The torch in Shen Xuan's

hand also fell to the ground at this time, bursting out for a burst of sparks, taking advantage of the gap between the humanoid creature's knife, Shen Xuan observed it again through the firelight.

The humanoid creature was more than two meters tall, almost as tall as the Spring and Autumn Great Dao, wearing silver-white armor, and its whole body was surrounded by armor, only a pair of pupils shining red appeared in the helmet, staring at Shen Xuan deadly.

In just an instant, Shen Xuan was stared at by that gaze, and a terrifying feeling as if mortals were being targeted by a fierce tiger filled his body.

"Good guy, only I have never attacked others, and I have never been attacked by others, you ****."

"Run", this is the only thought in Shen Xuan's mind at this time, for opponents who are stronger than himself, only fools will fight hard.

Seeing that the humanoid creature had already raised the knife and charged its strength, directly dragging the knife towards Shen Xuan's side, how dare to stay, Shen Xuan also flew forward, and then ran forward with a rolling belt.

It is impossible to fight, but the size of this ear chamber is only hundreds of square meters, and the only way to go is the tunnel behind the humanoid creature, and where it can run.

Fortunately, there is a large coffin in the middle, and there are many soldiers around, which is enough for Shen Xuan to pull.

As soon as Shen Xuan came to the coffin, he saw that the coffin had already been driven over, the lid of the coffin was all turned to the side, and there were several scattered white bones next to it.

Shen Xuan also reacted, he now knows where the last group of people went, this is not a white bone lying next to him.

This humanoid creature is estimated to have been released by the previous group of people, and these white bones are the last batch of people who died under the Spring and Autumn Great Sword.

Now, I followed the path of the previous group of people, walked again, and directly encountered this humanoid creature.

"Harm others and harm yourself, you." Shen Xuan saw that the humanoid creature was approaching him with a knife, and he also kicked the white bone, and cursed hatefully.

Just as Shen Xuan was about to pull with the humanoid creature through the coffin, a black shadow rushed towards the humanoid creature.

Shen Xuan saw that this was not the black tiger of the person who had been protecting him, but he saw that the black tiger flew and pounced, and directly pounced on the humanoid creature that rushed towards him.

However, the humanoid creature also reacted quickly, dragging the big knife behind its back, and with a backhand wave, it slashed towards the fierce black tiger.

Shen Xuan also knew badly at this time, running, definitely can't run, there is no way around, the tomb door of this side hall himself is afraid that he can't open it, Yong Dao don't think about it, the humanoid creature is splitting itself over there.

When Shen Xuan thought of this, his eyes also froze, and it was over.

The tiger Xuanqiao in his hand is also not slow, flying forward, from the bottom up, holding the Xuanqiao with both hands, "ping" sounded, and set up the chopped Spring and Autumn big knife.

"Buzz", a majestic force came from the big knife, and Shen Xuan's hands were directly shaken by this huge force.

Invincible, must be outwitted, Shen Xuan was frightened by this huge force, with his own strength, it is not a problem to hit four or five big men, how can the strength of this humanoid creature be so great.

The humanoid creature saw that his split did not work, but also increased his strength, and put pressure on Shen Xuan, and the sound of "crunching" suddenly came from Xuan Xuanzhi, and Shen Xuan's hands began to tremble, and some couldn't hold on.

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