"It's better to kill with a knife than to kill with a knife."

Copper Grange gives a thumbs up to Shi Grange!

Shi Gelang put his fingers behind his head, held his head, and youyou said, "in fact, I don't want the Dragon boy to die so early. I hope he can live longer. "

"Why?" Tong Gran felt that his thinking could not keep up with his cousin.

Shi Gelang said with a smile, "when Xu Chao's face is covered with gauze and his face is changed into a ghost, will he go crazy?"

The poor guy didn't know that Xu Chao had already sewed up the wound on his face again and applied jiuzhuanhu wound ointment. He thought Xu Chao's face was the same as the picture that DiCarlo showed him.

"I don't know if I will go crazy, but it must be painful." Copper Grande road.

"You say his wife is so beautiful, see a man suddenly turned into an ugly ghost, will you go to another man?" Strando.

"Since ancient times, beautiful women are so romantic that they should be able to find them?" Tong Gelang said with a smile.

"Do you think I have a chance?" Strando.

Tong Gelang was stunned. He didn't expect his cousin to take a fancy to Xu Chao's wife!

"Ha ha, big brother is known as the saint of love. As long as you do something, that woman will be happy to have a good time in your crotch! Hey, don't say, that woman is really tasteful! " Copper Gran laughed.

"If Xu Chao knew that his wife and I were sleeping together, would he go crazy?"

"Yes! Sure it will

"Would you like to see Xu Chao go crazy?"

"Of course I will!"

With a smile and a shrug, he spread out his hands and said with a smile, "that's it! In order to see these things, Xu Chao has to live! "

"Yes! I really can't let that dragon boy die too soon! "

Copper gram Lang forgot to pat the head, the result force is too fierce, shake the nose, pain of howl.

"Ha ha, it depends on his life whether that dragon boy can survive or not. The good play is still to come. There are a lot of workers in Longguo. If Xu Chao wants to arrange these people here, he can only add extra beds to each ward. " Said strangler.

"Extra beds in every intensive care unit? Impossible? The people who live here are all big men. Will they agree to add more beds to their wards? Absolutely impossible Copper gram Lang a face firmly says.

"So I said that the good play is in the back. Does Xu Chao think that if he gets rid of the bodyguards at the door, he can arrange the patient's number? He's dreaming He said with a smile.

Just when the two brothers happily predicted Xu Chao's next bad luck, Xu Chao and Dr. Krone had already walked to the door of the first intensive care unit.

"The patient who lives in this room is azamu, a well-known rich businessman in Saudi Arabia. It is said that he has a fortune of 10 billion. He didn't get hurt in the earthquake, he got sick. "

"His illness is very strange. He has a simple fever and headache. The more he burns, the more painful he is. But he can't find out the cause. The hospital has been treating him as a nervous headache, but he has been in the hospital for more than ten days, and his condition has been going on and on, but he hasn't completely improved."

"Because of his headache and bad temper, he probably won't listen to us."

Krone gave Xu Chao a brief introduction.

"Act according to the circumstances. I don't think many people are willing to cooperate with us in the whole building." Xu Chao looked at the two groups of reporters and said, "I also invite a few reporter friends to make more momentum for us and beat the drum."

Krone opened the door of the sick room and walked in with Xu Chao. There was a man in his fifties lying on the sofa in the living room. A nurse nearby was applying an ice bag to him.

The man closed his eyes and his face was full of pain.

Hearing the door of the ward ring, he opened his eyes slightly, his face suddenly flashed strong dissatisfaction, impolitely said: "what are you doing here? It's not fun to beat my bodyguard. Don't you want to beat me! I've never seen such unreasonable people like you in the whole world

What happened at the gate of the intensive care unit has spread rapidly, and almost everyone in the intensive care unit knows it, and azamu is no exception.

Xu Chao said with a smile: "ha ha, sir, I can't understand this. How can we be unreasonable? Sir, let me hear it. "

"This is the intensive care unit! Those who are qualified to live here are all successful people, and even some people have great international influence! Those dragon people are just the lowest class workers. Why do they live in the same building with us? " Azamu said angrily.

"Why can't they live in the same building as you? Are you one head longer than them, or two hands longer than them? Everyone is human. How can you be more noble than them? It's just a little more money than them. The most unreliable thing in the world is money. You have more money than them, but you don't live as long as them. What's the use of more money? " Xu Chao said impolitely.

Carrot and stick, Xu Chao first swung the stick.

What he said was a stab in azamu's lungs!

Azamu's most taboo now is that others say he doesn't live long. When he heard Xu Chao's words, he suddenly turned blue and blue, panting and sneering: "the daily expenses here are sky high! I don't believe they can afford it

"I'm sorry, now I'm the president of Fard hospital. I've made a decision that all the wounded admitted to the hospital due to the earthquake will be free of transfer fees and medical expenses!" Xu Chao said with a smile.

"You... But this is the intensive care unit. How can you get so many migrant workers? What else is it called intensive care unit? " Azamu said angrily!

"Ha ha, I just want to announce one thing to you. From today on, it will be changed into a general ward and no longer an intensive care ward! So you either go or live with other patients. Don't get me wrong. When I say live together, I don't mean live in the same building, but in the same room! " Xu Chao said with a smile.

Azamu's condition of being angry suddenly worsened, as if someone was taking a stick and pounding paste in his brain, as if his head was about to split!

This man is also ruthless, all pain to this, unexpectedly Leng is silent, just gritted his teeth to Xu Chao and others said: "you don't think! This is my ward. I have paid the hospitalization fee, so I have the right to use it! Can't you fight? If you have the guts, shoot me and see if I can move away! "

"Ha ha, this is the hospital ward! The hospital has the right to adjust the ward at any time when it needs more. Do you think this is the house you signed the lease contract for? "

Xu Chao said impolitely while shaking his right wrist. There were five steel needles in his hand. Before azamu could react, he stabbed into Touwei, Yintang, yangbai, Lugu and Baihui of azamu!

"What are you doing? You really want to kill people. A few reporter friends, he wants to kill people, but you all saw it..."

Azamu roared, and at the same time he was going to reach for the steel needle that pierced his acupoints!

But before his hand touched the needle, he suddenly froze!

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