This mural depicts the most tragic "Battle of Changyuan", which directly led to the heavy damage of the "Taiping White Horse Horse" in its heyday, which was enough to cause Liu Daoquan to lose most of the carefully trained cavalry at that time.

It was precisely with this "Battle of Changyuan" that it bought enough time for the army led by the former emperor at that time and laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the previous dynasty.

Looking at the battlefield on the mural at this time, Shen Xuan was also full of emotion for a while, war, no matter when, is the most terrifying act.

After continuing to search in this tomb, I didn't find anything useful, and it seems that this tomb has long been stolen clean.

Wang Long also led everyone out of this tomb at this time, while Zhang Hei was a little annoyed that he encountered two tombs with nothing in a row.

Walking out of the tomb door, Shen Xuan was also a little puzzled, it seems that this tomb has already been patronized once, this is also no way, after all, Liu Daoquan is too famous, his tomb must be remembered by many people, someone rushed in front of his group, which is also very normal.

But why didn't the last person take all the treasure with him? Is it too professional?

Shen Xuan was a little confused about this question, if it was Tufuzi who came down last time, then there would be no treasure left, if it was not Tufuzi who came down, then why were the two tombs encountered empty?

If you can't figure it out, then you don't want to, Shen Xuan won't waste his brain cells in vain.

Continuing to walk along this path, everyone passed through a total of three tombs, but all of them were stolen and empty, which made Zhang Hei have some mental explosions, and Shen Xuan, who had been vigilant at the back of the team, also found nothing.

However, at the end of this road, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up, and a huge empty space attracted everyone's attention.

An empty cave, the middle of the cave was dark, and everyone slowly walked towards the front.

This should be a deep pit, how deep, I don't know, it is all dark when I see it

, the deep pit is a square, the edge must be four or five meters long.

Wang Long next to him threw the torch in his hand towards the deep pit at this time.

I saw that the torch fell down the edge of the pit, and the bright light of the fire only illuminated a small part of the pit.

This torch was lowered from Wang Long's hand until the sound of landing came from the deep pit, and the time in it took a total of more than thirty seconds, and this deep pit was really unfathomable.

Seeing this situation, Wang Long also knew badly, this place is too deep, if someone falls, I am afraid that there will be ten deaths.

At this time, Shen Xuan saw some clues, although the surrounding area of this deep pit was covered with dust, but when Shen Xuan patted the dust, he found that there were traces under the dust, because the age was too long, and he couldn't see what caused it.

However, Shen Xuan had a guess in his heart:

"This should be the burial pit in the tomb, and these should be the traces left by the funeral staff when they resisted."

When Wang Long and Zhang Hei heard this, they also patted away the dust and looked at the ubiquitous traces on the ground.

Indeed, after Shen Xuan's reminder, Zhang Hei also reacted, and this trace should have been left by rubbing with a sword.

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