There is no need to say the identity of the person of this poem,

so what does this poem represent, "The tomb of doubt is not my will, I want to be free", is it that this Liu Daoquan set up the tomb of doubt, and he himself is still not dead?

It is impossible, according to the records in the history books, Liu Daoquan died of old age during the reign of the third emperor of the previous dynasty, "Yunhe Emperor", and the previous dynasty experienced a total of twelve emperors, and the reign of these emperors alone must have been more than three hundred years, how could Liu Daoquan not die.

What's more, it is now the Zhou Dynasty, and since the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, there have been eight emperors reigning for nearly two hundred years, which is not counting the time when the previous dynasty regime collapsed and the chaotic world fought for hegemony.

If you add all these bits and pieces of time, then by now, Liu Daoquan has lived for nearly six hundred years from the "posthumous death" in the history books, who can live for six hundred years?

But when you think of those cultivation deeds and extraordinary powers in this world, it seems that this matter is not impossible.

Then this tomb should also be one of the doubtful graves left by Liu Daoquan, it seems that the group of people is going to be unlucky.

The trap in this tomb of doubt is to put people to death, after all, the tomb of suspicion is used to kill the robbers of the tomb.

However, Shen Xuan felt that this tomb might be different from other suspicious tombs, after all, Liu Daoquan left the news that he might not be dead again.

However, after Shen Xuan was shocked by this news for a while, he was relieved, if he didn't die, he didn't die, anyway, it had nothing to do with himself.

After scanning the secret room, he found that there was nothing but the four-corner warriors and this poem on the wall, but he also found a Yong Road opposite the one he came from.

After observing it, Shen Xuan found that there was no other gain, so he approached the new road with a torch.

Like the previous Yongdao, this Yongdao is only half a person tall, and it requires people to squat half-squatting to enter.

Shen Xuan slowly entered this Yong Dao with the Tiger Fu Xuan Gong, but this Yong Dao was a little shorter than the previous one.

As soon as Shen Xuan entered for a while, he found that a new location appeared in front of him, holding a torch, Shen Xuan increased his speed.

Coming to this new location, Shen Xuan observed this place by the light of the fire.

This should be a side hall belonging to the tomb, smaller than the Ming Hall, a little larger than the ear chamber, and there is a coffin in the middle.

The side hall was surrounded by soldiers similar to before, large and small, forty or fifty.

As soon as he wanted to go to the coffin in the middle, Shen Xuan felt that something was wrong, and before he noticed anything was wrong, at this time, Lao Huang shouted:

"Master, be careful."

Before he finished saying this, Shen Xuan's body emergency reaction directly rolled forward.

With a "boom", Shen Xuan, who was still trying to get up on the ground, heard a loud noise behind him.

There was no time to think, Shen Xuan rolled towards a lazy donkey in front of him again, more than ten meters away from the position he was standing just now, and then looked back.

I saw that the stone slab under Shen Xuan's original standing position had been shattered into stone, and the reason for this situation was a two-meter-long long-handled knife.

Shen Xuan continued to look at the long-handled knife, the style of this long knife should be a Spring and Autumn Great Dao.

Shen Xuan looked up, and a dark humanoid creature was also looking at Shen Xuan, this humanoid creature was the owner of this big knife.

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