Since Lu Chen had cleared the canyon in the Bazhong Caverns, Qi Kexiu and his team had not encountered any major problems in the subsequent explorations.

In addition, the Lord BOSSes that had been discovered in various areas had been cleared by Lu Chen, so the ordinary explorer team was able to penetrate the Bazhong Caverns very quickly, and new intelligence statistics were collected almost every day. As for

Lu Chen, due to the increase in level, the experience limit was also increased layer by layer, and it was difficult to increase several levels a day like before.

However, his level increase speed was still very fast. Now he could level up one level every two or three days on average by brushing the 70th level secret realm every day, and his level soon increased to 65.

The monsters in the spire area were very high and were now listed as dangerous areas.

Because of the damage reduction caused by the large level gap and the further expansion of the attributes of the level 90 monsters, even if Lu Chen went there, it would be very troublesome to clean them up.

So he planned to unlock other forbidden spells after reaching level 70, and then go to clean up the spire area. This period of time would give other explorers some time to develop. Otherwise, if he killed all the monsters, it would be very detrimental to the development of the entire Suining City.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Lu Chen basically traveled between Suining City and the Abyss. He would brush the Abyss for a few days, and then return to Suining City to rest and decompose materials. Shengyue Guild could already bring Lu Chen a lot of benefits. Vera also made rapid progress under Lu Chen's training.

Now Vera's address to Lu Chen has completely replaced the word"master".

Lu Chen didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but it was good to have time to spend alone every once in a while. In the previous life, Vera always said that she must go to the park of Blue Star more often when she had time, hoping to live an ordinary life.

At that time, Lu Chen never had the opportunity to take Vera back, which was a pity, and this life was a kind of compensation.

But for some reason,

Lu Chen always felt a little weird.

Although Lu Chen confirmed that the little Vera in front of him was the former Vera.

But because of the lack of the memory of fighting side by side for so many years.

Lu Chen occasionally still missed the teammate who was determined and persevered with him to the end on Pluto.

That Vera gave him an equal identity.

They could trust each other.

Although the little Vera was not bad in talent, she obviously felt a sense of flattery, respect and humility when getting along with him.

Fortunately, this weirdness only lasted for a moment, and Lu Chen dismissed it.

It was a great fortune to be able to come back, why should he force so much.

As long as it was confirmed that it was her, they would definitely be a family in this life.............

Time passed by little by little, and in the blink of an eye, more than half a month had passed, and it was late August.

After clearing the last round of secret realms, Lu Chen's level finally reached level 65. Now the experience required for him to upgrade has reached a terrifying 5 million, and the speed of upgrading has slowed down.

But correspondingly, Lu Chen's attributes have now been further expanded.

After more than 60 levels, Lu Chen's attributes brought by each level upgrade are very high, and the five-dimensional attributes can be increased by at least 1,000 points.

So after level 65, Lu Chen's attributes have ushered in a new round of upgrades.......

【Name: Lu Chen】

【Explorer Number: 2983#827AZ】

【Occupation: Pastor】

【Level: lv65 (123W/500W)】

【HP: 212300/212300】

【Mana: 332290/332290】

【Basic Attack: 17028】

【Basic Defense: 9446】

【Spell Power: 610290】

【Strength: 17028】

【Agility: 18892】

【Stamina: 21230】

【Intelligence: 33229】

【Spirit: 25728】

【Talent: Heart of Holy Light Lv4 (SSS)】

【Holy Light Points: 293729】

【Skills: Holy Light Decomposition (SSS), Holy Light Transformation (SSS), Holy Light Research (SSS)

【Psychic Coins: 6705829】............

Regardless of the fact that Lu Chen's spell strength has reached 610,000, just the basic attributes he has added are far higher than those of ordinary explorers.

Lu Chen made a simple comparison. His current attributes are probably comparable to those of top explorers at level 80 or above. For example, top fighters like Feng Bai only have 200,000 or 300,000 HP with the blessing of various buffs. Lu Chen has already shown signs of surpassing him.

Not only that, Lu Chen's five-dimensional attributes have increased in all directions. There is basically no bias in any subject. Only intelligence and spirit are very outstanding. Coupled with the 1000% holy light blessing, Lu Chen has almost become a walking strategic weapon.

Originally, Lu Chen had already planned to go to the spire area, and he also went there to check it out during this period.

But it seems that because of the slow supply of materials in Mianyang City, Lu Chen's other forbidden spell materials have not been collected. It seems that the special secret realm in Mianyang City has been finally confirmed. In a short period of time, the prices of equipment and materials have risen sharply. Suining


At the Sichuan Heavy Industry Conference.

Yes, Lu Chen was invited by Zheng Tian to attend the meeting, and he was also one of the chairmen.

The relationship between the guilds in the cities is quite complicated now. In name, it is Sichuan Heavy Industry, but in fact, most of the people attending the meeting are still the people from the Abyss Battlefield.

"We have also received information and invitations. In the East District of Chengdu, a special secret realm has appeared. This secret realm appeared after the roots of a world tree were cleared. A monster similar to a"forest dragon" once appeared."

"This forest dragon is the name detected by the data panel. It is a reptile, and its appearance combines elements of both Eastern and Western dragons. So far, we only know that it is a secret related to the forest dragon, but we don’t know what dangers are in it."

"The level is expected to be above 80. Many teams from Mianyang City have already gone there. This is one of the nodes for recovering Chengdu. Yibin City has already sent a team there, and we also need to send a team there."

Zheng Tian shared information with everyone at the meeting.

After more than a month of sorting out, Suining City has temporarily stabilized and entered a recovery period. Recently, Feng Bai's level has been improved and has reached level 81.

But unfortunately, if you want to form a team above level 80, Suining City is still too weak. I'm afraid that it will take all the old guys to be dispatched to barely be considered a good team.

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