When Xu Chao saw Ge Xuejun's arrogant face, he was naturally very upset, but he continued to try to persuade him with patience and smile.

"A salesman who can't bow his head and eat his breath is definitely not a good salesman!" Xu Chao silently warned himself in his heart, never blow up hair!


Ge Xuejun disdained to cut a, I do not know is unintentional or intentional, even a mouthful of smoke to Xu Chao's direction. Although they are far away from each other, the second-hand smoke from him still comes to Xu Chao.

Xu Chao doesn't smoke and is sensitive to the smell of smoke, but he is still not angry. He just waves twice and fans the smoke in front of him.

"Young man, are you too confident? Don't say that your medicine has just caused such a big disturbance. No one can say for sure how effective it is. Even if your ointment is really OK, our central China Hospital will not use your medicine. Do you know how many pharmaceutical companies across the country want to sell drugs to our hospitals? I can't count myself! We have so many pharmaceutical companies to choose from. Why do we choose your small jiuzhuanhu pharmaceutical factory? " Ge Xuejun leaned his head against the back of the chair, raised his head slightly, looked at the ceiling above his head and said.

"Dean Ge, we don't use the strength of the pharmaceutical manufacturers as the standard of drug delivery, do we? Curative effect is the standard of our medicine! Jiuzhuanhu ointment, especially trauma ointment, has a really good effect. I've seen it with my own eyes. It can not only avoid wound inflammation, but also quickly promote wound healing. If we have this medicine in hand surgery, it can not only greatly improve the success rate of replantation of severed fingers, but also greatly improve the turnover rate of hospital beds! " Qiao Yimin recommended solemnly.

He did not blindly help Xu Chao boast, but really recognized the curative effect of jiuzhuanhu wound ointment.

He is too clear about Jiang Xiaonan's case.

Because the effect of Jiang Xiaonan's operation is so good, Qiao Yimin has been tracking this case and knows Jiang Xiaonan's recovery very well.

In his view, Jiang Xiaonan's hand can recover so perfectly in a month, in addition to Xu Chao's good operation, Xu Chao's medication also has a lot to do with it.

That's much better than ordinary anti-inflammatory medicine!

General surgery wound more than three days before scab, but with the nine turn tiger ointment, one day can scab!

This can greatly improve the bed turnover rate!

For some small and medium-sized hospitals, the lower bed turnover rate is not a problem, but can earn more hospitalization expenses, which is also the reason why doctors in some small and medium-sized hospitals will advise patients to stay in the hospital for a few more days.

But for the top three hospitals, the low turnover rate of beds is a stubborn disease!

For the top three hospitals, the ward fee of tens of yuan every night and the nursing fee of tens of yuan are just drizzle, and the operation fee and the medical fee within two or three days after the operation are the big head!

But hand surgery is the bed turnover rate is very low!

It's normal to be hospitalized for two weeks with severed fingers. In the first week, all kinds of adjuvant treatment and nursing are needed, which can also generate income for the Department. In the last week, each patient contributes too little money to the hospital!

Jinhai city is a super big city with a population of more than 24 million. Every day, people break their fingers for inexplicable reasons. There are so many operations outside the hands in Central China that they can't do them.

Many people who have broken their fingers can only go to the general surgery department of other hospitals for surgery because they can't get into bed in Central China. The success rate of surgery and the recovery of postoperative function depend more on God's will.

If jiuzhuanhu ointment can discharge patients within a week, not only patients will suffer less pain and spend less money, but also the hospital will improve the bed turnover rate, receive more patients and earn more money, why not?

Therefore, Qiao Yimin really wants to persuade Ge Xuejun to buy a batch of jiuzhuanhu ointment.

Instead of taking his words seriously, Ge Xuejun sneered at: "director Joe, are you free every day? How many kickbacks did you take to yell for a small pharmaceutical factory? "

Qiao Yimin's face suddenly turned red. He was a soldier who had changed his career. He was very vigorous, and he could not be wronged by others.

He slapped his hand on the table and said, "the dog just got the rebate! I just want to improve the turnover rate of hospital beds, reduce the suffering of patients, but also improve the income of the hospital. Ge Xuejun, you are insulting me by saying so! Don't think I don't know what you've done, which makes me anxious. Believe it or not, I'll call the anti-corruption bureau of the procuratorate now? "

Ge Xuejun was also angry. He slapped the table with the same slap and said, "Qiao Yimin, don't go crazy with me here! If you have the ability, you can sue wherever you like! Do you think I'll be afraid! Go out now, I don't want to see you again

Qiao Yimin wants to get angry, but Xu Chao pulls him away.

Before leaving, Xu Chao warned Ge Xuejun: "Dean Ge, today I am giving you the last chance. In the future, if you want to get the medicine of jiuzhuanhu, no matter what medicine, you must take it at three times the market price! Remember what I said today

"Pooh! Why don't you say to sell it to Huazhong hospital at 1000 times the market price? Anyway, Huazhong hospital will never use your medicine! It's a free gift to our central China Hospital. We don't need it! Who knows what the side effects are? By the way, you tell Zhai Xiaohu, don't think he helped me to get back 500000 yuan at the beginning, I have to thank him all my life. He also charged me five points of interest! He has to thank me! " Ge Xuejun said impolitely.

Xu Chao didn't say another word and left.

Xu Chao felt sorry for Qiao Yimin. After all, if he hadn't asked Qiao Yimin to help him, Qiao Yimin wouldn't be embarrassed today!

If he offends Ge Xuejun, he will not do his business. But if Qiao Yimin offends Ge Xuejun, his life may be difficult. After all, Qiao Yimin still has to work in Central China Hospital.

"Director Qiao, I'm sorry. I just wanted you to do me a favor, but I didn't expect you to offend people."

Leaving Ge Xuejun's office, Xu Chao said sorry to Qiao Yimin.

Qiao Yimin waved to him and said, "that's not what I said. You've helped me so much, but I didn't do this little thing for you. I'm sorry, brother. Ge Xuejun and CAI Jiaze have some relatives. At the beginning, Ge Xuejun was the campaign director. He supported Cai Jiaze, but Cai Jiaze didn't fight me in the end. Therefore, Ge Xuejun has always had an opinion on me. Today is just a concentrated outbreak. "

"Will it have a bad effect on your career in the future?" Xu Chao is still worried.

"Ha ha, No. Ge Xuejun is in charge of pharmacy. At most, he doesn't accept my proposal to buy medicine. He can't manage me! Even if he is in charge of me, it's OK. With my ability, I can open another hand surgery in any hospital! " Qiao Yimin laughs.

In the end, Xu Chao left Huazhong hospital in disappointment. Instead of negotiating business, he made the relationship with Huazhong hospital worse.

On the way back to the factory, he suddenly received a call from Qiao Songling.

"Doctor Xu, can you spare half a day and have a cup of afternoon tea with me?" Qiao Songling said on the phone.

Xu Chao was stunned.

Qiao Songling will not treat himself to tea for no reason. There must be something wrong.

So he said with a smile: "the old man's tea must be good tea, how can we miss it?"

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