Shen Xuan became more and more nervous at this time, and his persecution paranoia had occurred again, which made him always feel that there was something wrong with this place, and it was very wrong.

Or rather, this thing is very wrong, it seems that since the tomb, everything has been a little too smooth, not that the smooth is not good, but the smooth is a little too much, a little wrong.

It seems that everything experienced by his group has been arranged, and all the choices have been expected clearly, as if there is a pair of invisible big hands controlling everything.

Well, Shen Xuan admitted that his persecution paranoia was getting worse, but it was not a bad thing.

Everyone rushed into this place full of treasures, and seeing that everyone who entered began to pour treasures into their bodies, Shen Xuan slowly approached the gate.

At this time, a calligraphy and painting hanging in the lobby caught Shen Xuan's attention, this calligraphy and painting was carved on the wooden pillar in the middle, and there were a few poems on it: The

husband has always been brave and lives up to his natural eight-foot body.

The horse cloaked in armor and armed with a spear, swallowed 80,000 li with majesty.

I lead the army with talent, and I will be sure of the army wherever I go.

It is expected that the enemy will fight against Changyuan, and it is especially shameful to lose troops and horses.

In his life, he fought countless battles, and his fame and fortune were not exhausted.

Rao has been fighting this year, and the ambition in his heart is difficult to dissipate.

If God has given more than a hundred times, Lao Ji can still travel thousands of miles.

There are millions of souls on the gun, and no one in the world is up to earn it.

A good poem, buried in the ground for an unknown number of years, there are already traces of years on it, a few words are already a majestic momentum, but unfortunately only Shen Xuan can appreciate it now, and everyone else is busy competing for treasures.

I think this poem was written by that Liu Daoquan in his later years, a general known for his force, who did not want to have such a good writing, it was really both literary and martial.

However, the general's most famous phrase "big husband, life should be food five, death is also five dings cooking", the male ambition and blood in this is really exciting.

Looking at the people competing in front of him, Shen Xuan also sighed, he also liked money before, especially under the influence of Old Man Cao, he always thought that money was everything.

But after experiencing so many things, he felt that the money that was extremely precious before, now seems a little boring.

It's like eating tasteless, people's mentality has changed a lot, and they are no longer interested in what they wanted before.

This is the case in a person's life, and a stage has a stage to pursue something.

Just like that General Liu Daoquan, when he was born as a peasant, he should be thinking about how to fill his stomach, when he led the troops to revolt, he should be thinking about how to save his life, and when he broke into his name, he should be thinking about how to go further....

People, in this life, are in endless pursuit, so what are you pursuing? Shen Xuan fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a long time, there was still no answer, but Zhang Hei's voice interrupted his thinking, Shen Xuan came back to his senses, and found that the things in the lobby were basically emptied, and only some too large jade remained.

After everyone moved out, their eyes naturally focused on the courtyard behind the lobby, and from the outside, it seemed that there was a three-story building.

At this point, Wang Long naturally did not have the kind of naïve thoughts before, when he just grabbed something, his hand speed was not slow, and at this time, he couldn't retreat, and the first one walked in to the back.

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