothes!" In that moment of danger, Jiang Chao carried the little girl up.

In order to not let the pieces of brick smash into the little girl's body, Jiang Chao used one hand to protect the little girl's head.

The little girl trembled in fear as she grabbed onto Jiang Chao's clothes tightly.

Taking advantage of this wave of collapse, Jiang Chao held his breath and gathered all of the energy in his body into his legs.

With the Light and Shadow Epidemic activated, Jiang Chao ran out of the building as if his life depended on it!


After a loud bang, the main body of the office building collapsed.

As for Jiang Chao, when he saw the redness on his head, many wounds appeared on his body.

He kept gasping for breath. It really was a nightmare just now, but at least he came out alive.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, you are taking too many risks. If something were to happen to you, how would I explain it to your unit's leader?" Bai Mei walked over with an angry look on her face.

Jiang Chao let go of the little girl.

"I'm sorry, Company Commander Bai. Just now, I was anxious to save him. I might have acted on my own." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

And Bai Mei was really sweating for Jiang Chao just now.

Bai Mei was not opposed to save people, but to save people from the Armed Police Force. As a physician, Jiang Chao did not need to participate in this kind of work that he should not be involved in.

Furthermore, Jiang Chao didn't have any safety measures on him, what if he didn't manage to escape?

The army required absolute obedience and discipline, but Jiang Chao's request was too worrisome.

"Auntie, don't blame Uncle. If it wasn't for Uncle, Duo Duo would have died in Daddy's office." Bai Mei wanted to say something more, but the little girl that Jiang Chao had saved, continued to protect Jiang Chao, sobbing like a child.

Jiang Chao, since you are alright now, go to the ambulance and find a doctor. Your face is bleeding. Hearing the little girl's words, Bai Mei felt that he spoke too much.

"No need, Company Leader Bai. I just got a bit of skin on my head and it's fine. I'll go find some toilet paper and wipe it off." Jiang Chao said.

After Jiang Chao finished speaking, he squatted down and asked the little girl: "Little Girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Duoduo." After surviving the calamity, the little girl's sobbing voice also became softer.

As for Jiang Chao, who was staring at this six or seven year old Little Girl, this Little Girl's face was filled with tears.

He still didn't know about the situation of Jing's parents. If it was her father who brought her here, then the odds were against her father.

"Duo Duo must be strong. Uncle will go and wipe off the dust on his body first. First, follow this aunt. She will find you a family." Jiang Chao wiped away the tears on Duo Duo's face.

"Thank you, uncle." Duo Duo nodded.

Jiang Chao asked Bai Mei, and then he went to the car to get some toilet paper.

Looking in the front mirror, Jiang Chao wiped his forehead, which was basically filled with blood and dust.

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