Shen Xuan left the town gate non-stop, and rushed all the way to the Zhang family not far from the town, perhaps it can no longer be called the Zhang family at this moment.

A large courtyard covering an area of 100 acres appeared in front of Shen Xuan's eyes, this is the Zhangjia ruins.

The plaque originally painted with gold paint above the gate was already covered with ash, and the two stone lions at the door were also missing, leaving only the overgrown weeds on the side.

Shen Xuan did not choose to enter through the main entrance, although five or six days have passed since the end of the case, but it is not safe, and there are still a few officials squatting inside to wait for the rabbit.

Shen Xuan circled outside, and finally chose a corner of a wall that had collapsed in half, and rolled in.

As soon as he entered this Zhang family, Shen Xuan looked around, and found that at this time, the Zhang family was large and small on the threshold, on the paper window, and on the ground, there were pieces and strips, which had turned into purple-black blood clots.

Seeing Shen Xuan was shocking. It was not difficult to imagine what happened here before, and Shen Xuan took a few steps forward.

The doors of all the Zhang family were open, and some had already formed many cobwebs, and Shen Xuan entered a relatively close hut guardedly.

The interior inside is not very good, but compared to the poor people in the town, it is already much better, and Shen Xuan guesses that this should be the place where the housekeeper of the Zhang family lived before his death.

I can't help but sigh that there are seven or eight housekeepers in this Zhang family, and they live so well, no wonder many poor families in the town have sent their children to the Zhang family.

Although they were inferior, Shen Xuan could be sure that they were definitely much better off than their previous home.

Alas, how difficult the world is, even the dogs of the Zhang family eat better than those beggars on the street.

But there is no need to be too sentimental, people will always encounter these problems in their lives, if there is no adoption by Old Man Cao, Shen Xuan himself is estimated to be one of the people elsewhere.

Now it's okay, the Zhang family up and down, even people with dogs, it is not left, this Ma County is afraid that there will be no more people with the surname Zhang.

Shen Xuan inspected the house for a week, and did not find anything, except for a dried blood stain at the door, this room was also clean, and the things in the house were not messed up, Shen Xuan rummaged through the cabinets to find it, and found nothing.

Turning my head and thinking about it, five or six days have passed since this Zhang family poisoning case happened and now I came here, the Zhang family is a big household, the wealth of the family is famous far and wide, the family is also a bad accident, and the gold and silver soft things in the house, even if they are not confiscated, have been scraped clean by the servants of the Yamen.

Extra furniture, useless furnishings and the like, there are many beggars in this horse county, more clever ones, as soon as this official leaves, the big guys rush up, where will there be any money left.

It was the dog skins of several black dogs that had dried blood that were ripped out and sold clean.

However, the corpse of this family member was ordered by the county master and buried on a small sand dune not far away, which can be regarded as an act of benevolence and righteousness.

Looking at the sky, it was already the time of sunset.

Shen Xuan probed in a few rooms next to him, but there were still no clues, so he picked a relatively clean room.

I didn't bother to go back, just spend the night here, the newly practiced Yanyang Fire Talisman is worried that there is no place to be powerful, by the way, see if this family poison murder case is a ghost.

So Shen Xuan took out the big cake he bought and gnawed it on the spot.

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