Case File Compendium

Chapter 120: Do not kill or kill

    Yi Awen had several very short-lived relationships later, and she didn't want to pretend.

    The gentleman is magnanimous, and she also wants to try to be a gentleman.

    But the results were dismal.

    No one would want to buy an apple that is full of rotten eyes, no matter how "sincerely sold" or "extraordinary" the apple is.

    When those men learned of her family background, they would make up all kinds of strange reasons, and finally got a result of leaving her.

    Yi Awen was sad and angry at the beginning, and finally numb and cold.

    Then one day, she was sitting in a bar after four in the morning, watching the corpses of drunken women being picked up by men with ulterior motives, and she suddenly realized that, in fact, here, It was no different from her village.

      Being humble, you can only wait for others to pick and choose and point fingers for the rest of your life.

    At that time, she received a letter from her sister.

    This little girl, who is not from the same mother as her, is the only person in the world who can understand her. She is weaker and suffers more than her.

    The little sister said in the letter that she missed her very much and wanted her to go home. Said their father wanted to marry her, to the widowed lame man in the next village.

    After Yi Awen read it, she was out of anger.

    The lame man is fifty years old, how old is her sister? Of course she knew what the man they called "father" was up to.

    Although the lame man is sick, ugly and old, at least he runs a small casino in the village that his father often goes to. When the father loses all his money, he wants to treat his daughter as a gamer at the gambling table. chips.

    Of course she can't allow this to happen.

    So, she simply packed up and left the disappointment and trauma in the city, with a cold heart, and the various insights and experiences she learned in the city , returned to Qingli County.

    She found her father Yi Qiang and asked him straight to the point if he wanted money.


    The result was that on the barren land of Yijia Village, another poppy flower nourished by darkness opened.

    Awen's hair salon is open.

    Yi Awen finally changed from a victim to a perpetrator. She blamed her misfortune on a poor family, a lazy father and a criminal mother.

    She can't change the latter two, but she believes that as long as she pays the price of her soul, she can change the former.

    It all goes on as it should.

    If it wasn't for Yi Qiang becoming more and more inflated and wanting more and more, and his little daughter getting more and more beautiful.

    —Yi Qiang met a big horse from an entertainment city in the city.

    The leader of the horses, because he can pretend to be a tiger, is also very flattering.

    The horse boy enjoys enough of the city's feasts and feasts, and wants to be fresh, and occasionally plays a dozen wild tooth festivals.

    Yi Qiang brought Ma Zai back to his shampoo shop in the village.

    Yi Awen happened to be not in the store that day, only Lulu managed the store, Ma Zai looked around, no one looked down on it, and was about to get angry when she saw Yi Lulu who looked like a lotus flower .

    That night, Yi Lulu was insulted by that man under the acquiescence of her father, under Yi Qiang's idly watch and daring not to offend.

    She didn't dare to tell Yi Awen that it wasn't until she became pregnant that the paper couldn't contain the fire.

    Yi Awen was trembling with anger, she took the young girl to the town hospital, her sister was pushed into the operating room, pulled her sleeves and asked her in a daze : "Sister, if we had a mother, wouldn't it be so difficult..."

    At that moment, Yi Awen was so suffocated she couldn't breathe.

    She went home, turned on the surveillance video in the store, adjusted to the day she was away, and watched the whole process with cold hands and feet.

    She wanted to find a reason to forgive the man called father.

    But what she saw with her own eyes was the man who kowtowed to Ma Zai beforehand, standing outside the door indifferently, as if he could not hear the girl's cry, and then he took Ma Zai a With a large sum of money, he even folded his hands together and bowed to the other party with a smile on his face.

    She looked blankly.

    She didn't move until the screen went black and the video ended.

    After a long time, she saw herself reflected in the black screen.

    She saw a face that belonged to the devil.

    "I killed him." Yi Awen finally said to them, "If I don't end the rotten roots of this family, my sister and I will not be able to start over. choose…"

    She said, "I have no choice."

    "What do you know... You have no worries about food and clothing, and you are smart to investigate some truths. I am used to seeing people like you, and when I go back, I write the so-called truth into eye-catching articles , the flesh and blood of others will become the rotten nourishment that nourishes your life.”

    In the beginning, it was just an irresponsible report. The self-righteous justice of a fledgling reporter has finally grown into such an intricate web of devils. Yi Awen took them for granted as the same reporter who came to the countryside to dig some reports.

    As she spoke, she raised her head and smiled.

    "You don't understand anything, you don't understand anything, all the hardships we suffer are just for you to talk about after dinner and dinner!"

    Xie Qingcheng did not explain too much to her, Yi Awen was an accident they encountered in the investigation of the RN13 case. They saw the end of Lu Yuzhu's husband and daughter 20 years after the family was broken.

