Case File Compendium

Chapter 119: i want to kill her

    What would happen if the demon had no shackles given by the gods?

    Xie Qingcheng is He Yu's shackles, the same kind that can entangle the dragon and limit his madness.

    But Xie Qingcheng fell down.

    Blood and wounds all over her body, she just fell into He Yu's arms.


    He Yu's eyes were bloodshot.

    He didn't quite remember how he put Xie Qingcheng down.

    He only remembered that Xie Qingcheng was very heavy, and when he leaned against his arms, the heavy heat applied to the scar on his heart.

    And when he put him down against the rock, the warmth to numb the pain was gone.

    No more…

    No. Have. !

    He walked towards Yi Awen coldly. Before that, Yi Awen was like a ghost, but now, under the background of He Yu, she is like listening to God's flute. big sheep.

    He Yu definitely wanted her to die.

    Yi Awen: "You... what are you doing?! You—"

      The force slammed her against the rock wall!

    In an instant, he grabbed her hands and muscles, and slammed her fists and feet down! His pupils shrank, and his eyes were as black as ink, which reflected Yi Awen's heart-rending appearance as he was tortured to the point of death.

    She was screaming, cursing, and resisting all the time.

    He doesn't seem to hear.

    He's crazy.

    His heart, along with his people, were refined by Xie Qingcheng's blood.

    At this moment, in the ears of the dragon, only the words of his only kind can always be heard.

    Canglong said to him with relief: He Yu, I gave you that shot back.

    In fact, no matter what Xie Qingcheng said, in the deepest part of his mind, he still remembered what He Yu did for himself at that time...

    So in the clubhouse, he didn't leave, so many absurd things happened later, and he didn't really kill He Yu or kill He Yu. If he wanted him, he chose to sacrifice his own body in a self-defeating manner, and numbly went to perfunctory to send He Yu, without resorting to any extreme means to end this morbid relationship.

    Xie Qingcheng hated his various behaviors, but perhaps Xie Qingcheng subconsciously felt that there was one thing he owed him.

    That matter was related to life, Xie Qingcheng's soul could not breathe, and Xie Qingcheng was extremely unwilling to owe anyone anything.

    He may have been looking for an opportunity to pay him back the life he owed him.

    In this way, Xie Qingcheng can feel at ease and make a clean break with him.

    Is that so…

    That's it.

    He Yu didn't see Yi Awen anymore, he couldn't see her, he couldn't hear the culprit's cries, curses, twisted screams.

    Blood splattered and the rain poured.

    In the extremely brutal fight, he took her gun, backhanded the knife she was struggling to stab at him, the blade turned, the weapon fell into his hand, he held the knife, Without blinking, he slammed into the palm of her hand!


    The murderer let out a scream as if from hell.


    "This knife." He said sternly, "It's the one you stepped on my hand just now."

    "Click." After he finished speaking, he grabbed Yi Awen with one hand, removed the magazine of the soil gun with one hand, and shook all the bullets out of it.

    This woman is really killing her heart and she will carry such things with her.

    And now, the knife and the gun belong to him, he wants to choose one of them, and end the life of the woman who hurt Xie Qingcheng—!

    Kill her...

    Kill her! !

    He didn't choose a gun. He took the gun apart and threw it in the mud.

    It was something that hurt Xie Qingcheng, and he didn't want to touch it again.

    What's more, using a gun is too good for people to die.

    He just wants to torture him to death.

    He Yu felt her struggle from intense to weak, from hopeful to despair.

    She is the winged moth in his palm.

    He felt that it was vainly trying to throw at his fire, to extinguish his light, so he caught it, and after it suffered so much he would judge it and end its Life, even if the juice of the moth splattered all over, it would be fine if it burst out and humiliated his palms.

    He put the **** blade on Yi Awen's neck.

    Softly said: "This knife, I sent you to hell."

    His eyes were redder than a blood-stained knife, sharper than a blade.

    He said quietly: "It's over."

    The cold light flashes!

