"You... You dare to hurt me! The white family won't let you go! "

Tu en covered the wound, staring at Xu Chao, gnashing his teeth said!

Although he was scared by Xu Chao's hand, he was the King Kong guard of the white family after all. Naturally, if he was soft, he would not say it.

However, Xu Chao showed a scornful smile on his face and said sarcastically, "don't scare me, you are just a dog of the white family! Don't say I hurt you, I'll kill you if I kill you! Do you think the white family will really avenge you? "

Xu Chao is still speaking the language of dragon!

It's not that he is too stubborn, but that his spoken English pronunciation is not very standard. "General" is a real westerner. English is his native language, so naturally he is very proficient.

Xu Chao can imitate almost any aspect of "general", but he really can't. If he wants to use a language skillfully, his pronunciation must be pure, which can't be practiced in a short time.

Originally, Xu Chao had been thinking about how to speak Longguo all the time when he met with the white family. As a result, Tu en gave him a big reason.

This bastard even yelled at himself to speak English. Well, I won't speak English today. That's what I'm fighting for!

Toon is depressed to vomit blood!

Xu Chao can understand what he says, but he can't understand what Xu Chao says!

He deeply doubted that Xu Chao's every word was scolding his ancestors!

"What did the bastard say?" Toon asked the girl again.

The girl translated Xu Chao's words.

Toon's face was even more angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "boy, I remember you. I want to fight you!"

Toon's words, even the girl's eyes flashed a trace of contempt: you like a bear and others duel? People can hurt you with their eyes closed. If someone attacked you just now, you would have lost your head.

Without this self-knowledge, toon continued: "don't think you hurt me just now, you are more serious than me, you are just sneaking! This is the most despicable means! That is, only you killers will use such despicable means

The smile on Xu Chao's face was even stronger, and he said, "you are not good enough to lift my shoes. Do you want to fight with me? The King Kong guards of the white family also have assassins. Do they know that you despise killers like this? "

Toon's heart suddenly trembled, and his face was a little strange.

The King Kong guard is divided into two groups, one is the guard group, the other is the assassination group. The guard group is responsible for protecting the important members of the white family, and the assassination group is responsible for removing the enemies of the white family.

The assassin group once attacked Xu Chao several times. Because Xu Chao was too dangerous, it had caused great losses to the assassin group. The white family then put the task of assassinating Xu Chao on the dark net.

Toon is a very stubborn person, he really does not see the killer, only by means of sneak attack to kill, but he is very afraid of those cold-blooded monsters of the King Kong guard killer group.

He was really worried that Xu Chao would tell the killer group what he had just said, and those monsters would definitely trouble themselves.

But Xu Chao didn't bother to talk to him any more. He just asked the girl, "madam, just now I blame you for not asking you to come into the room. Now why are you standing at the door? Please come in and have a taste of the yuqianlongjing I just made

The girl shrugged her shoulders with a smile and said with a smile, "what I said just now is just a joke. I really want to share tea with the general again, but this time it's really not good."

Xu Chao immediately guessed that Fugro agreed to meet him. If Fugro did not agree, dark net would not send someone to meet him.

But he asked knowingly, "what's the matter?"

The girl reached for tu'en and said with a smile, "let me introduce you first. This is a member of the white family. His name is tu'en. He and I had asked you to meet the fogros, but we didn't expect this to happen

Then she said to toon, "Mr. toon, do we need to take the general to see Mr. foglow?"

"Yes! Of course! Boy, I don't care with you when we see you. I will never let you go when you meet our master! " Tu en stares at Xu Chao and grins his teeth.


Xu Chao just gave a cold hum.

The girl then said to Xu Chao, "Sir, the place where you meet Mr. fogelow is in his villa. After you enter the villa, everything will be arranged by the white family. Can you do it? If you can't, you can refuse. "

Naturally, it's very unfair for Xu Chao to meet each other. He goes into the tiger's den alone with a heavy treasure on his body. If the white family wants to fight him, he may not be able to escape smoothly.

Therefore, the girl first reminds Xu Chao of the place where Xu Chao is going, so that Xu Chao has a psychological preparation.

However, Xu Chao said, "when I come to other people's territory, I will naturally listen to them. I just want to ask Mr. foglow to do me a favor. I don't think he will embarrass me as a young man. There's nothing I can't do. It's just that the fogros said, "when do you want me to go?"

Xu Chao was calm on the surface, but he was pleasantly surprised in his heart. He said in secret: "Doggy foglo, you finally agreed to see me. As long as I see you, your life will be mine. You're the first one in the white family to pay for my grandfather and Dad, but you won't be the last one! "

The girl didn't know what Xu Chao was thinking. She just said with a smile, "go now."

"It's a pity that my pot of tea is good. I wanted to invite beautiful women to have a drink. " Xu Chao said with a smile.

"There's plenty of tea, but not much to see the fogros. Let's go. " The girl said with a smile.

"That makes sense. I'll take something with me Xu Chao turned to get his backpack and stood in front of the girl and Tu en again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, toon had cut off the hem of his white shirt with a dagger and wound the wound two times, stopping the bleeding slightly. The goods were really tough enough. They were sweating with pain, but they didn't say a word all the time. The girl wanted to help him, but she was also rejected.

Tu'en looked at Xu Chao's backpack and suddenly said, "I need to check your bag."

Xu Chao casually threw his backpack to him and said, "yes, but to remind you, my two paintings are valuable. I think you can't afford to pay for the reward given to you by the white family."

Xu Chao still speaks Longguo language. When she sees Tu en's eyes, she looks at herself with a bitter smile and says in secret, "come on, I'm a professional translator today. This tu'en is also cheap. If you speak to the general well at the beginning, instead of being superior and commanding, how can the general make trouble with you? "

The girl was also helpless, so she had to translate Xu Chao's words to Tu en.

Toon's head began to congest again, but he finally suppressed his anger.

He has seen that the third killer of the dark net in front of him can not only kill people, but also have a vicious mouth. He'd better not fight with him, or he will suffer the loss.

And... What Xu Chao said is the truth, which is the most heartbreaking!

One hundred of them can't compare with a general. He doesn't know how many assets the general had before, but he knows that the general just killed Xu Chao and made a billion dollars!

It's still the kind that doesn't pay taxes!

He suddenly understood why he looked down on the killer, it was because of jealousy!

The goods suddenly feel a little depressed

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