Shen Xuan was lying on the wall, he didn't dare to move, he knew that the cloaked man was not a normal person, and of course he knew that the person who could come to this place in the middle of the night was not the murderer who killed the Zhang family, and it was also inseparable.

Although Shen Xuan had practiced the Flame Yang Fire Talisman, he really didn't know if he could deal with that cloaked man.

Besides, even if you have to deal with the cloaked man, sneak attack, wouldn't it be a better choice.

Shen Xuan looked at it again, and the cloaked man put the short stick into the box again, stretched out his hand, and as soon as he pulled the cloak, he carried the box on his back.

Shen Xuan then roughly saw the approximate appearance of the cloaked man, who was only as big as a three-year-old child, and relied on the cloak to support his height to make it look normal.

Shen Xuan don't think about it, this is not a good person, but just looking at his appearance, it seems that he is not a good lord.

The cloaked man in the lobby flicked his hand again at this time, and a black fog floated out again, but this black fog was a little light, not as big as the black fog before.

The black mist floated in the air for a while, then slowly dispersed, gradually revealing a silhouette.

It was a figure made of black mist, and the black mist man respectfully saluted the cloaked man.

At this time, the cloaked man finally spoke, and a difficult voice sounded

: "Steward Zhang, these days, what are your opinions on staying with me"?

This seemingly interrogative sentence is indeed full of ridicule.

The black mist man also spoke at this time

: "Where the master said, if you can do things under the master, you will become a ghost, and you can't change the loyalty of the slave, those ghosts of the Zhang family, if there is a little reluctance in their hearts, they are also guilty of death."

The cloaked man listened to the black mist man's, and also nodded, obviously very useful.

This shocked Shen Xuan, who was hiding in the shadows, and listened to their conversation.

Shen Xuan knew that this cloaked man was the murderer who killed everyone in the Zhang family, and that butler had obviously become a little ghost under the cloaked man, and as for all the souls of the Zhang family, it was estimated that they were also on the short stick of the cloaked man.

Only this butler Zhang seems to have been a good horse before his death, which won the attention of the cloaked man, put it outside, and accompanied the chat.

The cloaked man and butler Zhang chatted for a while, and butler Zhang took the opportunity to slap a few loud, but it was a "professional counterpart".

The cloaked man chatted for a while, waved his hand, took the ghost of the butler, carried his hand on his back, and walked towards the door, looking at this situation, it seemed to be leaving.

Shen Xuan became more and more nervous at this time, and the closer this cloaked man got to the door, the closer he was to Shen Xuan.

At this time, if you don't take advantage of the cloaked man's defenselessness and sneak attack, the chance of success will be nine out of ten.

Thinking of this, Shen Xuan's heart moved, and he quietly transported the spiritual power stored on the mouth of the altar, injected it into the flame talisman, and prepared to give the cloaked man a thunder blow.

The cloaked man was about to reach the door at this time, Shen Xuan jumped up abruptly, his hands moved, and as soon as the flame talisman came out, a flame ignited in the air, and went straight to the cloaked man.

The cloak didn't have time to react, and under Shen Xuan's mental calculation, it was hit by the flame talisman, bursting out a large ball of fire, and the body flew out upside down and smashed on the wall.

Shen Xuan also jumped off the wall and stood firmly on the ground, his eyes fixed on the cloaked man.

Under the sneak attack, the cloaked man ate Shen Xuan's talisman and smashed it on the wall, already seriously injured.

But he stood up strongly, waved his hand, and just now the butler Zhang floated out and protected the cloaked man.

The cloaked man spoke at this time

, "Who are you, dare to sneak up on this seat"!

Obviously, the cloaked man didn't know why Shen Xuan attacked him, everyone in the Zhang family died under his hands, and he didn't understand who could avenge a small Zhang family.

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