Of course, Xu Chao's "Ping An tie" is not true. It was copied by Xu Chao's grandfather!

Xu Chao's grandfather is also a master of Chinese culture. Although his calligraphy level is not as good as today's Xu Chao, he has also reached a very high level. It's just that he never wanted to develop calligraphy together in his life, and his reputation in the calligraphy field is not obvious.

Like Xu Chao today, his calligraphy works are known as the number one in the world, but his reputation in the calligraphy field is also not obvious. Except for those who really understand calligraphy, no one likes to collect his works.

Although Xu Chao's grandfather's work is a copy, it is of a high level and can almost confuse the real with the fake!

Xu Chao unfolded the "Ping An tie", then sprinkled the medicine in the water cup evenly on the whole scroll, and then took the hotel's hair dryer to quickly dry the scroll with a cold wind.

Because the paper used in the post is very special. When the scroll is dried, there is no problem. There is no wrinkle. It's like Xu Chaogang didn't spray water on it at all.

Xu Chao checked it carefully again and found that there was no flaw in it. Then he put the scroll back into his backpack.

Xu Chao is very skilled in the whole set of movements, because since he came to Yangda, he has to repeat this set of work every morning.

The white powder he dissolved in water was prepared by himself. It is called sanrixiaochang powder. It has strong volatility. The higher the temperature is, the stronger the volatility is. Xu Chaogang just uses the cold wind to dry the scroll, and the volatilization of the medicine is limited. If he uses the hot wind, the medicine will soon volatilize into the room.

Inhale a small amount of three days broken bowel powder, basically no effect on the human body, but if more than a certain amount, you can kill!

And this medicine is made up of pure Chinese herbal medicine, not chemical medicine. It was poisoned to death by this medicine. Autopsy can't find out it was poisoned!

The only bad thing is that because of the strong volatility of the drug, Xu Chao made it up today, and after a day and a night, half of the drug would volatilize. Therefore, Xu Chao's regular work every morning is to add medicine to this picture.

After Xu Chao finished all this, he made a pot of tea for himself. As soon as he poured a cup for himself, there was a knock on the door.

Xu Chao got up and opened the door. He saw a man and a woman outside the door. The man was very strange, but the woman knew him. Who was the woman that he saw in Huangshi park a few days ago?

"Why, some friends are coming from afar. Would you please come in and sit down for a while?" The girl looked at Xu Chao with a smile and said in longguoyu.

Xu Chao also showed a smile on his face and said, "I knew there would be a noble person here today. I just made a pot of tea. I'm worried about being alone. Please come in."

Both of them speak the language of dragon. Tu en seems to listen to the book of heaven, but he is not afraid of playing tricks in front of him, because both he and the woman in the dark net have a micro camera and a recorder, which records not only the video but also the sound.

"I don't understand Longguo, so you'd better both speak English to avoid my misunderstanding!" Toon said coldly in English.

Xu Chao's face sank and he said impolitely, "are you ordering me? What are you? When I speak to this young lady, it's your turn to speak? "

This time, Xu Chao still speaks the language of the dragon.

But the girl cackled and said in English, "general, he has already said that he doesn't understand Longguo language. You still speak Longguo language with him, don't you say it to yourself?"

"Ha ha, I've never acted according to other people's orders in my whole life. He can't understand it. It's his business. I think it's my business. Today, Lao Tzu has been speaking the language of the dragon. He is going to see Lao Tzu, the king of heaven. Today, Lao Tzu is still affirming the language of the dragon! " Xu Chao said with a sneer.

When he decided to kill the "general" and then came to see foglow as a general, he carefully studied the general, not only his past history, but also his character, in order not to reveal his true feelings.

"General" is a killer. He is very good at hiding himself. There are only legends about him killing people in the world, but there are few legends about his life experience and character. It is not easy for ordinary people to get these "secrets" of "general".

However, this problem is not a problem at all for Xu Chao, but "biting rat" used to be the partner of "general" for many years, and probably no one in the world knows general better than him.

Therefore, Xu Chao has no pressure to imitate the general at the moment, and he has made the general's toughness and aloofness superb.

Tu en is the King Kong guard of the white family, and also the proud master. Seeing that Xu Chao still speaks Longguo, he obviously takes his words as fart. He can't help but ask the girl angrily, "what did he say just now?"

The girl's eyes wandered on Xu Chao and Tu en. She hesitated to translate Xu Chao's words to Tu en.

Xu Chao shrugged and said, "it's your freedom whether you want to translate for him or not, I don't care."

"Tell me! What the hell was he talking about Toon stares at the girl and barks again.

The girl was disgusted with Toon. This man was not as handsome as the general, but also not as interesting as the general. But he was a member of the white family. The white family was the golden master of the dark net, and she had to wait on him.

The girl finally translated Xu Chao's words to Tu en.

Toon suddenly laughed and said, "don't be too crazy, general. Don't forget, your head has not been verified by my white family! As long as the white family does not pass the verification one day, you will not get the billion dollar reward one day. If you don't believe it, you can ask this lady! "

The girl's face suddenly changed!

Toon's words are too low-level. They are similar to those of the scoundrels.

The general has finished his work, and he even wants to stick the general's neck on the identification of his head. What is this not a rogue?

Xu Chao is more direct. With a flick of his wrist, a sharp Oriental knife has appeared in his hand. With a flash of light, the narrow blade has pierced Tu en's shoulder!

Two holes in one knife!


Tu en uttered a scream, staggered back a few steps, and stared at Xu Chao with an incredible look in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Xu Chao would be so resolute, even ignoring the face of the white family!

What surprised him even more was that Xu Chao's knife was too fast!

He only saw a flash of light, and then he was stabbed!

Where is Xu Chao's knife hidden in his body, how it came out and how it was collected? He was stunned and didn't see it from the beginning to the end!

The King Kong guards of the white family are all elites with high skill and excellent shooting skills. Tu en is the best one among the King Kong guards. Before, although he knew that "general" was the third killer on the dark net, he didn't think much of "general J".

In his opinion, the reason why killers can succeed is that they can endure and hide. If they are true, they will easily surpass them.

Now he knew that he was wrong!

Just now I was face-to-face with the general, but I didn't even see the general's knife!

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