When he had observed this mural

before, he felt that something was wrong, if this tomb was an ear chamber of this tomb, how could such a beautiful mural be arranged here.

If this is a side hall, and the specifications here are ear chambers, then the problem arises, this mural is not right.

What is wrong, Shen Xuan is not very clear, but Shen Xuan always feels that this problem is in the mural.

Came to the wall picture, observed it again, and suddenly Shen Xuan had a guess, he took the Xuan Gong to this mural is a conjecture, "boom", this half-human height mural was directly broken.

Revealing a pitch-black passage behind the mural, Shen Xuan smiled slightly, and it guessed well.

There was a group of tomb robbers in this tomb before, and these people stole all those ear chambers before, so why are the things in the Ming Hall still intact? Then there is only one possibility, they did not go to the Ming Temple, so where did they go?

The answer is that they took another path, but as soon as their group came and found a road, which way did the previous group go?

There was only one answer, the previous group discovered a secret passage, and that secret passage was in front of Shen Xuan's eyes at this time.

And the purpose of Shen Xuan's action alone is for this secret passage, he can eat alone, why do he need to share it with others.

Looking at the half-human-tall hole in front of him, Shen Xuan slowly squatted down, holding a Xuanqian in one hand, Shen Xuan holding a torch in the other, and slowly leaned into this dark secret passage, of course, Shen Xuan would not explore the way by himself, and this heavy responsibility was handed over to Lao Huang.

Now Lao Huang is exploring the way in front, Shen Xuan is vigilant behind, and one person and one ghost are slowly sneaking in this secret passage.

At this time, Lao Huang, who was floating in front, suddenly said to Shen Xuan that there was a white bone in front, and when Shen Xuan heard it, he also had a guess in his heart.

As the front was slowly illuminated by the firelight, Shen Xuan finally saw the white bone that Lao Huang said.

It was a headless white bone, and the white bone was covered with clothes, well, look at the style of the dress should belong to the former dynasty.

Through the degree of dryness of this clothes, it seems that this group of earth masters probably came to steal this tomb when the previous dynasty was about to die.

After rummaging through this white bone ground, Shen Xuan found a copper compass, which seemed to be still usable, and Shen Xuan carried it on his body and continued to face forward.

Shen Xuan and Lao Huang traveled in the secret passage for a short while, and a small hole appeared in front of them, Shen Xuan first let Lao Huang go in to explore, and when he got the news that Lao Huang did not find the danger, Shen Xuan went down from the hole.

In front of him should be a small secret room, about ten square meters in size, and it was a little dark inside, and Shen Xuan relied on the faint light on the torch to barely see the appearance of this secret room.

There were four statues placed around this secret room, and Shen Xuan observed that this statue should have been used for burial in the previous dynasty, all of them were holding swords, holding long bows, and making battles.

On the left wall of the secret room, there were still some handwriting, and Shen Xuan put this torch up to take a look:

the merits of life are there, and they live up to the grace of knowledge.

Now he is old and unwilling.

Secret Path Longevity Gate, silent visit to practitioners.

I don't want to be free.

When Shen Xuan saw this poem, he was shocked in his heart.

Mo Fei, Liu Daoquan is not dead.

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