Everyone was also depressed at this time, and the friends and brothers around them died tragically, how not to make them sad.

Shen Xuan looked at everything in front of him, there were not too many mood swings, it was not that he was cold-blooded, but these were all deserved.

In the midst of a crisis, I don't know how to be cautious, my heart is greedy, I don't know how to calm my mind, I am obsessed with money, but I don't know it.

Thinking that how great their ability and luck are, the pie that falls from the sky should be eaten by themselves, arrogant and arrogant, and do not know how to converge, this is their way to death.

In short, how much ability and how big things to take, then the Wang brothers were greedy for money before, and they would be forced by Zhang Hei to explore the way.

The people of the Zhao family and the Qian family are just a group of rabble, so they dare to rush ahead, and Zhang Hei and his group hold guns, thinking that they are invincible in the world and act at will.

Being killed by this long arrow also alerted them that they were not on a stable ground, but in this heavy underground.

After Zhang Hei appeased his subordinates, he remembered Shen Xuan, the master who had been hiding behind, who was invited by Commander Sun Chongjin:

"Brother Xuan, next, how do we go?"

Walked in front of Shen Xuan and began to ask Shen Xuan's opinion, Shen Xuan saw his appearance, and he was also funny in his heart, you weren't quite capable before, show your might, why a dead person will come to ask me.

When his mind turned, he also sold a pass:

"I have three strategies, the upper and lower strategies, the upper strategy, stop here, return the same way, can ensure safety and worry-free, the middle strategy, the troops are divided into two ways, I wait for the place to repair, send someone to notify Commander Sun, continue to recruit people to help, make a strategy, continue to explore this building, do not dare to ensure safety."

As soon as Zhang Hei heard this, he also knew that the so-called three strategies of upper and lower levels, in fact, Shen Xuan really recommended only one strategy, that is, the middle strategy.

He also nodded, ordered his subordinates to settle here, and sent another person back to inform Commander Sun.

At this time, the people also buried the dead on the spot, and most of the injured were also recuperating in place.

Everyone took out the water of the dry food they brought, and also removed the table and chairs in front of them, and made a fire on the spot, Shen Xuan found out at this time that the wood used to make the tables and chairs was not ordinary wood, but he didn't say much.

After resting in this place for a while, Shen Xuan planned to go out and walk by himself, after all, it was not a way to wait here all the time, and after talking to Zhang Hei, he walked out of this Ming Hall alone and walked towards the original road.

In fact, Shen Xuan also had his own selfish intentions when he left, if he had been under the noses of this gang, he would really not be free.

Since he knew that someone in the Qian family had disappeared for no reason, he was ready to explore it alone, and since he already knew that there were some ghosts in this tomb, why not take a look.

Lifting the tiger Xuanqiao on his back in his hand, Lao Huang also floated out at this time, since Shen Xuan came down, he has been staying in Xuanqiao, which can hold it down, now there is no one around, naturally he wants to come out to breathe.

Shen Xuan's heart moved, above Xuanqiao, the tiger was full of flames, and the black tiger was also condensed, accompanying Shen Xuan's surroundings, and now he acted alone, it was natural to be more careful.

Returning to the Yong Road where he had walked before, Shen Xuan returned to the previous place where there was a mural in the middle, but the rest of the tomb had been stolen and empty.

That's right, he has long found out here that something is wrong.

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