Although his head was injured, his skull was the hardest part of his body, and Jiang Chao had dodged all the vital parts.

After he wiped off the blood on his head and face, Jiang Chao adjusted his inner breathing dark cultivation system. Under the effect of the Nine Suns True Spell, the wounds on Jiang Chao's head and body quickly congealed into scabs of blood.

As long as the wound did not become infected, it would be fine to stay out of water for a few days for injuries of this level.

After Jiang Chao finished taking care of his injuries, he immediately took out a page that he tore off from the registration form for the express employees.

"Liu Shengwu, male, birthday 1970/09/13, residing in Tonghe County, Zaozhuang Group Two, No. 43."

Jiang Chao then looked at the contact method of the dismissed delivery man, Liu Shengwu.

This Liu Shengwu also had the possibility of committing a crime.

Jiang Chao planned to look for this person.

As for Jiang Chao, who memorized the method to contact her, Bai Mei got into the car instead.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, are your injuries serious?" The main body of the office building in the carriage hanging factory had collapsed, all sorts of things made Bai Mei unable to take care of himself.

"I'm fine." Jiang Chao laughed dryly.

"If there's anything, please speak, Forensic Pathologist Jiang. I'll go organize the rescue first." Bai Mei drank a mouthful of water and then took out a broadcast horn from the car.

Bai Mei was about to leave, but Jiang Chao suddenly said: "Company Leader Bai, I would like to borrow this police car."

"Excuse me, where are you going?" Bai Mei said in surprise.

"I found a clue. I want to borrow Company Commander Bai's car to go to a place and have a look." Jiang Chao said.

Rescue was one thing, but more important was finding the culprit.

If the criminals are not found out and there are explosions, the actions of the armed police and the fire department will be like a dead sheep.

Hearing Jiang Chao's words, Bai Mei revealed a face of pondering.

What Jiang Chao had thought of, Bai Mei had thought of as well.

Bai Mei hesitated for a while before saying: "How about this, Forensic Pathologist Jiang, you are injured, there's no way for you to go alone. Wait a moment, I'll arrange for the rescue here and then follow you."

With that said, Bai Mei went out to arrange for rescue work.

After she finished making all the arrangements, she drove Jiang Chao to the Jujube village.

Liu Shengwu's home, the delivery man who had been sent off by the Tongyuan Courier was at the Jujube Faction.

Previously, the situation was extremely urgent, so Jiang Chao didn't have the time to ask Zuo Lian about Liu Shengwu's appearance and voice.

However, when Zuo Lian searched through the information register, he casually mentioned one of Liu Shengwu's characteristics. Liu Shengwu was a disabled person who had his right leg amputated.

When they arrived at Zaozhuang, the distance from Zaozhuang to the county town was about eight to nine kilometers.

Jiang Chao and Bai Mei found Liu Shengwu's house, and when they got off the car, they realized that Liu Shengwu's house looked very old, the walls of the house were all made of mud.

Now that the new countryside was undergoing such drastic renovations, it was very rare to see this kind of house.

Jiang Chao knocked on the door of the Liu Shengwu's house, but discovered that the wooden door was locked.

Jiang Chao frowned, it was obvious that Liu Shengwu was not at home.

"Why is there such a strong smell of nitric acid?" Not only Jiang Chao, even Bai Mei could smell the special scent in the courtyard.

Jiang Chao also smelled the strange smell, the smell was not only pungent but also pungent.

It was Jiang Chao's first time smelling this strange smell, hearing Bai Mei say that it was nitric acid, Jiang Chao suddenly thought of something.

"Commander Bai, if I recall correctly, nitric acid is not only corrosive, but also combustible and explosive. It should be one of the main materials to make bombs, right?" In the past, when Jiang Chao had attended his clinical classes on decontamination of nitric acid, he had heard Qiu Ning mention that some corpses would be corroded and dissolved using chemicals like nitric acid.

Nitric acid was something that students were not allowed to touch in school. Nitric acid was combustible and explosive, and was a raw material used to make bombs.

And with Jiang Chao's reminder, Bai Mei's expression immediately changed. "Nitric acid is indeed one of the raw materials used to make bombs, is there no one in Jiang Chao?"

"No one." Jiang Chao shook his head.

"Then let's flip over the wall and in. This Liu Shengwu who bought nitric acid is most likely a criminal suspect." Bai Mei was a member of the armed police special forces, so she had learned about bombs.

The nitric acid was indeed the raw material for making bombs, and Liu Shengwu was the courier of Tongyuan Courier. With the two leads added together, Liu Shengwu's actions were somewhat suspicious.

Bai Mei wanted to flip over the wall, but Jiang Chao seemed to have thought of something and quickly stopped her.

"Commander Bai!" Nitric acid is a poisonous substance. Without full protection, we cannot touch it. Moreover, judging from the smell of nitric acid coming out from the yard, it should not be a little bit. "

Exposure to nitric acid in human skin can cause severe burns, dermatitis and even erosion, especially in the eyes, can cause conjunctivitis, corneal erosion and even blindness!

Nitric acid vapors stimulate the lungs to a great extent and can cause pulmonary edema in severe cases.

When contact with nitric acid, should wear gas mask, acid resistant gloves, chemical protection clothing, long - barrel rubber boots and other labor - protection supplies.

And upon hearing Jiang Chao's warning, Bai Mei stopped in her tracks.

"Then I'll call and report it to the organization." Bai Mei's expression was also a little ugly.