    The knife was about to fall and cut the throat!


    Just then, a very light, raspy voice got its pass, all the way to his eardrums.

    "He Yu."

    He Yu was startled.

    In his chaotic brain like a monsoon passing through, suddenly there is some clarity.

    “—He Yu!”


    He Yu's consciousness was suddenly recalled.

    He turned away suddenly.

    Xie Qingcheng woke up at some point, leaning on the rock wall, clutching his left arm, covered in blood, coughing lightly.

    "He Yu..." Xie Qingcheng took a breath and said hoarsely, "...don't kill her..."

    "She no longer has the ability to fight back... If you continue to fight, you will be too defensive. Don't be a murderer. Don't be like her."


    "Come here...listen to me...don't judge anyone for the law..."

    Xie Qingcheng said here, frowning and coughing violently, then he raised his head, his breathing was stagnant, and his chest was up and down.

    "You have blood all over you."


    "He Yu, put down the knife. Come to me."

    "Call the police. Let the police take her away. You..." Xie Qingcheng said here, the wound hurts again, he frowned, "Don't do it yourself."

    When Yi Awen, who was lying in a pool of blood, heard this, she showed a look even more terrifying than when she faced death.

    "Don't...don't call the police! I'd rather you kill me now! Don't call the police!!"

    She's in a crazy state.

    It can be seen that she and her mother Lu Yuzhu are still a lot less capable after all. Lu Yuzhu pushed them into a desperate situation at the time, but Yi Awen was different.

    She is like the dirt gun she secretly got, with a chamber of gunpowder, but in the end it's just the villagers who are the rapists.

    So even if she didn't explain it, Xie Qingcheng knew that Yi Awen was not from that organization, and she had nothing to do with the RN13 crime they were investigating.

    "He Yu...Come here." Xie Qing said hoarsely.

    He Yu didn't move.

    Xie Qingcheng wanted to speak again, but he hit his lungs and the back of his head when he fell down. Although he was awake at this time, after talking too much, he had an earth-shattering cough, which was so hard They were all blackened in bursts, and suddenly choked out a mouthful of blood.

    "Xie Qingcheng..." He Yu murmured and slowly recovered.

    Xie Qingcheng's order failed to make He Yu obedient, but his weakness could.

    The blood-stained molars of the dragon finally left the human neck.

    He Yu was covered in blood, but got up, staggered, and stumbled towards him.

    Step by step.

    The sharp knife slipped from his palm. It fell to the ground with a thud.

    "Xie Qingcheng...!"

    The giant dragon retracted its wings and settled beside Xie Qingcheng. He woke up like a dream, he held him nervously, he hugged him: "How are you? ... How are you?!"

    Xie Qingcheng shook his head, indicating that he was fine, then coughed lightly and said, "Go to the police."

    Woman: "Don't call the police...don't call the police! You kill me, you just kill me! Don't call the police..."

    Xie Qingcheng: "Yi Awen, you killed someone...!"


    Blood on her cheeks and sharp eyes: "The man embedded in the wall behind the attic bookcase is your father, right?"

    "..." Yi Awen's expression became very distorted in an instant, and with the blood on her face, it was even more terrifying and terrifying.

    She muttered, "He deserves it..."

    "You don't understand! He deserves it!!"

    Boom and thunder.

    The tremor of thunder in the empty valley is like a huge movement when the green train starts.


    Time seems to rewind five years ago with this roar.

    Qingli County Railway Station Platform.

    "Drip—! Rumble—"

    The car whistle blows.

    Yi Awen carried two old snakeskin bags on her back, and without looking back, she landed on the green-skin train that arrived at their village late at night. Her eyes were filled with unwillingness to the past, disdain, right The future is full of excitement and anticipation.

    Yi Awen, who did not finish high school, did the same thing as her stepmother.

    She wants to escape from this human waste recycling village.

    She is going to the city, to the new world of flowers.

    Yi Awen is a very hardworking woman. A young girl who is good at work and has a good appearance will not worry about finding a job in any city.