    At this time, a siren suddenly sounded on the mountain road in the distance.

     Yi Awen bit her lips when she heard this, her face turned pale.

    —“You called the police?!”

    Xie Qingcheng and they did not have time to call the police. They don't know who did this, they just watched the police car whizzing along the mountain road.

    Yi Awen couldn't help but take a step back. It seemed destined, she and her mother were very disgusted with the police. It's just that her mother was framed, and she was extinguished because of the first passionate love. As a police officer, her ex-boyfriend's father investigated her family background and her secret.

    She felt as if she had been stripped naked and examined under a shadowless lamp.

    That sense of shame is still going away to this day.

    "Sister! Sister! How are you!" The police car soon drove to the mountain road near them, and Yi Lulu rushed down from the police car—

    Speaking ironically, the person who finally called the police in time turned out to be Yi Awen's sister!

    The little girl didn't know that her father had been killed by Yi Awen, and she also didn't know that Yi Awen had built the man's body into the wall in order to hide from the public. In her eyes, her sister was still the kind and helpless good person. When she saw her sister arguing with other people, she decided that it was someone else's fault and that someone else wanted to bully the two sisters.

    Yi Awen stared blankly at the scene in front of her, she never expected such an ending.

    Xie Qingcheng didn't want to talk to her anymore, and he really didn't know what to say to this sad, hateful and pitiful woman.

    But He Yu is different.

    He Yu is not the Holy Father, Xie Qingcheng refused to let him kill, so he did not kill, but he was full of hatred and malice, after the police came, in front of Yi Lulu, suddenly Said: "Wait a minute."

    "I still have something to tell her."

    Awen Yi: "…"

    He Yu approached slowly, pacing forward like a carnivore, revealing its hunting fangs. He stared condescendingly at the woman who had hurt his kind for a moment, and then said abruptly: "Miss Yi, you think you are innocent and helpless, and everything you do is out of your own hands, right?"

    Yi Awen clutched her **** hand and turned her head in panic.

    He Yu seemed to say the words of justice and regret in front of everyone, but Yi Awen met his eyes, and all he saw from his eyes was a blue-faced and red-eyed demon.

    He's taking revenge.

    This beast is taking revenge in his own way!

    He Yuhan said: "But what is the difference between you now and those who have bullied you?"

    "You don't want your sister to suffer such humiliation, but in order to get rid of her own destiny, to make money and gain power, what did you do? You gather girls one by one into your shop to do those Have you ever thought about their feelings when you were living with flesh and blood?"

    He was going to tear off all her pretense in front of her sister—in front of the only person she cared about.

    Yi Awen was frightened, she shook her head in horror, He Yu pinched people's hearts like a butcher pinched fish meat.

    She looked at Yi Lulu's dazed to stunned expression, and said to He Yu, "Don't say it...don't say it..."

    He Yu cares about her.

    Since she let him hear Xie Qingcheng saying "I'll pay you back", he wanted her to experience the same sting. He knew that it was something crueler than real killing.

    He Yusen continued: "Because of your unfortunate family, because you can't stand others calling you a criminal's daughter, a gambler's son, you let others do such a thing."

    "They are voluntary! voluntary! I am not forcing them!"

    "But have you thought about their daughters, fathers, are they willing to do the same? They will have children in the future, and those children will also be pointed at in this village like you used to, talk about a Boyfriend will be despised by the other's parents, have you ever thought about it, Yi Awen? You only think about yourself!"

    "You haven't paid attention to your mother's whereabouts over the years, have you?"


    "As long as you dare to admit that she is your mother, don't hide from her, as long as you take a look at the reports about her, you will find that many years ago, your mother - Lu Yuzhu, she has already been rehabilitated! The trial against her back then was an unjust, false and wrongful conviction, and the prosecutor went to Shanghai to find her, apologized to her, and gave her the injustice."

     Yi Awen shuddered when she heard this, raised her eyes, and stared at him in disbelief, as if she had seen a ghost.

    "You don't know at all. And I'm not surprised at all." He Yu said word by word, "Because you are too selfish, you only think about why she is such a corrupt official, In your eyes, your mother is an official first, then your mother. You don't want to know about her past, you don't want to know that she once went back to this house, but was completely unrecognized by you , and your father, who had a new love, was heartbroken, and he left you forever!"

    "These things are not difficult to inquire about, but why don't you know? Because you don't want to inquire at all. The moment you know that she is a corrupt official or a criminal, you are ashamed of her, You wish she had never appeared in this world, so you wouldn't take the initiative to learn even a little bit of your mother's past."


