Bazhong Cave Abyss.

Wind Chaser Team.

Qi Kexiu led a team to move forward slowly.

They were near a large rift valley, which was much more terrifying than the rift valley of the Wolf King Lord. It was at least several thousand meters long and wide. Under the rift valley was some blue-purple flowing special energy, which looked a bit scary. In the eyes of ordinary explorers, the Wind Chaser Team was a team that specialized in hunting elite lord monsters. They had a small number of people but they were all elites. They had made a lot of reputations over the years.

But in fact, one of the original purposes of the establishment of this guild, in addition to clearing the abyss, was to explore various intelligence about the abyss and play the role of a"scout".

As most of the"historical legacy" lords in the wilderness area were cleared by Lu Chen, and some monsters were driven away in the beast tide, there was no particularly big threat in the wilderness area.

So Qi Kexiu and his team had gradually begun to explore the plateau area, and passed back information about this place every once in a while!

"These things are so weird! This kind of aura can actually condense into a monster! How long will it take to clean up this canyon?"The ranger in Qi Kexiu's team sighed.

Although he has experienced many things, he still couldn't help but feel chilled when he saw the high-level and weird area of the plateau.

The abyss has brought too many disasters to mankind. It was thought that mankind already had a certain resistance, but facing this kind of unpredictable work that could not see the end, he felt only a sense of powerlessness.

"It has to be done step by step." Qi Kexiu was observing the rift valley from a high place:"There seems to be a place to go down there. I will find a way to clear out the assassin monsters around. I will go down and take a look."

""President, please don't. This place doesn't look right."

Hearing that Qi Kexiu actually wanted to go over to investigate, someone in the team began to stop him.

Now they have gone deep enough, but this kind of thing is too dangerous, it is easy for Qi Kexiu to fall into danger.

"It's okay, I'll just go to the entrance and not go in."

Qi Kexiu didn't think it was a big deal, their essential job was to explore.

If top professionals like them were unwilling to explore, the progress of those who came later would only get slower and slower. Qi Kexiu had always entered the abyss with the determination to die, but nothing had happened until now, and instead he had expanded the current territory.

The purple aura below was too strange, which aroused Qi Kexiu's great interest, because these auras didn't seem to be virtual, but some entities.

He wanted to know if this kind of thing could be dispelled or attacked, and why these purple auras could be directly transformed into monsters.


Qi Kexiu slowly touched a path that slanted downward on the edge of the canyon.

Four assassin monsters appeared in an instant and attacked Qi Kexiu together. After Qi Kexiu dodged urgently, the attack of his teammates behind him Then they came to cover the area with firepower. After a fight, the four assassin monsters were cleared.

Qi Kexiu continued to move forward. After several more battles, he finally walked down the slope for more than ten meters.

The air here already has a damp smell, which is not unpleasant, but makes people a little dizzy.

The purple breath floats in the air.

The purple things around seem to be not floating clouds, but energy blocks.

Qi Kexiu touched it with his hand to see if there would be any reaction, but the next moment, Qi Kexiu was stunned.

Because he suddenly found that he was not in the canyon unconsciously, but entered a special secret room! It was a terrifying huge rift a second ago, but after touching these purple energy blocks, all the environment around him changed in an instant!!

"!!!!"Qi Kexiu directly released shield skills and various life-saving props for himself.

The room in front of him was not very big, like a maze. There were some strange patterns in the room, not words, but they made people feel scared.

He continued to move forward and did not encounter any monsters. However, when he reached the depths of the room, he suddenly saw a purple crystal, like a heartbeat, jumping in the center of the room.

"here....What on earth is this?"Qi Kexiu had never seen such a strange situation before. After inspecting it, he decided to attack this purple"heart"

【Ding, welcome to challenge the nightmare land】

【You have entered a special secret realm: Nightmare Land. In the Nightmare Land, a consciousness that is interconnected with your consciousness will be generated. You need to defeat the consciousness before you can leave this special secret realm.

Qi Kexiu found a special message on his panel.

Then the purple heart in front of him turned into a special void creation, which was very similar to the invisible assassin before!

But this time, what shocked Qi Kexiu was that this special invisible assassin actually looked like himself!!!............

At the same time, outside the canyon, other teammates who were ready to support Qi Kexiu also quickly sensed something unusual.

From their perspective, they saw Qi Kexiu moving forward a second ago, but the next moment, Qi Kexiu disappeared instantly! The purple energy block next to him also shrank rapidly, forming a special crystal.

The crystal gradually expanded, and a strange black and purple figure appeared. This black and purple figure looked like Qi Kexiu, but his every move clearly showed that he was no longer their president!!

""President!" Someone in the team wanted to go up to confirm and used a short-distance communicator, but it had no effect.

Instead, after this strange black Qi Kexiu appeared, he disappeared out of thin air and attacked them the next moment.


Although they had encountered such strange assassin monsters before, the team members still felt terrified when their teammates turned into such things.

Although they didn't understand why Qi Kexiu turned into this, it was obviously not a good time to take action!

"Purify! Try purifying!"

"Don't attack the leader!"

"No, retreat quickly! The leader's attack is very high!"

"I will cover and suppress them, you guys retreat first to prevent other assassins from coming!"

The team spent a lot of effort and finally left this area.

But everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

They never expected that just touching the purple energy block would kill Qi Kexiu!

"No, the leader should not be dead. He is still in the same team as us, and there is no information about his death. Someone was sensitive enough to notice this.

"Go find support! Send the message back that these purple energy blocks must not be touched!!"

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