    Even, don't worry about finding a man.

    She sells in a shopping mall, selling sheets and quilts, with a salary of 2,000 a month plus commission, and she can get to the early 3,000 when she gets it. Such a salary is considered too low by many urbanites, but it is enough for a working girl like Yi Awen who just escaped from her rural home.

    The three thousand yuan can be used to fulfill her own dream.

    The American-style cafe in the city center, she had only seen it on TV before, it was a bit bitter to drink a cup of coffee for thirty or more yuan, but she held it and sat on those with notebooks Young people who code by computer can imagine that they are the heroines of urban dramas. Thirty yuan to buy a poor girl's dream does not seem too extravagant.

    The conveyor belt sushi restaurant at the top of the skyscraper costs more than 200 per person per meal, and those with higher monthly salaries are disliked. In a vegetarian restaurant, one person spends thousands of yuan to eat a set of pure natural and pollution-free green vegetables. But that kind of sushi restaurant gave Yi Awen, the young people who were just entering the arena, a chance to watch the bustling lights on the roof, thus bewitching them to take root in the city and sacrifice their youthful flesh and blood to this hot land. Encourage them to climb up and move forward.

    And those chained, bright express hotels.

    You only need to pay less than 300 per night to get a place to accommodate your love. Of course, Yi Awen also envies those who are dressed in thick furs, bare shoulders, step on The woman wearing Zhou Yangjie's stiletto heels, twisting her graceful waist, smiling sweetly and entering and leaving high-end hotels with "successful men", she walked past the door of those hotels, and even the wind blowing from the hall was fragrant.

    But she lived fast and entertained, and she felt very content.

    It's not that she doesn't want that extravagant life, but she sees that those charming women often have to match up with fat men, and she feels that her life is the best, after all—

    Her man is so good and handsome.

    Yes, not long after Yi Awen came to the city, she had a boyfriend, a very handsome college student. She went to the barber shop for the first time and faced the tireless sales of the clerk, I was ashamed to say that I was shy, and when I couldn't afford to pay thousands of dollars for that expensive hairdressing card, it was the guest sitting next to her who helped her out and said sincerely to her, "You don't need to pay for that. Permed, straight hair looks good now."

    They exchanged WeChat like this, and they were together.

    The boy is an accounting student from X University, a local, his mother is a middle-level state-owned enterprise, and his father is a policeman.

    In the eyes of many girls, such conditions are not too good, and they will not breed any sense of insecurity or fear. But Yi Awen is different - after she kissed him for the first time, looking at his handsome face and wearing the cashmere coat he took off for her, she suddenly felt a sense of shame.

    She remembered her parents, her background, everything she had encountered since childhood, and she cried out in shame.

    He asked her in a daze, what's the matter, is his kissing skills so bad?

    She wiped the tears from her face, barely managed her emotions, and then said, no.

    No, I'm only in love for the first time and I'm very happy.

    She still concealed her identity from him after all, she dared not tell him that she was a person who escaped from the poorest and most gambling-addicted ghost village in Qingli County. Half-sister. One of her two mothers has long since fled to the ends of the earth and never looked back, and the other is a criminal who was jailed for embezzlement and bribery.

    "Lu Yuzhu's daughter! The criminal's daughter! Yi Awen, your mother is in prison! Your stepmother is a stinky bitch!"

    Even the villagers looked down on her and insulted her.

    How dare she explain herself to her boyfriend one by one?

    She lied to him.

    In front of him, she portrayed herself as a work-study female college student, studying at the school next to X University, and in order to convince her, she went to that school to ask the graduates to buy a set Textbooks, I often put a few copies in my carry-on bag on a date, as if I came to him just after class.

    He never doubted, the love of students is often clean, and he did not investigate any of her background.

    But students will not always be students.

    The day her boyfriend graduated and got his degree certificate, he asked her to go to the rooftop carousel sushi restaurant in the city, which is not too cheap for students, and told her solemnly , would you like to go home with me and meet my family?

