At this time, everyone also scattered the dust under their feet, and in an open place as big as the rich man's house, there were large and small sword marks in every place.

Rao is Wang Long who has robbed the tomb for many years, and at this time he can't help but gasp, such a trace, it can be seen how huge the base of the funeral personnel at that time was.

With so many funeral attendants and the exquisite mural painting before, the identity of the owner of this tomb is already on the horizon.

A well-deserved general of the previous dynasty, the general of Zhenyuan, Liu Daoquan, who was ranked above the three dukes.

This also shows that this tomb may really be the real tomb of the rumored Zhenyuan general Liu Daoquan.

Thinking of this, Wang Long was surprised and delighted, and he was overjoyed that he heard Li Xianling say that this time it was Liu Daoquan's tomb, and he didn't believe it at first.

Because there are too many suspicious graves set up by Liu Daoquan, many people dig a tomb and think that it is Liu Daoquan's tomb, but later, it is just a small suspicious grave set up by others.

After all, when the family was buried, it was said that one hundred and eight graves were set up.

Unexpectedly, this time, he seems to have dug the real Liu Daoquan's tomb.

Shockingly, those doubtful graves are already a place full of organs and nine deaths in the eyes of these native masters, then this is really Liu Daoquan's tomb, there must be no return.

Now he remembered that the tombs were stolen before, if this is really Liu Daoquan's tomb, after the gang robbed the tomb, it is impossible to be silent, and there will definitely be some news.

There was no news for so long, then there was only one possibility, the group of people who came before, stole the treasure, and failed to go out.

In fact, there are many examples of Tufuzi who robbed tombs and robbed treasures but failed to go out, and most of the Tufuzi ended up in this situation.

But which Tufuzi can predict that he will not be able to come out before going to the tomb, every Tufuzi feels that he must have a life to spend money and must be able to go out, but it is this psychology that causes Tufuzi to die in the tomb.

The group that came before did not go out, how could Wang Long guarantee that he would be able to go out at this time.

He Wang Long has been robbing tombs for many years, and he only has one good habit, that is, to have an accurate assessment of his strength, what he can take, he will not be soft-hearted, and he will not take this thing that he cannot take more.

But the matter has come to this, how can he retreat, or in other words, if he wants to retreat, he can't retreat, the guns in Zhang Hei's gang don't have eyes, and he hasn't done anything black in the tomb.

At this time, Wang Long can only bite the bullet, of course, what Wang Long can think of, how can Shen Xuan not think of it, these things are naturally within Shen Xuan's prediction range.

Without staying here for long, Wang Long took the lead to bypass the deep pit and continued to walk towards the road ahead.

Shen Xuan also continued to follow the back of the team, but now, not only to ensure that no one in the team will disappear, but also for his own safety, the gun shoots the first bird, and whoever is in front is at risk.

Then he walked in with that Yong Road, and suddenly a white light appeared in front of him, and everyone hurriedly walked towards the white light.

"Phew", a cave appeared in front of you, but the sunlight reflected on this cave, and the white light I saw before was this.

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