"This is the information that Qi Kexiu and his team sent us recently. After this period of exploration, we have marked out the general outline of the plateau area."

"The overall strength of the monsters over there is not very high. We have begun to explore and gradually advance towards that side. Our main plan now has two points. The first point is to continue to advance five kilometers forward on the basis of the third front and build a fourth line of defense, but the mode of interspersed"

"Another point, we are planning to build a new small base on a huge rock in the wilderness area, so that those who want to explore the abyss in depth can get supplies more easily."

Bazhong Cave Abyss.

Zheng Tian was introducing to Lu Chen the information collected recently in the abyss. During this period, whether it was Lu Chen's own strength display or the development festival of Shengyue Chamber of Commerce, Lu Chen had been recognized by Zheng Tian. When Lu Chen proposed to go deeper into the abyss, Zheng Tian was actually very happy, proving that he had not made a mistake in choosing him, and it was worth his time to give Lu Chen���Provides so many channels for resources

"If you want to go deep into the abyss, I personally recommend that you contact Qi Kexiu and his team. They come to us every three days to synchronize information. They will definitely have more comprehensive exploration data."Zheng Tian suggested, and told Lu Chen about Qi Kexiu's recent activities.

""Okay." Lu Chen nodded.

In his previous life, he did not participate in the development of the abyss at this time. When he entered the abyss, the abyss had actually been developed quite deep, and there were not as many dangers as now.

Many things were different from what he remembered, and Lu Chen was not sure if he could remember all the routes.

If he could get first-hand information, it would definitely help Lu Chen to kill monsters in the abyss.

"These days I have to collect fire materials and traces of fire lord monsters. Qi Kexiu just sent me a message last time saying that they found a high-level fire lord. I will set off directly in a moment."Lu Chen said without hesitation.

From a personal point of view, Lu Chen admired Qi Kexiu very much.

Zheng Tian and other commanders have sacrificed a lot for the entire Suining City, but Qi Kexiu has also quietly created a lot of value in private. Qi Kexiu is even a true idealist, whose only goal is to conquer the abyss as soon as possible.

Lu Chen was preparing to set off on the front line.

However, just before he was about to take action, the front line received very bad news.

"The Wind Chaser team was trapped in the depths of the abyss. They found a huge purple rift. Now the president Qi Kexiu is suspected to be controlled by the monster's mind! Request for emergency support!"The one who came to report the news was a ranger from the Wind Chaser team. He almost drove all the way to ask for help.

In fact, they have thought of many ways in that place.

But they have never been effective.

With the strength of the Wind Chaser Guild team, if they can't do it, there may not be many teams in the entire Bazhong Caverns that can do it.

But they can't just watch the president being abandoned like this. They can only come here for help first and see if Zheng Tian can make any good decisions!............

"A huge chasm? A purple abyss?"

"Um....Is it further north from this position?"

In the combat command room, Lu Chen was also informed of the news.

He didn't expect that he was originally going to look for Qi Kexiu and his team, but now Qi Kexiu and his team suddenly came to ask for help.

He pointed to a blank area and asked. This area has not been filled in the combat command room. It should be a new map discovered by Qi Kexiu and his team in the past two years.

"Yes! Over there, there is a huge rift valley, you can't see the end at a glance, and the bottom is all purple abyss.!"

"The leader originally planned to go down to investigate, but after coming into contact with the purple energy ball, he seemed to have become a different person."

"But in our team, it shows that the president is still in full health and has not died, so we dare not launch an attack rashly. Dispelling and the like have no effect at all!"

The ranger's tone was a little impatient, but Lu Chen also understood what he meant.

After a brief description, Lu Chen suddenly remembered where this place was.

I'm afraid that Qi Kexiu and his team have continued to go deeper from the edge of the plateau area, all the way to the vicinity of the spire area. This location on the map should be one of the three entrances to the spire area!

The terrain of the spire area is actually a little lower. At the end of the plateau area, there is a slope that slopes downward and stretches for a long distance. There are three ways to enter the spire, and the most common one is to go all the way from the central plateau.

In addition, this rift is actually one of the ways to enter, and this rift is at the junction of the"Spire Area" and the"Styx Area", which means that this is actually the entrance to the source of the Dark River!

Qi Kexiu and his team are probably a little unlucky to have found this place.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen said:

"It could be a fantasy or a psychic monster."

"I'll go back with you to take a look. The commander-in-chief should be busy with other things, so I'll handle this matter."

Lu Chen did not reveal that he knew the information about these areas, but said that he could go and take a look in person.


Lu Chen originally thought that the Ranger might look down on him and was a little disappointed.

But he didn't expect the Ranger to be even more excited.

""Thank you, God of Killer, for taking action! Many people in our guild are your fans!!" The Ranger said excitedly as he looked at Lu Chen.

Previously, Lu Chen had cleared the ruins on his own in the Dark River and defeated the Dragon Guild alone. This had already spread among the top professionals.

The people from the Wind Chaser Guild had seen Lu Chen fight with their own eyes. A problem that a big guild would take a long time to solve was cleared up by Lu Chen in a few moves. Almost no one doubted Lu Chen's strength.

"Well....I'm really not a killing god."

Although Lu Chen could see a bit of fanaticism in the ranger's eyes.

But this title really made Lu Chen a little helpless.

Whether it was the shepherd god or the magic god, it sounded much better than the killing god.

Besides, he didn't kill many people, so how could he become the killing god.

But unfortunately, the ranger would not understand Lu Chen's idea. The name of the killing god had already spread in Suining, and even in addition to Suining and Mianyang, other urban areas had begun to hear about it.

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