    She was surprised, happy, and panic.

    At that moment, she felt that she was an inflated balloon, and she was about to fly into the sky lightly, but she was always worried that she would burst and explode, With a bang, everyone will find that she is hollow inside, there is nothing, then it is all over.

    In fact, if you confess to your boyfriend at this time, it may not be a mess.

    But Yi Awen is too low self-esteem, she is timid, she loves him very much, because she loves him so much, she is extremely worried about gain and loss, and dare not say anything.

    She finally spent four months of her savings and went to the mall to buy a whole set of decent clothes-after all, she once told her boyfriend that her family was a scholar of generations, and her parents were newspaper reporters, although not Rich, but also wealthy.

    She intends to continue spreading lies.

    For this reason, she will decorate herself as much as possible in front of his parents, like the owner of an unscrupulous shop wrapping some bug-eyed apples with colored paper, trying to fool them into the fruit basket and sell them to unscrupulous people. Attentive guest.

    On the day she saw his parents, she wore a ponytail, a pure white knee-length dress, a casual women's suit, and a pair of lambskin shoes imported from Spain. She put on gentle makeup. She also bought a set of imported toiletries, trying to impress her boyfriend's mother.

    My boyfriend's parents took them to a nearby western restaurant for a meal.

    It was a big restaurant with real countertops. Before that, the best she had been to was only some chain western steakhouses with medium and high prices.

    When she was in a panic about the complicated table manners in the restaurant, she looked up and saw her boyfriend's mother staring at her thoughtfully.

    Yi Awen groaned in her heart, and faintly gave birth to some kind of hunch.

    She knew that the bug eye on the apple was seen by this woman who had seen too much of the world.

    After that meal, her boyfriend did not contact her for a while.

    She seemed to know something, even though she was in great pain, but tacitly, she patiently did not look for him.

    Until one day, she had a fever and was lying on the dilapidated wire bed she shared with her roommate, thinking about him, crying, and finally couldn't help sending him a message.

    She said, "Honey, would you like to hear me explain?"

    Boyfriend did not reply.

    She put the phone to her heart, and she didn't receive any news from him before she couldn't bear to fall asleep. Naturally, in the early morning of the next day, there was no reply from him on the phone.

    Break up is so quiet sometimes, it won't be too ugly, and they both leave some face to each other.

    But she cried, lying on the bed in the dormitory crying very loudly, she felt that the mask she tried to put on her face was shattered at that moment, and what was exposed was still from the poor village The daughter of the gambler, the daughter of the criminal.

    She met him later on the road.

    He will soon have a new girl beside him, wearing a scarf that she may not be able to afford after working for a year, smiling, revealing two neat rows of snow-white teeth, with a No matter how she pretended to be, she couldn't pretend to be completely calm, demure, and elegant.

    They didn't see her, and when she walked past, she happened to hear them talking with their backs to her and their faces to the window.

      About my girlfriend, my father asked the police station to investigate her later. She was lying to me. She was a migrant worker from the village. My father owed more than 200,000 yuan in gambling debts, and my mother was actually a reform-through-labor prisoner. Thinking of her makes me sick, I don't know how the human heart can be so sinister..."

    She really broke down that day.

    Is she really sinister?

    She knew that she was undoubtedly wrong, but she never thought of getting anything from him other than love.

    In those days together, she spent more money than him, because she thought that she was old, and she was already making money, and she truly loved him of.

    Because she loves too deeply, is too timid, and is too inferior, so she is confused. After telling a lie, she has to wrap it up with a bigger lie.

      She, she had had enough of this kind of stare since she was a child, she hated her father and her mother very much.

    Why people's judgments about a person can never be just for that person?


    Yi Awen can't understand.

    In all these years, she has never received any normal traction and care from her native family.

    The father she saw was wretched, beastly, and lazy. She had no impression of her biological mother, but from the mouths of others, she heard all about that woman's greed, Ruthless, ruthless...

    She was their child, so she was born with evil consequences.

    She doesn't deserve the light.

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