    "If you ask, you will know that the only decent road in your ghost village was planned by her when she was in office. You will know that your county still exists today. The Hope Primary School was built by her when she was a secretary for the children in this county who were eager to study. If you ask, you will know the insult, pain, torture, and framing your mother once suffered. If you ask, you will You will know that she finally got the wrongful death, if you inquire..."

    He Yu paused.

      The mood of the person looking at it with disappointed eyes.


    To be honest, if it weren't for the difference in position, He Yu might have sympathized with Lu Yuzhu at that time.

    Because until the day when the radio and television tower incident happened, until the day when Lu Yuzhu decided to die for the organization, the mother would still feel heartache for her daughter who would never meet again.

      Will be hesitant and uneasy because of this.

    He Yu actually didn't hate Lu Yuzhu that much.

    When he said this, he really had a bit of sincere meaning: "If you ask, Yi Awen, if you take her as your mother, believe her, and ask Asking the truth of the past, she should not be your shame, but your pride, and should be your mother who you have to rescue after traveling through mountains and rivers. Then everything will not be as it is now, she and you will have time ."

    "But you know that because of your indifference to her, your mother is burdened with sins that do not belong to her, and what did you do outside in the end?"

    "She went to another shampoo shop in this world. In order to survive, she went to be a hair salon girl. And the owner of that shampoo shop may be the same as you, with various You can't help it - while you're using these girls here to make money for your happiness, your mother is just as 'willingly' as the girls under you. And you could have changed all that - if only you Knowing her a little bit, as long as you are not ashamed to regard a criminal as your mother, you can go to her side after knowing the grievance."

    "Maybe, bring your sister along."

    "She won't join a terrorist organization, you won't fall so far, and your sister won't have to be afraid. As for your father—"

    He Yu paused for a moment, and in the end still told the truth that made all the police and Yi Lulu around him horrified: "I won't be killed by you in revenge, and cruelly sealed in the attic of your shop in the wall above."

    Yi Awen was trying to stand up, but she fell to the ground.

    "You once had a key that could change the fate of everyone in your family. If only you were willing to really, calmly, get to know your biological mother."

    "But you lost it without looking at it."

    Thunder dashed from the sky.

    Rumbling muffled sound.

    The sound of thunder is like the last drum beat of a grand concerto, and finally on this night, the radio and television tower incident is continued and drawn to the end.

    What followed was endless silence.

    The police finally stepped forward and snapped off the handcuffs on Yi Awen's wrist. When the woman lowered her head and walked past her sister, Yi Lulu was in tears in panic, watching at a loss She: "Sister...I, I didn't mean to...I don't know...why are you..."

    She was speechless, not knowing what to say.

    Yi Awen didn't dare to look at her and kept her head down.

    She eventually became a shame for her relatives, she was afraid to see Yi Lulu's extremely disappointed look when she passed by.

    It wasn't until she was about to be escorted into the car that Yi Lulu suddenly came back to her senses, she broke away from the policeman who was supporting her, and staggered towards her—

    "Sister! Sister!"

    Police: "What!"

    "Stop her—"

    But the officer in charge shook his head and stopped them from moving.

    Yi Lulu cried and rushed behind Yi Awen, hugging her tightly: "Sister, it's okay, it's okay. Don't be afraid, I don't blame you, I don't blame you , I know you dote on me, you do it for my good... I used to have only one family in this world, and I will only have one family in the future, sister, no matter what you do, you are my sister!"

    Yi Awen was shocked, she turned around abruptly, and looked at the little girl.

    Tears burst out in an instant.

    - At that moment, she seemed to suddenly understand the mood of her missing mother when she left Yijia Village.

    At that moment, did Lu Yuzhu also hope that someone could say such a word to her?

    Whether it is Secretary Lu who is praised by people, or a female prisoner who has been accused of injustice, she is always their mother and the wife of a man... At that time, she may have come home with such a mood of.

    She wanted very little.

    She may just want her man to call her Mrs.

    Or maybe, just want her daughter to call her mother.

    But none of them gave her such comfort.

    So she went away, and she never came back for a long time.

    Yi Awen choked up and wanted to say something to her sister, but in the end she didn't say anything, she turned around in a hurry, followed the police as if fleeing, and left...

    He Yu watched as her figure was blocked by the closed police car door.

    Then he turned his head, just as he was about to say something to Xie Qingcheng, he saw that Xie Qingcheng was already leaning against the stone wall, clutching his **** arm.

    He Yucai let out a sigh of relief and lifted it up again, he lost his voice—

    "Xie Qingcheng!"


    "Xie Qingcheng! How are—"

    Xie Qingcheng didn't answer him. With the violent impact and the gunshot wound to his arm, he was able to persevere and has exhausted all his strength. He walked along the stone wall, his face was so white that there was no blood at all, and he slowly slipped down with his head down and his eyes closed.

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