"No need to make a phone call, I'll just go in and take a look." Jiang Chao said.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, you just said that the nitric acid was poisonous, why are you going in now?" Bai Mei was startled upon hearing this.

Bai Mei didn't really understand. Jiang Chao said that nitric acid was poisonous, but he himself wanted to take the risk.

Jiang Chao did not answer Bai Mei's question. He clung to the wall and with a leap, he entered Liu Shengwu's courtyard.

Although the nitric acid was corrosive, as long as Jiang Chao held his breath and did not touch the nitric acid, it should be fine.

's family had nitric acid, if Liu Shengwu was really making bombs, then Liu Shengwu should have a set of protective equipment for labor.

As for the labor security products that Liu Shengwu was wearing, Bai Mei could not wear them.

He jumped into the yard and the smell of nitric acid became stronger.

Jiang Chao tried his best to stand at a place with ventilation. He held his breath, Liu Shengwu's house was very dilapidated, there was not a single valuable item in it.

The two rooms were also made from walls made of loess and mud.

When Jiang Chao was at Liu Shengwu's doorstep just now, he had noticed a small detail. It should have been a long time since he used the big lock that locked the door, and it was even a little rusty.

With how dilapidated the Liu Shengwu family was, even if a thief were to come, they would not be able to find anything good to do with it.

The reason why Liu Shengwu locked the door was probably because he was afraid of others discovering his family's secret.

Jiang Chao saw dozens of glass or plastic bottles inside the courtyard. One of the bottles was open with half a bottle of colorless, transparent liquid inside.

"That container should be filled with nitric acid." Jiang Chao did not immediately walk forward.

Instead, he turned around and quickly walked into the living room of Liu Shengwu's house.

After entering the living room, Jiang Chao found the items that he needed.

Wear gloves, a simple gas mask and similar raincoats.

Liu Shengwu's rubber shoes stank, fortunately, he wore a simple gas mask, otherwise, he would definitely faint from the smell.

With the safety protection, Jiang Chao took his phone and took photos of the reagent containers in the courtyard.

After the photos were done, Jiang Chao also found two successfully made earth explosives. One of the earth explosives had already been installed and was just needed to be placed into a mail bag.

Jiang Chao squatted and carefully looked at the two earth explosives.

The fuse of the explosives should have been stuck inside the parcel by mail. As long as the package was torn apart, the earth bomb would immediately explode.

The fuse was very short, and the safety of these explosives was extremely poor. It could be said that dangers could arise at any time.

Jiang Chao also took a picture of these two earth explosives. After that, he found an empty medicine bottle sized container and extracted the nitric acid inside.

The photo and the nitric acid were more than enough to convict Liu Shengwu.

After Jiang Chao extracted a few items, he prepared to go to the living room.

When he was in the living room just now, Jiang Chao saw a few full circle express package bags scattered on the ground.

Then, he could take that Jiang Chao and leave.

But just as Jiang Chao was about to enter the hall, Bai Mei's cold shout came from the outside.

"Don't move, if you move, I'll shoot!"

Jiang Chao heard and placed the evidence on the ground. These evidence, especially the nitric acid, would be a problem as long as they come in contact with air.

Jiang Chao walked to the door, and through the gap in the wooden door, he saw a man riding a third wheel with two hands behind his head.

The man was not wearing a work uniform, but Jiang Chao noticed that one of his legs was an artificial limb.

"It's Liu Shengwu!" Jiang Chao's pupils contracted.

This Liu Shengwu was a madman, there was a high chance of something in his heart.

Although Bai Mei had the gun pointed at Liu Shengwu, and seemed to have the upper hand, if Liu Shengwu suddenly ignited the explosives or something, that would be a huge problem.

Jiang Chao kicked the broken wooden door open.

The door lock fell to the floor along with the knocker.

Seeing Jiang Chao's dressing, and seeing that the police car beside Bai Mei was acting in a relaxed manner.

Seeing that, Jiang Chao started to carefully size up Liu Shengwu who was behind him. In front of Liu Shengwu, there was no mail delivery type item.

"Liu Shengwu, you have been arrested!" Seeing that, Jiang Chao's face darkened as he walked in front of Liu Shengwu.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chao kicked out, breaking Liu Shengwu's wooden leg.

And when Bai Mei heard from Jiang Chao that this strange man was Liu Shengwu, she immediately handcuffed Liu Shengwu.

During this time, Liu Shengwu performed very strangely and did not resist at all.

In less than twenty minutes, reinforcements from the armed police special forces arrived.

After sending the criminal Liu Shengwu and the proof onto the carriage, Bai Mei heaved a sigh of relief.

"Forensic Pathologist Jiang, it's been hard on you today." Bai Mei felt quite embarrassed and forcefully pulled Jiang Chao here today.

Not only did it delay Jiang Chao's training time, it also injured him.

"Commander Bai, you're being too courteous just by saying that. By the way, Commander Bai, I have a request." Jiang Chao said as he looked at the well-behaved Liu Shengwu in the carriage.

"What is it?" As long as I can do it, Forensic Pathologist Jiang can do it. " After letting Jiang Chao busy himself for such a long time, how could Bai Mei refuse Jiang Chao?

"I want to listen to Liu Shengwu's interrogation. I want to know his motive for committing the crime." Jiang Chao said.

Liu Shengwu should be someone with a story and skills, if not he wouldn't have been able to create such a powerful bomb. But why did Liu Shengwu suddenly send a courier message and get fired by the courier company, Jiang Chao wanted to understand the story on his body.

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