Everyone followed Wang Long's steps in turn and walked into the backyard, and Shen Xuan was naturally the last in line.

Caution is always synonymous with Shen Xuan, and after seeing everyone go in, nothing happened, so Shen Xuan walked in.

The scene inside surprised Shen Xuan, different from the luxury in front, in this backyard, there was only a stone table and four stone piers, which looked extremely simple, and the contrast between the two sides before and after made everyone a little unable to react.

However, everyone's eyes soon focused on the closed door, which was a wooden three-story building, which looked dark from the outside, but at this time, everyone couldn't wait to rush into the door.

"Ugh!" A scream came, and Wang Hu, who was originally rushing in the second, was directly pierced through his body by a one-meter-long long arrow, and Wang Long on the side saw this scene, his eyes widened, and he didn't even have time to speak, and then, several long arrows flew out from the wooden building and shot towards everyone.

The people who were originally fascinated by money also reacted at this time, one by one, they greased the soles of their feet and scattered birds and beasts, but there were still a few people who were shot by the long arrow because they couldn't escape.

Wang Hu fell to the ground because he was directly penetrated by a long arrow in his lungs, and blood came out of his mouth, and Wang Leopard did not react in time, and was shot through his left arm by a long arrow, which is estimated to be wasted.

However, Wang Long, this kid, was clever, and directly fell to the ground, not shot by a long arrow, but his body was trampled a few times by the fleeing people.

The people behind also suffered losses, two people died directly on the Qian family's side, and three people were slightly injured, but there were no dead people on the Zhao family's side, but there were three serious injuries.

Zhang Hei's side was too fast to react, and there were seventeen of them, and now there are only fourteen left.

Shen Xuan looked at the dead and injured people in front of him at this time, and also sighed, if he had rushed up like everyone just now, maybe he would have to explain here at this time.

The previous process was too smooth, and it smoothly dispelled the vigilance in everyone's hearts.

Well, now, the wealth is obsessed, the death and injury are heavy, and the lesson of blood makes everyone react, and he is still in the catacombs.

Wang Long got up from the ground at this time and rushed to Wang Hu, already in tears, soil masters like them, begging under the ground, there was no one around them who could be trusted, and all that surrounded them were traps and the intrigues of their peers.

The three brothers were born into death for I don't know how long it has been, how the relationship

is not deep, now, Wang Hu's life is not long over, Wang Long is naturally distressed: Wang Hu is holding the long arrow that runs through in one hand at this time, and holding Wang Long's hand with the other, looking at Wang Long with wide eyes, spitting blood in his mouth, and speaking a little indistinctly:

"Big brother, am I going to die, I'm so homesick, I'm in so much pain, it's so painful..." "

Huzi, it's okay, it's not painful, Big brother take you away, big brother take you away. Saying

that he was trembling and about to carry Wang Hu on his back, the Wang Leopard next to him who was pierced through his left arm also slowed down at this time, looked at Wang Hu, also red eyes, and said to this Wang Long:

"Big brother, don't go, from the time the three of us started eating bowls of rice, I knew that sooner or later we would have to die below, and the tiger could not walk."

Wang Long didn't say a word at this time, carrying Wang Hu on his back and walking silently towards the questioning mouth, Wang Hu on his back was constantly bleeding, and blood dripped down Wang Long's face to the ground, one drop or two...

Suddenly, Wang Long rushed, Wang Hu on his back fell to the ground, motionless, Wang Long, Wang Leopard surrounded Wang Hu, without saying a word, he watched Wang Hu slowly lose his vitality.

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