In the general surgery office of Huazhong hospital.

A group of doctors looked at several brain MRI images, as well as imaging reports. Everyone's face was covered with incredible words.

These images and reports belong to little Henry. They found that all the residual tumor cells in little Henry's brain lost their activity, and they were all killed!

It's much cleaner than surgery!

Medulloblastoma, the location is still so sensitive, even if the more severe surgical master, can not clean up the tumor cells.

"No way! This is absolutely impossible! How could all these tumor cells suddenly die? And the death is so clean Koizumi said with disbelief on his face.

Qiao Yimin respected Koizumi 92 very much before, otherwise he would not have asked him to operate on little Henry. However, when he saw that he almost caused an accident on the operating table, he did not admit his mistake. He was not grateful for Xu Chao, who avoided a medical accident and saved his reputation. He also made every effort to make things difficult for him, so he hated Koizumi 92.

At the moment, the fact is right in front of us. Koizumi 92 even said so. He couldn't help it, so he said impolitely: "Dr. Koizumi, do you have any misunderstanding? The tumor cells did not die suddenly, but were killed by Dr. Xu's acupuncture technique! "

"Joke! Can acupuncture kill tumor cells? As long as you have studied medicine, you will not believe it! This is totally out of line with medical common sense! It's totally unscientific! " Koizumi 92 still stubborn said.

"Maybe we should update our medical knowledge? The so-called science only uses one phenomenon to explain another. What if the phenomenon we use as a basis is wrong? More than 2000 years ago, everyone thought that the sky was round and the place was right, but now it has been proved wrong! Hundreds of years ago, it was right for everyone to think that the earth is the core of the universe. Now it has been proved wrong. So who dares to say that the theory we have now accepted must be correct? " Qiao Yimin said.


Koizumi's face turns blue and red. Tian wants to refute Qiao Yimin's words, but he can't refute them at all!

After all, the fact that Xu Chao used acupuncture to kill tumor cells is in front of his eyes. Although he can't explain it, he must believe it!

The happiest is Clarissa, little Henry's mother.

Before that, she chose to believe Xu Chao. Instead of having Koizumi operate on her son, she let Xu Chao take full charge of his operation. In fact, she was blocking up. Blocking up Xu Chao was not bragging.

When her son got off the operating table safely, like Koizumi, she thought that her son's disease would recur in two or three months. After all, she was also a doctor, and she was very familiar with medulloblastoma, which was originally a disease with a high recurrence rate. Moreover, under the command of Xu Chao, Huang Tianlun did not remove little Henry completely.

She had already recognized that even if her son could only live another two months, it was Xu Chao who robbed him from death.

I didn't expect that she got such a result now!

After his son's operation, without any painful radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the tumor cells were all killed, and the immune system was not damaged, even strengthened!

As a doctor, she knows that her son's illness can be declared cured, and the rest is just a good rest.

Xu Chao once said in the operating room that if little Henry had met him before, he would not have had surgery at all. At that time, she also took Xu Chao's words as boasting. Now she knows that Xu Chao is not boasting at all. People really have this ability!

She took her son's brain MRI picture for a long time, then put it on the table and said to Qiao Yimin, "director Qiao, I want to give Dr. Xu a big red envelope to show my thanks. How much do you think is appropriate?"

Koizumi turned his eyes to Qiao Yimin and raised his ears to hear what Qiao Yimin said.

Xu Chao is not a doctor in Huazhong hospital. His participation in this operation is regarded as "flying knife".

The so-called "flying knife", in short, is to take a plane to operate.

Generally, the attending doctors of large hospitals go to other hospitals for surgery after work or during rest time.

All the doctors who can produce "flying knives" are highly skilled and famous. Otherwise, no one will invite them to fly knives. Of course, the price of flying knives is very expensive, and the price of a doctor's flying knives is also a direct reflection of the doctor's technical level.

Koizumi's operation on little Henry in 1992 was a flying knife. In order to invite him to perform the operation, Huazhong hospital paid 50000 yuan!

This is already the top price in the world of Flying Daggers. The title of the first dagger in the eastern hemisphere is by no means illusory.

Clarissa wants to give Xu Chao a red envelope. In fact, it is a reward for Xu Chao, which is also the price of Xu Chao's throwing knife.

"Hum, although Xu has some skills, he is not well-known. The price should not be high. What's the use of some skills? You're not a pauper without money? If I do it three or two times, it will be your salary for one year! " So Koizumi thought.

He is proud, but listen to Qiao Yimin to caralisa smile: "you want to thank doctor Xu, or give up the idea of giving him a red envelope as soon as possible."

"Why? Doctor Xu is not a doctor in our hospital. It's not against the rules to give him a red envelope. " Clarissa asked in surprise.

"This is not a violation of the rules, but you give Dr. Xu a red envelope. It's hard for Dr. Xu to see your sincerity." Qiao Yimin said with a smile.

"Why?" Clarissa is more strange.

"It's very simple, because Dr. Xu doesn't need money at all."

As soon as Qiao Yimin's voice fell to the ground, Koizumi 92 beside him burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Qiao Yimin asked with some displeasure.

He is really upset now that Koizumi asked for a reward of 100000, but he failed the operation. It seems that he doesn't intend to charge a few less money. Is it really shameless?

Koizumi did not seem to understand Qiao Yimin's expression and eyes, but said sarcastically: "I laugh at director Qiao's pedantry. Although Xu Chao has some skills, he is not well-known after all. How much money can he make? That's not bad for money? You are too... "

He wants to say that you are too short-sighted. At last, you'd better stop. After all, Qiao Yimin is the chief director. It's not easy for him to offend him.

Qiao Yimin also sneered and said: "Dr. Koizumi said that Dr. Xu is not well-known, because Dr. Xu is usually too low-key, and Dr. Koizumi is also too ignorant. I know Dr. Koizumi is not bad for money, but he should be even worse than Dr. Xu. Well, don't disagree. Listen to me. Although doctor Xu has a doctor's license, his main business is business. He has a fortune of at least 10 billion. That's a little bit to say. "

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