Qiao Songling's health has been completely better, no longer need to take medicine conditioning, just need to pay attention to diet, regular review is good, so Xu Chao has not contacted Qiao Songling for a long time.

He often receives Qiao Dongfeng's phone calls and asks some questions about health preservation!

Xu Chao did not come to the door empty handed, but brought a fruit basket.

The Qiao family is a single family villa with a large courtyard, which is divided into several areas, including orchard area, vegetable area and flower area

Each area is very small, vegetable area on three border vegetables, orchard area on three apple trees, as well as a few grapevines, grapevines climb to the air interwoven wire, forming a shade below.

In mid autumn and August, when the fruit is ripe, the apple trees are covered with apples and the grapevines are covered with grapes.

As soon as Xu Chao walked into Qiao's yard, he patted his head hard and said, "look at my head, it's just kicked by a donkey. I know that the old man has fresh fruit here, and he has a fruit basket with him. I'm so careless."

Qiao Songling, who came to meet Xu Chao, also laughed and said, "so next time you come here, don't bring anything. I know you bring things out of politeness, but politeness often means being outsider. "

"Ha ha, the old man's words are always so philosophical. OK, I will not bring anything when I come back later. I am poor and can save some money. How are you feeling recently? " Xu Chao said with a smile.

The nanny next to him has taken over the fruit basket in Xu Chao's hand. Qiao Songling leads Xu Chao under the grape trellis and says, "good. Every morning, go to the park to play Tai Chi, and then go to your medicated food room to have a medicated meal. Life is like a fairy. My old friends say that I am a reborn man, thanks to Dr. Xu. "

"Don't praise me, old man, or I'll be proud." Xu Chao said with a smile.

There was a wooden table and two rattan chairs under the grape trellis. Qiao Songling had already prepared the tea set. He personally made a pot of Kung Fu tea, filled the tea cups for himself and Xu Chao, and said with a smile, "have a taste. How does it taste?"

"Ha ha, I don't know anything about tea ceremony. I always drink tea like a cow. When the old man asked me this, he was blind."

Although Xu Chao said so in his mouth, he still took a small sip of the tea cup, smashed it, and said, "the taste is slightly bitter, the aftertaste is sweet, and the lips and teeth are fragrant. It's good tea, but let me say what kind of tea it is, and I'm blind."

"Ha ha, I knew that the mouth that doctor Xu tasted Chinese medicine was the most tricky. You can taste anything in your mouth." Qiao Songling said with a smile and took a sip of the tea cup.

"The old man's words make me blush. I don't even know what kind of tea it is."

"That's because you didn't pay attention to it. If you pay attention to this aspect, maybe you won't have today's doctor Xu. This is xueya before the Ming Dynasty. It's the best Maojian. I've also collected some of them. I like to drink them. I'll take some back before I leave, so that the old people at home can have a taste. "

"I thank you for my father-in-law and mother-in-law first." Xu Chao said with a smile.

Qiao Songling waved her hand and said with a smile, "a little tea can be bought with money. It's not worth mentioning. "

The old man suddenly felt some emotion and continued: "life is like tea. Only when you eat bitterness can you become a master. Unfortunately, today's young people like all kinds of drinks, few like tea. It's even more rare for Dr. Xu to persevere for ten years in order to achieve his goal. "

When Xu Chao thought of his life experience, he could not help feeling a little sad.

"In fact, I'm going to ask you to come today mainly to relieve my loneliness and talk about your jiuzhuanhu pharmaceutical factory. I heard that your drug sales are still blocked? "

Qiao Songling reached out to take the teapot, but Xu Chao took the teapot first, filled the teacup for Qiao Songling and himself, and said, "yes, the relevant departments have clarified for us, but those hospitals and pharmacies still don't take our medicine. It seems that the Dongfeng elder brother has vision. At the beginning, he said that it is difficult for our drugs to find a market. "

Speaking of his son, Qiao Songling's face was slightly black and said, "he has a fart eye! If he had vision, he would not have refused when you and Zhai Xiaohu invited him to invest in jiuzhuanhu pharmaceutical factory. "

"But now jiuzhuanhu pharmaceutical factory is really struggling. We can't even pay our workers." Xu Chao smiles bitterly.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you don't give up, the difficulties will pass. Dr. Xu, have you ever thought about why the sales of your products are blocked? " Qiao Songling asked with a smile.

Xu Chao was slightly shocked. The old man seemed to have a point.

"Once the reputation of a brand is completely damaged, no matter how it is washed in the future, it is very difficult to wash it white. Sometimes the more you wash it white, the worse the situation will be. This is the so-called" more black and more black " Qiao Songling said.

"So, our product sales are blocked, or the influence of the previous public opinion?" Xu Chao said that they have always thought so.

Qiao Songling shook his head and said, "your situation is not like this. After the incident, your response was very quick and thorough. You not only brought the rumor mongers to court, but also dug out all the cases. Your actions are by no means more and more black. In this case, those hospitals and pharmacies should not refuse you. At least we shouldn't refuse you so neatly! "

Xu Chao moved in his heart and said, "what the old man means is that Zhao Haixing is not the only one hiding behind us, but also someone else?"

Qiao Songling nodded and said: "when the public opinion of jiuzhuanhu ointment was fermenting, I had people investigate who was promoting the public opinion. The survey found that there are two groups of people who spend money to buy hot search. One is from China, which is naturally manipulated by Zhao Haixing, while the other is very hidden. Even their remittance accounts to the network platform are from overseas! "

Xu Chao was stunned again and said with a bitter smile, "we have also investigated, but only Zhao Haixing was found. It seems that the investigation is not deep enough. We are still too young. "

Qiao Songling was amused by Xu Chao's "too tender" remark and said: "it's not that your investigation is not thorough enough, but that your energy is not enough and the resources that can be mobilized are limited. I can directly call the boss of some platforms and ask them who is fueling the fire. Can you do it? "

"No. We can't talk to people at all. " Xu Chao shakes his head and grins bitterly. Compared with the Qiao family, they are really too tender.

"You don't have to belittle yourself. In fact, your team is already excellent. Although Zhai Xiaohu was born in a rash family, he attached great importance to love and righteousness, was bold in thinking and doing, had a good investment vision, and was not greedy. Gu Shengfeng is a talented person. Although he is young, he is mature and persistent. You don't have to say that you are both excellent in medicine and martial arts. You have unique personality charm and can knead people around you. I really value you

"Old man, you say I really blush."

"I'm not flattering you. What you are short of now is the experience of shopping malls. You still underestimate the sinister people in shopping malls. In fact, when I found foreign accounts, I was not sure that there were other forces hiding behind you. After all, Gao Hanyun is a reporter. He may have friends abroad. "

"How did the old man make sure that in addition to Zhao Haixing, there were other people hiding behind us?"

"I called two deans who had a good relationship with me and asked them why they didn't take your medicine. They were vague with me. I can be sure that someone is still hacking you. Well, do you have any suspects now? "

Qiao Songling looks at Xu Chao with a smile.

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