The rat was silent.

He believes that as long as Xu Chao talks to him, he can be punished lightly. After all, Xu Chao is the victim of his own crime, and he has huge energy!

He suddenly sneered and said, "hum, boss Xu has a good eye. No matter what you do, you always pinch with your hands. You still need people like me to help? "

"Chicken singing and dog stealing have their own uses. Some things need people like you to help." Xu Chao said with a smile.

"What's the matter, you talk about it first, and I'll decide whether to agree or not." He said.

"Do you know the top ten killers in the world?" Xu Chao asked.

"Of course, I used to work with the general, who is the third killer in the world! It's a pity that dog day is a cheapskate. Once we were on a mission together, the reward was 100 million US dollars, but afterwards he only gave me one million US dollars! It was after that that that I decided to go it alone! No longer with the general Eat day mouse to immediately scold of say.

Xu Chao was overjoyed.

After all, chipmunk is just a little-known killer in the world of killers. Xu Chao was worried that he could not contact the world-famous killers. If he could not find the world-famous killers, his plan would not be able to carry out.

Although Sorea can access the dark network, the rule of the dark network is that users can't contact each other privately. Users can see the information sent to the platform and comment on the information, but they can't send private messages.

Therefore, Sorea is unable to contact the world-famous killers without permission.

In fact, even if Sorea can contact the world-famous killers, he can't contact them. Xu Chao wants the world-famous killers to assassinate him, but Sorea is his personal bodyguard. The whole killer world knows about this.

Now let Sorea contact the killer to assassinate himself, only a fool will believe Sorea!

I didn't expect that the little mouse really knew a big fish. It's easy to operate.

"I'll protect you. I'll protect you. You contact the general. The general will assassinate me again. Of course, you can only cheat with the other party. You have to listen to me in the whole process. When it's done, I'll guarantee you a light sentence or even acquittal, and I'll give you a big reward! " Xu Chao looked at the rat and said faintly.

He didn't understand what Xu Chao was doing. Was this guy crazy? Or are you addicted to being assassinated?

He can't help but ask stupidly: "you let me join the general to assassinate you?"

"That's right!" Xu Chaodao.

"Why? Why should I do this? I don't think you're kind enough! " Said the rat.

"You don't need to know about it. You just have to do what I say." Xu Chaodao.

The rat's eyes suddenly flashed a ray of greedy light, and asked, "you said that you would give me a large reward after the completion of the project. I want to know how big it is?"

"How much revenge do you want?" Xu Chao asked with a smile.

He didn't speak. He just watched Xu Chao raise his right hand and stretch out a finger.

"Ten million?" Xu Chaodao.

"Dollars!" Said the rat greedily.

"Ha ha, you are really a lion

"It's not a big mouth, is it? In order to buy your life, the white family has spent a billion dollars

"That's because the white family is rich. I'm not as rich as the white family. But now that you've spoken, I can promise you that as long as you listen to me, I'll give you ten million dollars after it's done!"

"Aren't you afraid I'll run away after you let me out?"

"Not afraid."

While Xu Chao was talking, his right hand, which was originally inserted in his trouser pocket, suddenly came out. He had a red pill the size of longan in his hand. His left hand pinched the chin of the rat, and it was only a slight pinch. The mouth of the rat would open out of his control. Xu Chao was so quick that he took the red pill and patted it in his mouth until he reached his throat!

The rat suddenly felt uncomfortable in his throat, and subconsciously made a swallowing action, and the red pill immediately reached his stomach.

Xu Chao released his hand.

The rat immediately put his hand on his throat. He felt a fit of retching and wanted to spit out the red pill.

Xu Chao sneered and said, "don't bother. My pills are not ordinary things. Don't say you just vomit. Even if you go to lavage now, it's useless!"

"You... What kind of medicine did you give me?" The rat asked in a panic.

"It's not medicine, it's poison! The name of this Gu is heart biting gu! The incubation period in the human body is 40 days. After 40 days, the larvae will grow into adults. Their favorite food is the internal organs of the human body. Before you do a good job for me, I will give you an antidote once a month, which can suppress the growth of heart biting poison. Once you betray me, you will suffer from all kinds of poisonous insects! Those adult heart biting insects will eat up your internal organs and climb out of your body! " Xu said coldly.

Rao is the gall of a rat, and he is pale now.

He was stunned for a long time, and suddenly laughed, but he pulled the wound and coughed violently. It took him a long time to stop coughing. He pointed to Xu Chao and said, "Xu Chao, Xu Chao, do you think I'm a three-year-old? Will be cheated by you? Do you think I'll really believe in this bullshit heart biting bug? "

"Now take a deep breath... Hold it... Ha ha..." Xu Chao's voice is gentle.

But he just took a deep breath, and he felt a terrible pain in his chest, as if someone was picking out his heart with a knife. The pain was unbearable, and the cold sweat on his face came out!

"Why..." He is afraid to see Long Fei now. He feels that Xu Chao is a devil!

"Of course, it's the heart biting poison. Now I want to ask you if you want to cooperate with me? Will you listen to me when you go out? As long as you can listen to my arrangement, you will not only live, but also be free and get a lot of money after it is completed. This choice should not be difficult, right Xu ultra cold channel.

He was really frightened by Xu Chao's method of turning his hand over for the cloud and covering his hand with the rain. He stammered, "I... how do I know that you will fulfill your promise after it's done? Now I'm under your control, how can you promise me? "

"I can't promise you, you can only bet on my character." Xu Chao said with a smile.

The rat can't help but scold Xu Chao for being a son of a bitch. You've bewitched me. Do I have any choice to refuse?

"It seems that I can only promise?" He said.

"No, you can still refuse, but in that case, you may not even have the chance to go to prison, or you may not even have the time to hold a court session." Xu Chaodao.

"OK, OK, I'll... Promise you, I'll listen to you. I hope you can keep your word. At least you are a big man now. " Bite day mouse helpless said, he is now really regret before Xu Chao hands.

"Well, it's a deal. I'll go out and give you some activities to stop the police from monitoring you. Then you will contact the general immediately. I don't care what method you want to use to assassinate me, but you have to tell me in advance! Do you understand Xu Chaodao.

"Ming... I understand." Said the rat, wiping the sweat from his face.

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