Shen Xuan sat on the ground, finished nibbling on the big cake in his hand, but he was a little stretched, found a wooden bed that had been cleaned and had not been removed, and lay down.

Not long after the sun went down, it was getting dark, and some ordinary people only began to eat at this time.

At this time, Shen Xuan heard a shout, it should be the guard's servants to greet their companions, ready to leave, it stands to reason that these guards sent down to guard should take turns to be on duty until tomorrow morning.

But who wants to keep a vigil overnight in a place where more than a hundred people have just died? At this time, it is a lie about the military situation.

But there is a policy, there is a countermeasure, everyone colludes together, that is, the county master came, and there was nothing to say.

After all, the Zhang family in the past few days, in the mouths of the people of the town, is like that plague, and it is too late to hide, so these servants are crying and guarding here.

When those servants called for friends to go away, after a while, to prevent any servants from fishing for law enforcement.

At this time, Shen Xuan began to search for it on a large scale in the Zhang family.

Look east, look west, or else, the wall is pushed by everyone, and the things in this house have been squeezed dry, and only the rough room remains.

Shen Xuan turned around, stunned that he didn't find anything, let alone have any clues and the like.

Before this family was married, it was indeed a big family, even if there was only that rough house, it was impossible to count.

Shen Xuan just searched the houses around the Zhang family for a while, and saw that there was nothing to gain, so he slowly looked inside the Zhang family.

After walking all the way, he didn't encounter anything, and with the faint moonlight in the sky, Shen Xuan couldn't recognize the road.

Why walk by moonlight?

In case, this is really not a ghost, there are some beasts and monsters and the like, if it ignites a fire, won't it expose itself.

Although this possibility is very small, but carefully sail the 10,000-year ship, Shen Xuan is the kind of person who is not afraid of 10,000, just in case, of course, he is cautious at the moment.

Tiptoed to the back house of the Zhang family, the originally dim sky still had a little moonlight to illuminate, but I don't know when, even that bit of moonlight was covered by clouds.

At this time, Shen Xuan was preparing to climb the wall to enter the back house, although the door of the back house was open, but as an uninvited guest, Shen Xuan still climbed the wall vigilantly.

Suddenly, Shen Xuan, who was lying on the wall and was about to jump into the back house, heard an unusual sound, it seemed that someone was talking.

Shen Xuan immediately lay motionless on the wall, listening carefully to the sound.

The source of the sound was the lobby of the back house, because the door of the lobby had been removed, so Shen Xuan's line of sight at the moment could just see the scene in the lobby.

A man in a black cloak was sitting in the middle of the lobby, not knowing what he was doing.

On the side of the cloaked man, there was a black fog, and that black fog floated irregularly around the cloaked man.

Shen Xuan was lying on the wall, and at this time, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and he was not afraid that the cloaked man would find out.

Suddenly, the cloaked man floated up, and the person fell steadily in the air, and his hands took out a rectangular box out of nowhere and placed it on the ground.

The cloaked man opened the box, took out a short black stick from it, waved it twice in the air, and the black fog floated for a while, and then flew into the short stick.

Because the distance was a bit far, Shen Xuan could only see a rough idea, but he could also see that the cloaked man was not a normal person.

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