Among the various therapeutic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion are better promoted in the world.

Azamu is a rich businessman in Saudi Arabia. He has visited almost every country in the world. Naturally, he has seen acupuncture techniques, but he has never tried them.

At the moment, he didn't say hello to Xu Chao, so he put a needle into his head. Suddenly, he was so angry that he reached out to pull out the needle!

But before his hand touched the needle, he suddenly froze!

He seemed to be splitting his head just now, and it was miraculously improved!

It's just a little dull pain. It's no longer the unbearable pain just now.

"Mr. azamu, are you... OK?" Dr. Krone looked at azamu and asked in disbelief.

Dr. Krone didn't realize that Xu Chao was giving azamu pain relief. He thought Xu Chao was using violence against azamu.

He could not help complaining about Xu Chao: "what about the carrot and stick? Why do you only see the big stick and no carrot? Isn't this guy a violent maniac? "

Azamu waved his hand in amazement and said, "it's OK, I'm ok! I'm fine. I'm fine! "

Dr. Krone felt that azamu's words were not quite right, so he took a strange look at Xu Chao.

Xu Chao just shrugged at him, but asked azamu with a smile: "how's it going? Do you feel better headache?"

"How do you know I had a headache?" Azamu asked strangely.

Xu Chao knows that azamu has a headache. Azamu is not surprised at all. After all, Xu Chao came with Dr. Krone. Although Krone is not his doctor in charge, he knows his condition.

But Xu Chaoneng knew that he had a headache just now, so he felt very puzzled. After all, he had been enduring it and didn't even say a word!

But Xu Chao laughed and said, "although you didn't say anything just now, your eyes and expression on your face exposed your pain. What about? Is my acupuncture still effective? "

Azamu was silent.

What happened to him was beyond his understanding.

"Mr. azamu, your head... Really doesn't hurt?" Asked Dr. Crowne in surprise.

"It's still a dull pain, but it's not the pain before." Azamu said with a bitter smile that he misunderstood Xu Chao just now and made him feel embarrassed.

Dr. Krone turned his eyes to Xu Chao and asked with an incredible look: "just rely on these five steel needles? You give Mr. azamu the pain? "

"It depends on these five needles. But I just temporarily suppressed his pain. When I pulled out the needle, his head still hurt. " Xu Chao said.

Even so, Dr. Krone's face was full of admiration.

He has learned from other doctors that Xu Chao is an excellent surgeon. He has solid basic skills in suturing, especially good at manipulative bone setting!

I didn't expect to be a master of acupuncture!

This young Oriental man is really amazing.

However, Xu Chao's next words surprised him even more!

Only listen to Xu Chao light said: "Mr. azamu, your disease according to the present method of treatment, will only be more and more serious, never good!"

"How do you know?"


Azamu and Dr. Krone asked at the same time, both of whom were full of disbelief.

"You've been here for more than ten days. If the diagnosis is accurate, the treatment effect will come out long ago, but you haven't improved all the time, which is enough to show that the diagnosis of the disease in the hospital is not accurate, and your treatment during this period is invalid!" Xu Chao said impolitely.

Thanks to azamu's doctor in charge is not here, otherwise I would have to work with Xu Chao.

"Then you say, what disease am I suffering from?" Azamu asked, but his tone was not as stiff as before!

He couldn't figure out the principle of Xu Chao's treatment, but he could see that Xu Chao was an expert. Maybe he could really cure the stubborn disease that had tormented him for such a long time.

"Put your hand out." Xu Chaodao.

Azamu obediently put the armrest on the sofa.

Xu Chao put his hand on azamu's cunguanchi three pulse, closed his eyes slightly, and began to feel azamu's pulse.

A moment later, Xu Chao opened his eyes and said, "the higher your temperature is, the more painful your head is. The more painful your head is, the higher your temperature is. Besides, you are afraid of light. When you see light, the less painful it is. The brighter the light is, the more painful it is, right?"

"Yes, that's it! I told my doctor before, he just said it was a psychological problem. In your opinion, is this a psychological problem? " Azamulian nodded.

"This is the pathological manifestation, where is the psychological problem." Xu Chao said with a smile.

Krone couldn't help but look stunned. Even he didn't know about azamu's symptoms. Did Xu Chao just feel his pulse?

Isn't that amazing?

Azamu now has seven points convinced Xu Chao, looking at Xu Chao, eyes full of expectations asked: "doctor Xu can cure my disease?"

"Yes." Xu Chao said lightly.

Azamu was excited and said: "as long as doctor Xu can cure my disease, I can give you money, give you a lot of money!"

Xu Chao shook his head and said, "I don't want your money. If I can cure you, I just want you to promise me one condition

Azamu was also a smart man. He immediately thought of Xu Chao's ultimate goal, so he said, "do you want me to live with those migrant workers?"

Xu Chao snapped his fingers and said, "yes, I will add another seven beds in this ward, but we didn't force them in, but Mr. azamu is willing to contribute to the earthquake relief in order to accept more wounded people in the hospital, so he takes the initiative to ask the wounded who don't have a ward to enter your room."

"State television will give a positive report on this."

"Economic net also can do synchronous report."

"We will have an exclusive interview with you on this matter."

Two press groups were also nearby and said immediately.

Azamu immediately understood Xu Chao's routine.

Xu Chao is to force him to accept his conditions, but gave him a gorgeous gold ladder, so that he can follow the ladder down.

Azamu did not immediately state his position, and his mind turned quickly.

This earthquake has spread all over the world. Many entrepreneurs will donate money and materials in the future. On the one hand, they want to spend more money to buy a reputation.

Now, if I can take the initiative to accept the ordinary wounded into my room, when things spread, especially to the royal family, I will make a lot of money!

"Can you really cure me completely?" Azamu asked with some uncertainty.

"If I can't cure you, I'll move the added bed out again immediately, and I'll make an apology to you! How about compensating you for all your financial losses? " Xu Chao said with a smile.

"Deal!" Azamu no longer hesitated, decisive said!

Krone can't help feeling that Xu Chao really has the talent of the president. It was a confrontation by him, but it turned into azamu's initiative!

Let's see if Xu Chaoneng can completely cure azamu's disease!

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