Koizumi 92 and Clarissa can't help but take a breath, eyes are big circle!

To their surprise, Dr. Xu, a young man in his twenties, is worth more than 10 billion.

However, Koizumi quickly realized that Xu Chao's great wealth must have been earned by his Laozi when he was young. He could not help sneering and said, "hum, a man is a man. What is the ability to fight for it by himself? What is the ability to fight for it by Laozi's wealth?"

"Ha ha, Dr Koizumi is wrong. Doctor Xu's wealth is earned by himself, not by his parents. " Qiao Yimin said.

Koizumi was slightly stunned and said, "impossible! This is absolutely impossible! My parents used to be working class. I've worked hard since I was a child. Now I'm a little famous in the medical field. I've only earned tens of millions of assets. He's only in his twenties. How can he earn tens of billions of assets? "

Even Clarissa's face also showed a trace of suspicion, feeling that Qiao Yimin was exaggerated by Xu Chao.

Qiao Yimin said with a smile: "another identity of Dr. Xu is the chairman of jiuzhuanhu group. In addition to jiuzhuanhu group, he also has many other industries which are created by him. Do you think he started from scratch and has a fortune of 10 billion?"

Koizumi was stunned in 1992!

He is a doctor. He deals with drugs all day. Many of the drugs prescribed every day are produced by jiuzhuanhu group. How can he not know about jiuzhuanhu group?

But they didn't expect that the young man who seemed to be only in his twenties just now was the chairman of jiuzhuanhu group!

But now think about it, it seems that the chairman of jiuzhuanhu group is really Xu Chao?

He used to think he was a greasy old man in his fifties. He didn't expect to be such a young man!

After Koizumi was stunned, the expression on his face was a little good-looking, a burst of green and a burst of red, and his sense of superiority was suddenly smashed down into dust and scattered into mud!

Everyone knows that jiuzhuanhu group was established in the last year or two. Xu Chao is sure that shichui started from scratch!

He thought he was in his forties and had achieved what he is now. He is already a dragon and Phoenix among the people and a hero in the world. But now when he compares with Xu Chao, he finds that he is nothing!

After being surprised, Clarissa was in a bit of a dilemma and said, "well, since doctor Xu is not poor in money, don't I even have a chance to express my gratitude?"

"I just said these words to remind you that the main thing to thank Dr. Xu is sincerity, not money. As long as you are grateful, even a red envelope of 200 yuan is good. If you just treat Dr. Xu's help as an ordinary Throwing Knife, I'm afraid you will not make Dr. Xu happy even if you transfer 200000 yuan to him." Qiao Yimin said with a smile.

"Oh, I see. I'd better invite Dr. Xu to have a meal to express my sincerity." Clarissa laughed.

"Then you'd better shout his wife. He loves his wife the most and doesn't want his wife to be jealous. Clarissa is also a beautiful woman. Be careful of people's misunderstanding." Qiao Yimin said with a smile.


That night.

Xu Chao, Gu Xinyan and Clarissa gathered around a table for dinner in a small restaurant called "natural residence".

They have been eating for a while, and their relationship has been more harmonious. Clarissa fully expressed her gratitude to Xu Chao, and Xu Chao also understood why Clarissa went to Huazhong hospital to become a doctor.

Clarissa turned out to be a doctor at Cleveland medical center in Ohio, a big sheep country, who has made great achievements in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Two years ago, central China Hospital and Cleveland medical center became a cooperative hospital. Both sides sent doctors to each other's hospital to guide the work of relevant departments. Clarissa came to central China Hospital from Cleveland hospital. Because Clarissa was a single mother, she brought her son Henley to Longguo.

Because Xu Chao had already reminded Gu Xinyan that Clarissa was a single mother and might have an unpleasant relationship when she came here, she carefully avoided this topic.

"Dr. Xu, your treatment of medulloblastoma is unique in the world. It is also the most advanced treatment in the world. If it can be popularized, it will be a good news for patients in the world. Of course, you should not promote it for free, you should charge a certain fee. " Clarissa looked at Xu Chao and said sincerely.

"Ha ha, there's an old saying in the state of dragon that it's better to put medicine on the shelf to produce dust. I hope there are no patients in the world. If it can be promoted, I have already promoted it. Where do I care about the transfer fee? It's a pity that this method relies on real Kung Fu, which can't be learned without decades of Kung Fu, so it's extremely difficult to promote. " Xu Chao said with a bitter smile.

"Oh, really? Do you think I can learn it? " Clarissa patted herself on the chest and said eagerly.

Gu Xinyan chuckled and said, "doctor Clarissa, don't even think about it. I can't do it!"

"Why? What kind of Kung Fu do you need? " Clarissa asked curiously.

With a slight smile, Xu Chao suddenly put up a pair of extra chopsticks on the table, then took out a half new 100 yuan banknote from his wallet and swept it to his waist.

Under normal circumstances, the chopsticks will block the banknotes, or even the banknotes will be torn. But Clarissa was shocked to see that the banknotes in Xu Chao's hand actually passed through the middle of the chopsticks!

The paper money was intact, but a good chopsticks was broken into two pieces from the middle, and the two sections above fell to the table with a click.

"Oh, my God!"

Clarissa's eyes were wide at the moment. She covered her mouth with her hand subconsciously. After a long time, she said, "my God, doctor Xu, is this magic

"It's not magic, it's real kung fu. I can cut bamboo chopsticks with paper money because I have a breath of internal Qi, and I can kill the cancer cells in little Henry's head because of this breath and a special acupuncture method. In order to practice this breath, I have worked hard for more than 20 years. I have been practicing since I was born. I have to be savvy every day Xu Chaodao.

Clarissa was so scared that she spat out her tongue and said, "I understand why you say that this method is difficult to promote. In today's fast-paced society, who would be born with a single mind to learn a technology for more than 20 years? I feel like you can go to UNESCO and apply for intangible cultural heritage! "

Xu Chao also laughed and said, "if I really go to apply for the world heritage, I'm afraid I can really succeed. But if I do, I will never have peace. How can I be at ease now? Now who wants me to see him, it depends on fate. "

"It's just that doctor Xu must not let this technology be lost, otherwise it would be a pity." Clarissa added.

"It's impossible to be lost. I've already chosen my successor." Xu Chao said triumphantly.

"Ah? Who is it? Doctor Xu must introduce it to me! " Clarissa laughed at once.

Gu Xinyan knows Xu Chao's virtue and immediately guesses who Xu Chao's successor is. She can't help but Pooh Xu Chao and says to Clarissa, "Dr. Clarissa, don't listen to his nonsense. This guy is a bitch. When you see a beautiful woman, you can't speak properly."

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