"A year ago, when we were retaking Rongcheng, a special secret realm appeared. That secret realm was filled with purple plants. The most powerful item produced was a job transfer certificate for a plant controller, as well as some special suits with very strong properties."

"Although the entire secret realm this time is related to plants, the forest dragon involves the special species of dragon, and I don’t need to explain the meaning of it."

Mianyang City.

The God of Law Li Chengguang also held a meeting in the armed corps.

In other words, after the news of the secret realm was announced, all the guilds, big and small, that have the strength to participate in this secret realm competition, have begun to prepare for it.

That’s why the price of materials has risen, and Lu Chen’s speed in collecting materials has slowed down.

"This time we require everyone to be present, so the exploration of the abyss and secret realms will be put on hold for now. Everyone who can come should come as much as possible."

"Hongzhong and his team are in competition with us this time. If we can defeat them, we can also get back our face in the abyss last time!" Li Chengguang said.

He is the"God of Law", one of the eight war gods in Mianyang City.

And he is one of the strongest among the eight war gods, not a person who relies on fame like the wise man Yu Can.

Even though the strength of the magic output profession among the top professionals is not low, Li Chengguang relies on his control of the direction of spells and the combination of skills. It can be said that no one can definitely beat him.

The Armed Corps used to be part of the Patrol Bureau, but after Li Chengguang joined, it was equivalent to being directly independent.

This God of Law is good at everything and has good character.

But the only thing is that he likes to compete, and he competes with Hongzhong, the"Card Master", who is another one of the eight war gods.

Because a long time ago, he and Hongzhong pursued a woman together, and finally lost to Hongzhong.

This kicked off the prelude to the two people's competition in Mianyang City.

"In addition, some professionals have come from Suining City recently, so everyone should pay attention."

"You should have heard that a very strong professional appeared in Suining City, and there are some conflicts with our Youlong Guild. Unless it is necessary, the general manager has already said that we should not have conflicts with them in the short term."

Li Chengguang has heard about Lu Chen's affairs, and even knows some inside information. With the emergence of this secret realm, several surrounding cities should come to participate, and it can be regarded as everyone developing it together, and discuss the subsequent recovery of Rongcheng.

Lu Chen is likely to appear in this incident. Li Chengguang is worried that his men will be used by some people with ulterior motives to conflict with Lu Chen, which will cause unnecessary consequences.............


The eastern region.

Before the other world, the two prefecture-level cities of Mianyang and Suining were not very famous, but if we talk about Rongcheng, it is definitely the absolute core of the entire Sichuan Basin! The popularity has been raised a lot.

In some definitions, Rongcheng and Shancheng are also the face cities of the entire Sichuan Basin, so as long as the explorers living in the Sichuan Basin, they all have a heart to recover Rongcheng.

After the fall of Rongcheng, Rongcheng is now divided into a total of fifteen areas according to the region.

The central area is where the core"World Tree" is located, and the other fourteen areas represent the fourteen main roads into Rongcheng.

In these fourteen main roads, it is also divided into eight inner areas and six outer areas. Most of the monsters in the outer areas have been cleared, but the remaining eight inner areas have been difficult to clean up because of some special monsters.

Lu Chen also told Pei Xian and the others about this situation at the time. If you want to recover Rongcheng, you must clear all the monsters in the surrounding areas.

The world tree has taken deep roots in Rongcheng. If the other branches are not cleared, the blood recovery of the world tree is very terrifying, and it can even be said to be an immortal existence!!

The ninth district.

It is also the area discovered in this secret realm.

Originally, the monsters in this area were not cleared, and there were only some teams active around. But suddenly one day, everyone found that some special"forest dragons" and"emerald dragons" monsters came out of the ninth district.

These monsters are different from ordinary monsters. Their attributes are higher than ordinary monsters, and they have special skills.

After entering in-depth exploration, everyone found that there was a special purple curtain in the ninth district, and this purple curtain is still expanding!

This kind of thing is a prelude to a kind of"special secret realm". When this special secret realm is formed, it will form a special world with a limited time. Explorers who enter this world can encounter some materials that they can't usually encounter or even job transfer certificates.

The year before, a secret realm of the"Forest" system appeared in Rongcheng. At that time, a lucky guy obtained the job transfer certificate of the Plant Control Master, and within a year, he rushed into the ranks of the top professionals in Rongcheng. His name was Dong Wu.

Dong Wu's level was only 79, and he was originally just a mediocre explorer, but after becoming a Plant Control Master, no one knew what trump card skills he had!

But whether it was output or gain, it was completely equivalent to having an extra professional BUFF, which was very popular with the team!!

Dong Wu has now joined the team of"Card Master Hongzhong" among the eight war gods.

At this time, on the outskirts of the ninth area, the team had been reorganized, cleaning up the monsters that appeared in the surrounding area, and waiting to enter the secret realm as soon as it opened!!

"According to the speed of the secret realm expansion, it will be opened in about ten hours."

"I really don't know what the director was thinking. With such a good opportunity, he even informed other cities. Our Mianyang City doesn't even have enough for itself!"

"I hope something good can come out this time. Brother Dong’s plant controller is so strong, maybe this time he can produce a dragon controller!"

Many people are eager to try, and many people are preparing materials and potions, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to make more money.

After the meeting, Zheng Tian has specially brought people to Mianyang City. In addition to being the commander-in-chief in the Bazhong Cave, he is also the spokesperson for Suining City to recover Rongcheng here.

After all, there are so few people in Suining City, and it is really difficult to put together a decent team.

After arriving in Mianyang City, a group of people went straight to the Ninth District. After setting up camp, they seemed a little thin.

It is obviously a stronger team in Suining City, but it no longer has a good position in the Ninth District, so it can only find a place to camp on the periphery.

"Lu Chen, do you have any other needs? The elemental materials you want are ready for you."Cheng Nan came with the team. He was used to the low presence of Suining City.

However, the elemental materials that Lu Chen arranged for Shengyue Chamber of Commerce to collect in Mianyang City were ready, so he came to tell Lu Chen.

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